Over Halfway

I had intended to do a check-in post at the end of June on my progress on my Year of WIPs challenge, but…well…ok so it’s August.  If you’ve been following along on Instagram or on Flosstube, you’ve seen the ongoing progress, but I thought it would be nice to do a little recap.

Above is the mosaic of each of my Year of WIPs pieces where they were at the beginning of the year.  Every one of these pieces got some attention during Stitch Maynia also.  And so here’s my current progress.

Mermaid Treasure Box by Chatelaine Designs – silks and Petite Treasure Braid on 32ct White Zweigart – started 9/26/2005.  I got some work in on that top left corner.

And a little more…

Mystery IX (Le Potager du Roi) by Chatelaine Designs – silks and Petite Treasure Braid on 32ct Lavender Mist Zweigart – started 1/1/2006.  I’ve been working on this one a good bit.  I started off by finishing the beading on the swirls in the corner.  After beading that whole corner, I decided that I would go ahead and start on the next section instead of continuing on with the beading.  I did outgrow my q-snap though, so M9 got moved to scroll rods.

A little closer look at the corner with more done on the next section.

The start of filling in the Algerian eyelets and the corner pool.

And I just recently finished that corner pool – all the Petite Treasure Braid and the beads are done. So sparkly!

My plan is to continue on with M9, to give it as much attention as I can over the next few months.

Bay Sampler by The Workbasket – SNC on 28ct Sterling PTP – started 6/18/2006.  My first order of business on Bay Sampler was to rip out that big sail and restitch it for the third (and final) time.

Then I was able to move to some of the other fun little motifs. Little fish…


And the start of a purple mermaid’s tail…

Mystery Sampler by Papillon Creations from The Gift of Stitching magazine – Vikki Clayton HDF on 32ct Sandcastle by Silkweaver – started 3/23/07.  This one is FINISHED!  I will do a separate post on it soon, but here is a final shot!

Mermaids of the Deep Blue by Mirabilia – DMC on 32ct Ocean Waves by Stitches and Spice – started 1/1/2008.  I was able to get a good start on the second mermaid in the two days I worked on this during Maynia.

Le Cuisine d’Ete by Echevette – DMC on 32ct Lemon Zest by Silkweaver – started 2/19/2008.  This one got a lot of love too.

Worked on getting the center section stitched…

And I loved this little lacy part on the side.  And I finished the bottom right hand block too.  I think I could finish this one up quickly, if I stuck with it.

Le Marquoir de Justine by Anne Pelletier Pauleau – my own conversion to Gloriana, Soie Crystal, and AVAS on 40ct HDF light coffee antiqued with walnut spray – started 2/4/14.  I was happy to visit this one again.

Primitive Wizard of Oz by Midsummer Night Designs – DMC, Classic Colorworks, and Petite Treasure Braid on 40ct Tissage Gander – started 11/19/2004.  I think I could finish this one pretty quickly too.

Colonial Garden by Plum Street Samplers – NPI on 40ct Black Forest by Lakeside – started 1/9/15.  I am having a really hard time with this one, and because it’s difficult, I’m really not wanting to work on it much.  Or at all.

Six Wives of Henry VIII by Primitive Hare – DMC on 40ct Gander linen coffee-dyed – started 7/25/16.  I made some more progress on Anne Boleyn.

Village of Hawk Run Hollow by Carriage House Samplings – DMC on 36ct Lakeside Light Examplar – started 9/1/16 – one of twelve blocks done.  Worked some more on block 12.

Anniversaries of the Heart by Blackbird Designs – Classic Colorworks and GAST on 40ct Vintage Examplar – started 6/13/10 – eight of fourteen blocks done.  I did manage to get some stitches in on it.  Unfortunately, I think a good portion of those stitches are coming back out.  I am so disappointed in some of the threads for this block – they are just so light they blend into the fabric.  All that work, for nothing.  So, I will rip out and restitch with a shade darker thread.  Eventually.

So, that’s my (close to) half-year check in on my YOW pieces.  I hope to focus on those two that I think are close to a finish and then continue to focus on M9 until it’s done.

Above all though, I’m really glad that all of these pieces have gotten some attention.  And even if they don’t all get done this year, they are at least a little closer.

I am grateful for great progress and falling back in love with my pieces.

1 thought on “Over Halfway”

  1. I just love the two Chatelaines you’re stitching, especially the Mermaid Box. It’s so nice to see them up close too, you can really appreciate all the speciality stitches and threads.

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