Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It

All I have left to stitch on the man himself is the top of his hat and some backstitching. But he now has his fancy schmancy pipe to smoke. I had originally set myself the goal of having the stocking all stitched by Thanksgiving, but seeing as how Thanksgiving has someone scooted up a week earlier than I was expecting (new math or I may have been asleep when I looked at the calendar), I don’t think it likely to happen. But, he is coming along and hopefully will be stitched up in no time flat. My ornament is coming along too, which I am also thankful for. And today in my mailbox, I received the new Just Nan Limited Edition WhimZi that I mentioned was probably on its way.

I have sort of a backlog of these WhimZis that I need to stitch. Since I’ve been focusing on my sheep blankets as my travel pieces, these have been sorely neglected. I think I have four WhimZis to stitch (two of those are the Limited Editions). I am still waiting on the next RR to arrive at my doorstep, so I am continuing to stitch on the stocking until then. I am also still holding my breath for Angi’s to arrive at its destination as well. But, I’ve had word that my RR has been received and Cathy has decided to stitch Frost Flower on my piece. I think it will look beautiful with Potpourri that Michelle stitched.

I am grateful for all the inspiration I see from other stitchers – y’all are stitching some beautiful things!!! [Edited to add: grateful also to Anna’s sharp eye on my error.]

9 thoughts on “Put That in Your Pipe and Smoke It”

  1. I had to laugh at your title. The stocking is coming along quite nicely! Want to have a Whimzi SAL this weekend? I have a Christmas design that I need to stitch up for my cubicle at work, since I had to take down my Halloweenie witch. 🙂

  2. Angi’s RR has arrived safely! As I expected, it’s just gorgeous. I’m dying to stitch on it, but I want to see if I win an eBay auction that will get me some Christmas charts.

    I love the little Whimzi. I’ll probably have to get that one too.

  3. Anna van Schurman

    Your stocking looks great, and I love reading your blog…
    But can I just say it’s y’all. I don’t want to presume to teach you to speak Southern, but what you are leaving out is the y(ou). If you write it ya’ll, the only parallel is we’ll (we will) and you don’t mean ya will.

    Don’t worry, I told me stamping instructor she had a typo in her directions last night. I’m an equal opportunity grammar bitch!

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