While I’m off stitching on Their Song and trying to finish it up, I thought I’d distract you with some other things.
First, I need to respond to a couple of questions from the comments…
Thanks for all the comments on my Silk Reflections Necklace. I like it tied up close to my neck as a choker. The entire pendant is about 3 1/4 inches, so it’s big. But, it’s meant to be a big focus piece. I love it!
Tesori d’Italia is actually a freebie (although you may need to run everything through a translator, unless you speak Italian). The “Treasures of Italy” features a block for each region of Italy, and includes motifs to represent that area. The site does actually identify the motifs for the most part. And in case you missed the reason for why I’m stitching this… Eric and I went to Rome for our honeymoon, as well as his mother’s side of the family is Italian. So, for our second wedding anniversary (the cotton anniversary – thus the DMC thread), I am stitching this for him. I am stitching it for him in secret…which is difficult, as this thing is like two feet by four feet or something. It’s huge. And I am stitching on 32 count. So, I stitch in the mornings when he’s in the shower, or on Sunday afternoon while he’s at the grocery store…things like that. Our anniversary is April 8th of next year, so here’s hoping I can get it done.
And now for something completely different…

Tanya tagged me as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger. Thanks, Tanya, I appreciate it. She mentioned that she really liked my gratitude statements at the end of each of my posts. I began doing that from Day 1, as one of my 101 Things in 1001 Days is “express gratitude daily”. I have found that being grateful for what I have opens doors that I never would have anticipated, and puts me in a state of “plenty” as opposed to a state of “lack” in my whole attitude and in my thoughts. So, I make the statements for that reason, but also because I like sharing them with you – although many will probably make no sense to anyone but me. I have noticed that being grateful for both the large and the small things makes a difference. And I love love love that others have been inspired to make gratitude statements on their blogs as well. It’s so wonderful! So, that’s the story behind the gratitude statements, and I thank Tanya for tagging me because of them.
So, rather than a tag (although feel free to take it as such if you’d like), I thought I’d name a few (however did I narrow this down to only five??) bloggers that really inspire me – you girls rock!
Turkey Feathers – I love this blog so much. It is like stepping into a different world when I visit. Vicki really has some gorgeous photos, and I love watching her create things, especially her embroidery. I love seeing the seasons change through her photos, and really just how she lives – appreciative of the small moments, being in the now, attention to all the senses, and a meditative calmness in every post.
Crazy Aunt Purl – Laurie sometimes blogs about knitting, but mostly she blogs about life after her divorce and delving into the discovery of who she really is. Laurie is about “living out loud” and so often I find myself nodding in agreement or tearing up because I’ve been there. She learned how to handle her own finances, she learned how to take care of herself. And now she’s learning how to “move into her own home” and really live in her life, to really be present.
My Favorite Things – Karen V. has been an inspiration to me for a long time. I stumbled across her blog as one of the first I began reading. Unfortunately for me, as I was “reading from the beginning” like I always do with a new to me blog, Karen took it down. But, I was ecstatic when she started her new blog, and I found those things that had led me to her in the first place: her phenomenal finishing and unique finishes, the gorgeous photos that show off her pieces so well, and make mine look like I’ve taken them in a hobbit hole, and her sweet, generous nature. Karen V. is the person who inspired me to start my own blog, and I thank her for it.
Garden of Stitches – Carol is an amazing stitcher, blogger, and friend. I strive to do those things that I so appreciate in Carol. She blogs every day. Now, this may not seem like a huge thing, but frankly I have tried it. It’s hard. Blogging takes time, and to do it every day is amazing. You have to appreciate all the gorgeous garden photos on her blog too – just amazing! Carol also finishes so many gorgeous pieces. She is so great about sticking to a rotation, and the amount of exchanges and SALs she participates in in addition to her other stitching, just floors me. Carol has always been so generous to me, she has always been there to answer my questions or offer assistance, and as everyone who reads her blog knows – she spends a lot of time stitching gifts for others. Her giving nature knows no bounds.
