The Postman Always Rings Twice

…and that’s because he’s loaded down with stash for me! It was an especially good mail day. First, I received the new Limited Edition Just Nan WhimZi, Cherub Garden. I love the frame for this one.

Next, I got my Superbowl Sale order from Silver Needle. They sent a note stating that because of the time it took to receive my order (which was still faster than SB&B on a normal day), they had included three of the GAST Limited Edition threads. The colors are Zinnia, Aquamarine and Deadwood. Gorgeous…and unexpected! I purchased Three Little Words, Flower Shop and Bakery.

And finally, from Elegant Stitch, I received my Limited Edition Thread Gathering piece. I just love the thread holder.

And since I was finally able to get back to stitching…here is what I’ve done on Baby Garden. It is coming out so cute. I just love it so far.

I’ve finished my March Woolly Tyme blanket, so I will have that all ready to show you next week. I also finished reading Eragon, which was fantastic. I had hoped to be able to move right into re-reading the Harry Potter books when I was finished, but my next book club is on March 9th, so I figured I’d better start reading Snow Country for it.

I am grateful for prosperity.

40 thoughts on “The Postman Always Rings Twice”

  1. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Ohhh, what lovely stash! I particularly like the Three Little Words piece.

    Great start on your baby garden.

  2. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Ohhh, what lovely stash! I particularly like the Three Little Words piece.

    Great start on your baby garden.

  3. The Silver Thistle

    Lucky you on the thread haul! Great new purchases too. I’ve been tempted by the 3 little words for a while now, but I’m trying to hold out and may go for paradigm lost in the end. I’m trying to be strong though, as I’ve been on a bit of a spending splurdge lately, lol.

  4. The Silver Thistle

    Lucky you on the thread haul! Great new purchases too. I’ve been tempted by the 3 little words for a while now, but I’m trying to hold out and may go for paradigm lost in the end. I’m trying to be strong though, as I’ve been on a bit of a spending splurdge lately, lol.

  5. Eclecticmk - Margie

    Nice stash day! And such a nice thing to do from Silver Needle. I’ll have to try them out – I’m getting quite tired of waiting months for things from SB&B.

  6. Eclecticmk - Margie

    Nice stash day! And such a nice thing to do from Silver Needle. I’ll have to try them out – I’m getting quite tired of waiting months for things from SB&B.

  7. GREAT stash, Michelle 🙂
    WE are going to SAL over at the FGBB on the Thread Gathering from LHN 🙂 You should join us 🙂

    Nice start on Baby Garden 🙂

  8. GREAT stash, Michelle 🙂
    WE are going to SAL over at the FGBB on the Thread Gathering from LHN 🙂 You should join us 🙂

    Nice start on Baby Garden 🙂

  9. ohhhhh awesome stash acquisitions!!! I have Three Little Words marinating in my stash … we should do a SAL for it one day 🙂
    And the Thread Gathering one … is that ever pretty! don’t know how I missed that one!
    Baby Garden looks like it got a great start too 🙂

  10. ohhhhh awesome stash acquisitions!!! I have Three Little Words marinating in my stash … we should do a SAL for it one day 🙂
    And the Thread Gathering one … is that ever pretty! don’t know how I missed that one!
    Baby Garden looks like it got a great start too 🙂

  11. Wow, Michelle, that is one cool stash haul! I like the look of Three Little Words. I’ll have to look that one up.

    You have made a lovely start on Baby’s Gardne.

  12. Wow, Michelle, that is one cool stash haul! I like the look of Three Little Words. I’ll have to look that one up.

    You have made a lovely start on Baby’s Gardne.

  13. I’m so behind on reading so…SORRY!
    But your stitchy stash is lovely…the more I read your blog…the more I become fascinated with Just Nan…she never appealed to me (at all) and now I see your finishes and your stash and I think Hmmmm…..which probably isn’t a good thing! LOL!

    I got Thread Gatherer too….isn’t it great!?

    I love the CCN patterns you got and Three words by Papillon I’m hoping to purchase someday soon Simpler Life by PC.
    Great Haul!! and baby garden is looking great too!
    P.S. I’m going to reread all the Harry’s too….and Eragon is on my list TBR.

  14. I’m so behind on reading so…SORRY!
    But your stitchy stash is lovely…the more I read your blog…the more I become fascinated with Just Nan…she never appealed to me (at all) and now I see your finishes and your stash and I think Hmmmm…..which probably isn’t a good thing! LOL!

    I got Thread Gatherer too….isn’t it great!?

    I love the CCN patterns you got and Three words by Papillon I’m hoping to purchase someday soon Simpler Life by PC.
    Great Haul!! and baby garden is looking great too!
    P.S. I’m going to reread all the Harry’s too….and Eragon is on my list TBR.

  15. I was so jealous that you got your Just Nan Whimzi before me! Fortunately, mine arrived a couple of days later. I can’t wait until I have some time to stitch on it!

  16. I was so jealous that you got your Just Nan Whimzi before me! Fortunately, mine arrived a couple of days later. I can’t wait until I have some time to stitch on it!

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