Plan B

It seems like I’m having to fall back to Plan B on a lot of things lately, which is kind of weird. It feels good to be back on track with my Red Thread SAL now that I’ve restarted on my new fabric and caught up with my two blocks I needed to stitch. As you can see, I have also restarted my Neighborhood Round Robin on the new piece of fabric. The new fabric is 35ct Brandy (Kiwi Antiques) by Countrystitch and is very close to the color of my original fabric. I was able to keep basically my same layout as I previously had with the houses scattered along the road that I will stitch in later. I didn’t go ahead and re-stitch my block because I wanted to get my piece out to Judith as quickly as possible, because she will have a short turnaround on this one. I mailed this off to her yesterday and I hope that this time my piece comes home safe and sound. I can’t thank the ladies in Group 3 enough for their willingness to revamp the schedule and stitch double-time in some cases in order to get mine and Katrina’s pieces back into the mix. I am still hopeful that my original piece will still be returned by Lauren, but I’m not holding my breath.

The kindness of others is definitely restoring my faith in people. KarenV was a sweetheart and sent the Salem Remembered chart to me. This has been on my wishlist and I am so grateful to have it! Thank you, Karen, so much!!! It really brightened up my day.

I have been a bit naughty though, and have started a couple of new things. One, I can’t show you – it’s for Barbara (don’t give up hope on my Barbara – I haven’t forgotten you!!). So, you’ll just have to wait to see that one. I also started Cuisine d’Ete by Echevette, just because I couldn’t help myself. I’m stitching it on 32ct Lemon Zest by Silkweaver. I wanted it to go in my kitchen, and I love how the red, green and white look on the yellow. It’s a fun little stitch.

And finally, another fallback to Plan B. Reality has set in and I’ve realized that there’s no way I will be able to get Tesori finished and framed in time for our anniversary. So, in order to continue to stitck with the second anniversary theme of cotton, I’ve decided to try to make our wedding quilt to give to Eric. I had been holding off on starting it until I had my new machine and I got a few other things finished. Well, I have my new machine, and although I have only finished one thing (Pigwidgeon), I’m still going ahead and starting the quilt. I went to my mom’s on Saturday and we made pretty good progress. I used to go to my mom’s all the time to quilt and sew together, and I realized how much I’ve missed it. That is a design of what the quilt will look like when it’s finished (above).

At our wedding, instead of having people sign a guest book, we had them sign quilt squares. The signature blocks will be incorporated into the quilt pattern (the white squares). In preparation for the wedding, I basted the seam allowance on all the signature blocks so that people would sign inside the lines.

On Saturday, my mom pulled out all the basting on those blocks while I started piecing the red and white four-patch blocks and the red and polka dot four-patch blocks. I got half of them done, but managed to get the other half done yesterday. I also cut out my larger blocks from the polka dot and tulip fabrics. So, now everything is cut, I just have to start laying it out and piecing the top together. The signature blocks are 4 1/2 inch blocks (4 inch finished), and the little four-patches are made from 2 1/2 inch (2 inch finished) blocks. The whole quilt will measure something like 64 by 96 inches without a border. I haven’t decided if I want to put a border on it or not. Those four white blocks in the very center of the quilt are actually going to be one solid piece of white fabric and I will embroider our names and our wedding date on it. I love love love how the fabrics are looking together, they are so bright and cheery. I just love red and white quilts. I have another one in mind I want to make in the future, and I may just have a collection of red and white quilts.

So, that’s what I’m up to right now. I will still finish Tesori – maybe for Eric’s birthday or Christmas. I know he will love it, I just can’t get it finished in time for our anniversary this year.

Until next time…keep stitching!

I am grateful for KarenV’s generosity and starting on my wedding quilt.

46 thoughts on “Plan B”

  1. That fabric looks lovely and a great colour. My offer still stands if you need it 🙂

    And I love the quilt – what a great idea!

  2. That fabric looks lovely and a great colour. My offer still stands if you need it 🙂

    And I love the quilt – what a great idea!

  3. Anna van Schurman

    Love teh fabrics for the quilt! Can’t wait to see it finished.

    Once we got to the second anniversary–and I stitched a piece for cotton (though that one got lost)–I stayed stuck on cotton. I just always stitch a smallish piece for our anniversary. I offer that as an alternative to you! 🙂

  4. Anna van Schurman

    Love teh fabrics for the quilt! Can’t wait to see it finished.

    Once we got to the second anniversary–and I stitched a piece for cotton (though that one got lost)–I stayed stuck on cotton. I just always stitch a smallish piece for our anniversary. I offer that as an alternative to you! 🙂

  5. It just makes me so sad that one person could cause such turmoil, and for what? I do think that if she did keep them because she wanted them, she’ll never get a moment’s enjoyment from them.

    I LOVE the anniversary quilt idea – it must be so much fun reading those messages all over again!

  6. It just makes me so sad that one person could cause such turmoil, and for what? I do think that if she did keep them because she wanted them, she’ll never get a moment’s enjoyment from them.

    I LOVE the anniversary quilt idea – it must be so much fun reading those messages all over again!

  7. I’m sorry that you’ve run into this RR calamity. I haven’t received mine back from last year, but I know it’s in good hands and that she’ll get it back to me when she gets back into stitching.

    What a clever thing to have your wedding guests sign quilt squares. The quilt will be gorgeous when finished!

  8. I’m sorry that you’ve run into this RR calamity. I haven’t received mine back from last year, but I know it’s in good hands and that she’ll get it back to me when she gets back into stitching.

