On the Second Day of Christmas…A Little Late

2nd Day of Christmas
Teresa Wentzler
DMC on 28 ct. antique white cashel
Embellished with Mill Hill petites
Finished 1/20/08

I was pretty productive this weekend. I finally finished Eric’s Christmas present. Last year I started stitching him Teresa Wentzler’s Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments, so that I could give him one a year (idea courtesy of KiwiJo). Unfortunately, this year’s ornament was a little delayed. But, I wrapped it up with a bow for him to open. I am so glad to have it finished finally, it was really bothering me that I was behind on his gift.

Here are both ornaments together. Last year was our first married Christmas together, so I gave him the 1st Day.

Now that I am finished with Eric’s ornament and my RR, I needed to make a start on my Red Thread SAL. My friend, Sherri, and I are stitching one of these a month this year. I’ve started laying out the blocks but don’t have more than that to show. Unfortunately, it appears that although I started in the center of the fabric, my left hand block is very close to the edge of my fabric. Once I stitch the border, I will have about an inch left. I’m going to stitch the blocks to the right of center and see how that side turns out, but so far I am not very happy with being so close to the edge of my fabric. I have tons of room above and below my blocks though. But, on a good note, I did receive six more of the Red Thread charts. I think they’ve released two more that I don’t have, but there is time for those later. Once I get my January block stitched, I’m planning on getting back to my mermaids.

Thanks for all the comments on my last post and your encouragement to get Tesori done in time for our anniversary. I’m hoping to do just that. And as far as Antonio Banderas in concerned, yes we did actually have a conversation about him, and I may just have to keep that a mystery for awhile. It sounds like it might be a perfect subject for my Encyclopedia of Me Meme once I get back to it. Where was I? D? Ok, stay tuned.

I thought I’d leave you with some more photos from New York. These were from our first night in the city. We went down to Times Square and went to The Lion King.

The Lion King was amazing, and it was fun how they had decorated the theatre in keeping with the show.

Times Square is so bright – I loved taking it all in!

Walk to Rivendell: Thickets on the south side (Total Miles Walked: 259)

I am grateful for being pro-active in my life.

44 thoughts on “On the Second Day of Christmas…A Little Late”

  1. congrats on the finish! Looks wonderful and what a great tradition 🙂

    Ohhhh I do love the Red Thread charts .. will be looking forward to see you stitch them.

  2. congrats on the finish! Looks wonderful and what a great tradition 🙂

    Ohhhh I do love the Red Thread charts .. will be looking forward to see you stitch them.

  3. The Silver Thistle

    My Brianna is just SOOOO desperate to see Lion King! She’s frantic. It’s showing in London and we would need to fly down and stay for a couple of nights so we’ve said that we’ll try for her birthday in April.

    Actually, I can’t wait either. I bet it’s fantastic.

    Nice ornaments and gongratz on the finish 🙂

  4. The Silver Thistle

    My Brianna is just SOOOO desperate to see Lion King! She’s frantic. It’s showing in London and we would need to fly down and stay for a couple of nights so we’ve said that we’ll try for her birthday in April.

    Actually, I can’t wait either. I bet it’s fantastic.

    Nice ornaments and gongratz on the finish 🙂

  5. What a lovely ornament Michelle! And thanks for the lovely NYC photos. I hope to get there one of these days! Patti

  6. What a lovely ornament Michelle! And thanks for the lovely NYC photos. I hope to get there one of these days! Patti

  7. Pretty ornament. What a good idea…one a year! I’m working on the Red Thread right now too. I’m enjoying it a lot 🙂

  8. Pretty ornament. What a good idea…one a year! I’m working on the Red Thread right now too. I’m enjoying it a lot 🙂

  9. Michelle, your ornaments are beautiful. I love the way you finished them. And I loved seeing your Lasio region done on Tesori. Because of our remodel, I won’t be pulling mine out any time soon but I will hopefully be getting back to it later this year. I have a few others I want to finish because they will go in my new kitchen.

  10. Michelle, your ornaments are beautiful. I love the way you finished them. And I loved seeing your Lasio region done on Tesori. Because of our remodel, I won’t be pulling mine out any time soon but I will hopefully be getting back to it later this year. I have a few others I want to finish because they will go in my new kitchen.

  11. Your ornaments are lovely, as is the tradition you’ve started. I wouldn’t worry about the 1″ border on the Red Thread ~ I’ve managed to frame with a little less and “skirting” is always an option :~)

  12. Your ornaments are lovely, as is the tradition you’ve started. I wouldn’t worry about the 1″ border on the Red Thread ~ I’ve managed to frame with a little less and “skirting” is always an option :~)

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