I feel like I am just overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done right now. I was stitching along on my Halloween Sweetbag Exchange, but the farther along I got on it, the more I realized that I had really really overestimated my ability to stitch quickly. I picked the cutest design, but it has a ton of confetti stitching and color changes. There is just no way I can get it stitched and made into a sweetbag by the 15th. It just won’t happen. So, I panicked today when reality set in and I’ve gone to Plan B. It is a cute design, but smaller. It will allow me to spend a little more time on constructing the bag, and it will alleviate alot of the paralyzing stress that the other piece was causing. So, I have made a start on the new piece and should be able to get it stitched over the weekend, and then I should be able to get it made up into a bag next week. Big sigh of relief, although I really really hate giving up. And I really wanted to send the other design (apparently I love the word really). Oh well. I just had too many things pile up at one time. I also have realized that I am very behind on stitching Gill’s cow for her, as well as I don’t yet have my sheep blanket for October done. This is the first month I’ve missed on that. Ugh. Here’s my progress though.

And, I received a chart from Karen V. She saw the Samplers and Such Quaker Sewing Bag chart on my wishlist and generously sent it to me. Isn’t this the cutest? You can purchase the bag separately, but I think a bag like this could easily be made, and I might put different handles on it. Thanks, Karen!!!

Finally, to replace the lilies of death that had to be pitched out, Eric (the sweetie) brought me these. I love the orange ones! They are so autumnal!

So, that’s all I have today. Wish I could show you more stitching, but pretty soon I should be able to get back to my regular projects. Have a great weekend.
I am grateful for Cherry Coke.
Don’t feel bad about changing to a different design, Michelle. Better to make a wise choice now, I think. Save yourself the aggravation later! Maybe I can learn from your example, because I never seem to make the smart stitching decisions! ;o) Cute chart from Karen and pretty flower too. Lucky you!
Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s easy to overestimate how much we can get done in the time – I’m always doing that! Lovely bag and flowers, really autumny. Yr recent finishes are lovely too, beautiful blues!
It’s sometimes hard to make a choice for those exchanges… Chelle is right, I echo her words!
Karen is so sweet to have sent you that chart – it’s gorgeous, and the bag definitely looks like an easy stitch!
The flowers are gorgeous too… So cheerful! Your Eric is a keeper! Seb never brings any flowers home… But then I am always so scared we might have the wrong flowers (for Violette) that the only bit of vegetation you can see in our flat is… a catnip pot! Very pretty 😉
Glad you got the chart OK 🙂
I think you made the right decision to switch projects; I’ve done that for exchanges before. It’s sometimes difficult to gauge how long something will take to stitch just from the chart. I’m sure the finished piece will be lovely 🙂
Beautiful flowers from Eric – what a sweetie! Have a great weekend!
I’m in agreement with everyone else who’s already commented. I often over-estimate how quickly I can stitch a project. Nice chart Karen sent.
What a nice gift from Karen!
That happens to me all the time. I hate being frustrated that I cannot finish something as quickly as I’d like. ((hugs)) and good luck finishing the new design. 🙂
I know it is only the start of October, but I have told everyone that they would be getting stitched gifts this year, and I have had to start looking into smaller designes instead of the ones that I picked to begin with. Don’t feel bad at all about changing!! We all overestimate outselves!! lol
How sweet of Karen to send you that chart! I’m sure your sweetbag will turn out great, especially now that your not under so much pressure. Beautiful flowers!
You made the right decision. You won’t enjoy it if you’re stressed about getting it done for the next week. 🙂