Quietish – Rosemary is just amazing to me. She knits, she stitches, she quilts, she draws, she makes jewelry, she podcasts, she crafts. And she has children. I love Rosemary’s blog for so many reasons. She is the person who most inspired me to want to learn how to knit. I love that she names her socks for Harry Potter characters, and one day I too will have some Phineas socks. I am inspired by her own journey (not talked about a lot, just done) to fitness. She even designs her own knitting patterns. Rosemary also makes beautiful paper crafts, like ATCs. In fact, I have one of her ATCs hanging on the wall over my desk, so that I see it every day. It reminds me to “Use Your Words” – which to me also means, to have my own voice. Rosemary is one of those people who I’d love to hang out with, and maybe as a bonus she’d teach me how to knit socks and we could talk about Harry. For now, I will drool over her artful endeavors.
Like I said, it was so hard to narrow the blogs (and blog girls) I love to just five. I think each of you is a Rockin’ Blog Girl, and I thank you for visiting my little space. And just for sticking with me through this whole (strangely personal) post, here are some quilt squares…

This is for my Quilt Country Sampler quilt, that I started such a long time ago.
I am grateful for being recognized as a rockin’ blog girl myself, ‘cos I totally rock.
Any chance of a picture of you modeling your beautiful jewelry?
Love your recent quilting, and your five admired blogging gals!!
Any chance of a picture of you modeling your beautiful jewelry?
Love your recent quilting, and your five admired blogging gals!!
I belive Barbara has tagged me too, How will I ever limit my choices to five! Oh my!
Have a fabulous weekend!
I belive Barbara has tagged me too, How will I ever limit my choices to five! Oh my!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Lovely quilt squares. You really are multitalented in your crafting:)
Lovely quilt squares. You really are multitalented in your crafting:)
Thank you, you’re so sweet. I needed to read that today 🙂 {{{{Hugs}}}
Thank you, you’re so sweet. I needed to read that today 🙂 {{{{Hugs}}}
Hey, you are indeed a Rock’n girl Michelle.
I love this tag because it allows us to find and enjoy new blogs that we may have missed up until now.
As always I love seeing your quilt creations, and this one is so sweet. Love the bunny square.
That’s amazing that the Italian piece is a freebie! Such a large and intricate design. Good luck getting it done without Eric finding out about it.
Cheers. Judy
Hey, you are indeed a Rock’n girl Michelle.
I love this tag because it allows us to find and enjoy new blogs that we may have missed up until now.
As always I love seeing your quilt creations, and this one is so sweet. Love the bunny square.
That’s amazing that the Italian piece is a freebie! Such a large and intricate design. Good luck getting it done without Eric finding out about it.
Cheers. Judy
Your quilt blocks look beautiful!
Your quilt blocks look beautiful!
Aw, thanks Michelle! YOu are so sweet! You are a wonderful friend too 🙂 I am psyched that your bday is coming up this month 😉
Aw, thanks Michelle! YOu are so sweet! You are a wonderful friend too 🙂 I am psyched that your bday is coming up this month 😉
Super cool quilt blocks. It’s going to look awesome when it is finished. Ann.
Super cool quilt blocks. It’s going to look awesome when it is finished. Ann.
Lovely quilt squares!
Lovely quilt squares!
Your quilt is wonderful! I can’t wait to see it finished.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment.
Your quilt is wonderful! I can’t wait to see it finished.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment.
Michelle–You totally ROCK!! I love you!!
Michelle–You totally ROCK!! I love you!!
I envy you your quilting skills. The quilt squares look oh so charming. I once tried applique, it wasn’t my cup of tea, too tedious even for me but it looks like you have a marvelous hand at it.
I envy you your quilting skills. The quilt squares look oh so charming. I once tried applique, it wasn’t my cup of tea, too tedious even for me but it looks like you have a marvelous hand at it.
Your squares look great, talk about multitalented.
Your squares look great, talk about multitalented.