    What a clever thing to have your wedding guests sign quilt squares. The quilt will be gorgeous when finished!

  9. What a lovely idea for your anniversary! 🙂 Your quilt will be gorgeous when it’s done. I love the colour of the replacement fabric you’ve chosen for your RR too 🙂

    You’re very welcome to the chart {{{hugs}}}- I hope you enjoy stitching it and I shall look forward to seeing it.

  10. What a lovely idea for your anniversary! 🙂 Your quilt will be gorgeous when it’s done. I love the colour of the replacement fabric you’ve chosen for your RR too 🙂

    You’re very welcome to the chart {{{hugs}}}- I hope you enjoy stitching it and I shall look forward to seeing it.

  11. your plan B’s seem to be working out really well .. I know it’s not what you wanted .. but it’s nice to know when there are plan B’s .. they can come together very nicely 🙂

    Your wedding quilt is lovely .. can’t wait to see it all together 🙂

  12. your plan B’s seem to be working out really well .. I know it’s not what you wanted .. but it’s nice to know when there are plan B’s .. they can come together very nicely 🙂

    Your wedding quilt is lovely .. can’t wait to see it all together 🙂

  13. Oh wow I love your anniversary quilt, what a lovely idea to get guests to write on a square!

    Your plans B’s are just as good as your plan A’s!

    Hope you enjoy every minute of Salem Remembered, isn’t it nice when friends turn a negetive into a positive 🙂

  14. Oh wow I love your anniversary quilt, what a lovely idea to get guests to write on a square!

    Your plans B’s are just as good as your plan A’s!

    Hope you enjoy every minute of Salem Remembered, isn’t it nice when friends turn a negetive into a positive 🙂

  15. Good luck with your replacement RR and the wedding quilt- I’ve always loved red and white quilts and it looks like it’s going to be lovely.

  16. Good luck with your replacement RR and the wedding quilt- I’ve always loved red and white quilts and it looks like it’s going to be lovely.

  17. Love your anniversary quilt!

    Glad you got your RR gridded and out. It feels good to be back in the mix again doesn’t it. Nice to know I have a piece floating around and in good hands :-).

  18. Love your anniversary quilt!

    Glad you got your RR gridded and out. It feels good to be back in the mix again doesn’t it. Nice to know I have a piece floating around and in good hands :-).

  19. Hope you pre-washed your red fabric our your white will be pink. But I love your idea this would even work for a baby quilt. GB

  20. Hope you pre-washed your red fabric our your white will be pink. But I love your idea this would even work for a baby quilt. GB

  21. What a fantastic idea to have guests sign quilt squares!

    I’m sorry you had to go through this RR trauma… so sad that things would get “lost”.

    Plan Bs seem to be working well for you 🙂

  22. What a fantastic idea to have guests sign quilt squares!

    I’m sorry you had to go through this RR trauma… so sad that things would get “lost”.

    Plan Bs seem to be working well for you 🙂

  23. You can make a quilt faster, really? WOW, that’s utterly amazing. It would take me approximately an ice age to make a presentable quilt, I’m sure! LOL!

    So glad that your replacement NRR is up & running and that you’ve gotten so much support from everyone!! 🙂 Love that fabric, too!

  24. You can make a quilt faster, really? WOW, that’s utterly amazing. It would take me approximately an ice age to make a presentable quilt, I’m sure! LOL!

    So glad that your replacement NRR is up & running and that you’ve gotten so much support from everyone!! 🙂 Love that fabric, too!

  25. Oh I love all that red! Your fabric and ideas for your wedding quilt are quite original and wonderful. I look forward to seeing it all together. I am glad that your fabric is gridded and on it’s way. Hopefully, there will be no more glitches. Take care

  26. Oh I love all that red! Your fabric and ideas for your wedding quilt are quite original and wonderful. I look forward to seeing it all together. I am glad that your fabric is gridded and on it’s way. Hopefully, there will be no more glitches. Take care

  27. I am happy to hear that you have gotten your RR started again! Your wedding quilt looks like it’s going to be devine! Such great fabric colors.

  28. I am happy to hear that you have gotten your RR started again! Your wedding quilt looks like it’s going to be devine! Such great fabric colors.

  29. I do hope you get your original back – I’m always so sad to read about things like this.

    I am tagging you for 7 random things about you! Please check my blog for the details and I hope you don’t mind.

  30. I do hope you get your original back – I’m always so sad to read about things like this.

    I am tagging you for 7 random things about you! Please check my blog for the details and I hope you don’t mind.

  31. The wedding quilt is such a great idea! And I was glad to see that you have such a beautiful replacement fabric for your RR.

  32. The wedding quilt is such a great idea! And I was glad to see that you have such a beautiful replacement fabric for your RR.

  33. I’m not part of any group, but I watch that neighborhood blogspot with envy…I’ve never done a round robin before, but if you need someone to stitch a house somewhere (or if someone else needs a house stitched), I’d love to participate as a stand-in! And I won’t keep your RR either. :o) Please let anyone know if they need a break or end up with issues like yours (hopefully it doesn’t happen again!!)!

  34. I’m not part of any group, but I watch that neighborhood blogspot with envy…I’ve never done a round robin before, but if you need someone to stitch a house somewhere (or if someone else needs a house stitched), I’d love to participate as a stand-in! And I won’t keep your RR either. :o) Please let anyone know if they need a break or end up with issues like yours (hopefully it doesn’t happen again!!)!

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