Purple Blooms

Yesterday Eric and I celebrated our ten month anniversary. He brought me these beautiful purple flowers. They are so much lovelier than my poor photography skills show. Tonight we had homemade pizza and wine. Mmmmm. It was a good end to a crazy week. I have switched over to the new Blogger, so hopefully all will be well when I publish this post. Here’s hoping!

Thanks for all the suggestions on the wedding sampler. I am still looking around for possibilities. It is too bad that Victoria Sampler’s Crimson Fire has been discontinued, because it looked promising. I’ll let you know what we decide on. Dani, I am not sure what I will do with the TW sampler. I will probably just hang on to it for now. Maybe I’ll end up stitching it for someone else?

I went ahead and stitched on Barnabee last night, but I’ve let Carol know that I will be switching to Fridays starting next week so that we can stitch together. Jenna, how about you? I am loving seeing everyone’s progress on this piece. I loved getting to stitch on the bee skep last night. I also loved the rice stitches, they just look so cool when they’re finished. I think the first time I did them was in Midi Mystery 2.

I’ve finished up the stitching on my February sheep blanket, and just have to fringe and finish it. I’ll probably sit down tonight and do some hand sewing, since it’s already 9:30 and I am worn out. Everyone have a great weekend!

Walk to Rivendell: Road rolls up and down. (Total Miles Walked: 26)

I am grateful for the internet, a never-ending source of crafty inspiration!

20 thoughts on “Purple Blooms”

  1. Happy 10 month anniversary Michelle and Eric! Mike just noticed on Wednesday that his calendar on his phone told him we moved in together 17 years ago – gasp! (we married three years later). So sweet to see the months being celebrated instead of the years 🙂

  2. Happy 10 month anniversary Michelle and Eric! Mike just noticed on Wednesday that his calendar on his phone told him we moved in together 17 years ago – gasp! (we married three years later). So sweet to see the months being celebrated instead of the years 🙂

  3. Me again – just a thought – do you like Victoria Sampler’s Heirloom Wedding Sampler? Perhaps you could customize it in the colours of Crimson Fire, if you particularly liked that piece?

  4. Me again – just a thought – do you like Victoria Sampler’s Heirloom Wedding Sampler? Perhaps you could customize it in the colours of Crimson Fire, if you particularly liked that piece?

  5. Congratulations on your anniversary – lovely flowers! 🙂
    Barnabee’s Quest looks lovely – I love rice stitch too 🙂

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary – lovely flowers! 🙂
    Barnabee’s Quest looks lovely – I love rice stitch too 🙂

  7. Congratulations! And only 2 mths to go. :o)

    Have you seen the wedding sampler in the new JCS? It seems very … classic.

    Welcome to the new blogger. 🙂

  8. Congratulations! And only 2 mths to go. :o)

    Have you seen the wedding sampler in the new JCS? It seems very … classic.

    Welcome to the new blogger. 🙂

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