Planning Is What I Do Best

I’m going to leave the giveaway open a little longer, since this is such a busy time of year. I know that I am WAY behind on blog reading, so I’m sure others are too.

I have managed to check in on a few blogs in the past few days, and I noticed that several people are beginning their look towards 2008. In an effort to keep my mind busy, I decided I would start some planning as well. The past few years I’ve spent a lot of time planning all the new projects I will begin and want to stitch that year. Needless to say, most of them I didn’t get to, and most of them if started, are still WIPs. So, this year I want to change my focus a little bit. I would really like to get my WIPs finished. I have so many – too many. I do enjoy my stitching for the most part and try not to set too many boundaries for my stitching, but I think that in order to finish some of these, I need a plan. So here goes…

The Plan:

Focus on finishing my WIPs. I have planned a new start after every third finished WIP in order to keep me motivated. I have also planned two January starts – one on January 1st, and the other a monthly SAL.

1. NEW – January 1 start and Monthly Red Thread SAL [Mermaids of the Deep Blue 1/1 start]
2. Mystery 9
3. Tesori d’Italia
4. Barnabee’s Quest
5. NEW – Nativity (this will be my 2008 Christmas project)
6. Mystery Sampler
7. Dorothy’s Garden
8. Bay Sampler
9. NEW – Pearl Lights (maybe)
10. Mermaid Treasure Box
11. Midi Mystery 2
12. Queen of the Needle Case
13. NEW
14. Water ACEO
15. Teeny Witch

I will also be focusing on stitching ornaments this year and will work those in as I can. Smalls will also include catching up on my Just Nan WhimZis and finishing up my Essie’s Friends pieces.

I also want to considerably cut down on the number of charts I buy. I have more than enough to keep me busy. I intend to continue with my automatics (Prairie Schooler new releases, Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers and Just Nan Limited Edition WhimZis), and will only buy charts that are time sensitive or needed for an RR/Exchange.

My “splurges” this year, rather than being stash will be having some things professionally framed or finished.

So that’s what I have in mind. Of course, it is all subject to change and may be thrown out of the window totally. But, I would really like to see some of these pieces finished, especially Mystery 9 which has a place in our bedroom already – I just need to finish it! It will be going to Jill Rensel for framing as well.

And speaking of WIPs, I still have two pieces that I wanted to get done before the end of the year (well, before Christmas, really, but who’s counting?). Above is my TW Second Day of Christmas that is for Eric. I haven’t stitched on it since I last showed it to you before our trip. There’s still a whole lot to go on this one.

I also have made a start on the last Shepherd’s Bush ornament – Sweet Baby. This one should be finished soon, hopefully. I may not get my wall hanging made before Christmas though, but we’ll see how it goes.

Hope you’re all having a great week.

Walk to Rivendell: Still in the eastern edge of the Marshes. (Total Miles Walked: 209.25)

I am grateful for Othello and Romeo.

24 thoughts on “Planning Is What I Do Best”

  1. You ARE a great planner…so I totally agree with your title AND unlike so many of us, you always have lots to check off the “plan” as accomplished!
    Looks like a good list to me and I’m going to take pictures of my WIPs too…that’s a great idea…keeps them fresh in your mind and unlikely to get buried in the dark recesses of nowhere land!

  2. You ARE a great planner…so I totally agree with your title AND unlike so many of us, you always have lots to check off the “plan” as accomplished!
    Looks like a good list to me and I’m going to take pictures of my WIPs too…that’s a great idea…keeps them fresh in your mind and unlikely to get buried in the dark recesses of nowhere land!

  3. I enjoyed reading your plan. My focus for next year is my WIP’s but I just might need to squeeze in a fresh start for 2008! Merry Christmas!!

  4. I enjoyed reading your plan. My focus for next year is my WIP’s but I just might need to squeeze in a fresh start for 2008! Merry Christmas!!

  5. Michelle-ozark crafter

    Those are great goals! Perhaps I need to think of some but oh well, I just fly by the seat of my britches!

  6. Michelle-ozark crafter

    Those are great goals! Perhaps I need to think of some but oh well, I just fly by the seat of my britches!

  7. 2008 goals?! I’m still struggling with all the undone things from 2007.

    Nice list you have; and you seem organized… bet you stick to it pretty well 🙂

  8. 2008 goals?! I’m still struggling with all the undone things from 2007.

    Nice list you have; and you seem organized… bet you stick to it pretty well 🙂

  9. Good luck with your plans for next year Michelle. I haven’t even started thinking about mine yet! I really must get motivated.

  10. Good luck with your plans for next year Michelle. I haven’t even started thinking about mine yet! I really must get motivated.

  11. Your plans/goals for 2008 sound good to me! I look forward to seeing lots of progress. 🙂 I always love catching up on your blog!

    Merry Christmas!

  12. Your plans/goals for 2008 sound good to me! I look forward to seeing lots of progress. 🙂 I always love catching up on your blog!

    Merry Christmas!

  13. I think all of your plans and goals sound great ~ and inspiring! Every year I tell myself that I will only ‘stitch from my stash’ ~ only to succomb to some wonderful new items to add to my collection.
    I enjoyed looking at the WIP photos! A couple of them looked vaguely familiar . . .

  14. I think all of your plans and goals sound great ~ and inspiring! Every year I tell myself that I will only ‘stitch from my stash’ ~ only to succomb to some wonderful new items to add to my collection.
    I enjoyed looking at the WIP photos! A couple of them looked vaguely familiar . . .

  15. Singular Stitches

    Good luck with your 2008 plans! I look forward to seeing pictures of your framed works. I’ve away from reading blogs for a while, and I’m so very sorry to read of Othello.

  16. Singular Stitches

    Good luck with your 2008 plans! I look forward to seeing pictures of your framed works. I’ve away from reading blogs for a while, and I’m so very sorry to read of Othello.

  17. The Silver Thistle

    Just popping by to wish you and yours a VERY Merry Christmas!

    Looking forward to hearing all your news in 2008!

    I was very sorry to hear about Hamlet 🙁 I know exactly how you feel, we lost Puss Puss in January this year to a tumor and this will be our first Christmas in many, many years that she isn’t here to share it with us.

    Sending you [[hugs]] Michelle. I know it’s still raw for you but take comfort that Hamlet had the BEST years with you there and loved you very much.

  18. The Silver Thistle

    Just popping by to wish you and yours a VERY Merry Christmas!

    Looking forward to hearing all your news in 2008!

    I was very sorry to hear about Hamlet 🙁 I know exactly how you feel, we lost Puss Puss in January this year to a tumor and this will be our first Christmas in many, many years that she isn’t here to share it with us.

    Sending you [[hugs]] Michelle. I know it’s still raw for you but take comfort that Hamlet had the BEST years with you there and loved you very much.

  19. Love your plan! I need to get mine ironed out in the next few days too.

    I am so sorry about Hamlet! I missed that post somehow.

  20. Love your plan! I need to get mine ironed out in the next few days too.

    I am so sorry about Hamlet! I missed that post somehow.

  21. Check out my blog, while you were away you won a contest! So sorry about your sweet Hamlet, we have lost many sweet companions over the years, each one is just as hard…it NEVER gets easier. My best friend has only days to be with one of her little dogs, it has cancer and is only 4 1/2 years old, she is thankful for even one hour more.

    Your plan for 2008 is well thought out, some of your goals are the same as mine. No new charts except absolute must haves, and finish some WIP’s!

    Merry Christmas!

  22. Check out my blog, while you were away you won a contest! So sorry about your sweet Hamlet, we have lost many sweet companions over the years, each one is just as hard…it NEVER gets easier. My best friend has only days to be with one of her little dogs, it has cancer and is only 4 1/2 years old, she is thankful for even one hour more.

    Your plan for 2008 is well thought out, some of your goals are the same as mine. No new charts except absolute must haves, and finish some WIP’s!

    Merry Christmas!

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