Queen of the Needle

QOTN 061407

I have made some progress on my Queen of the Needle piece. Someone asked if this is was a special piece. Nan, Just Nan that is, did a special class for The Silver Needle last year and this was the piece from that class. It is a sampler case and you stitch the inside and the outside of the case. It is a trifold case, and the inside has a place for needles, pins, a 3″ square, an inspiration photo, etc. I am stitching the outside of the case and am almost finished with 1/3 of the outside. As you can see, the outside is stitched on this pink and white gingham fabric with Splendor Silks. The inside is stitched on solid pink fabric. Nan has since released some companion pieces to this Queen of the Needle case, such as the Queen of the Needle Sampler, Queen’s Heart and the latest, the Queen’s Bluebird Box.

The shape of the box is the same as the Just Nan limited edition Trick Or Treat ort box that was a Silver Needle exclusive piece a couple of years ago.

I have that in my stash too (I think I may need to stop with the Just Nan stuff…I’m getting a crazy pile of it). I have the bluebird box on order, as it was too cute to pass up. One of these days I will finish up some of these Just Nan pieces I have (Barnabee’s Quest, Baby Garden, a million limited edition WhimZis, my Trick Or Treat box, my Lady Scarlet box, and the list goes on and on. But, back to the original point. I am making good progress on my sampler case, which I am pleased with.

I decided last night to pull out my Papillon Creations Mystery Sampler and start on Part 2. I love working on this piece every time I pick it up. It is such a joy to stitch on.

And yesterday’s mail brought another monthly installment of the Leanne’s House quilt. So tempting to start, but I really must get my kimonos finished.

Thank you for your compliments on Hamlet. I was able to sleep last night without him on my head, so he must be totally back to his old self.

I am grateful for perseverance.

26 thoughts on “Queen of the Needle”

  1. It’s looking just lovely! I have seen this one on a few blogs and I wish I had gotten in on the class 🙂
    Have a lovely day 🙂

  2. It’s looking just lovely! I have seen this one on a few blogs and I wish I had gotten in on the class 🙂
    Have a lovely day 🙂

  3. Queen of the Needle is beautiful! I truly didn’t realize that it would be so pretty when I passed on it after it came out. 😉

  4. Queen of the Needle is beautiful! I truly didn’t realize that it would be so pretty when I passed on it after it came out. 😉

  5. I just love that needlecase! I think I might have to pick that one up soon – I keep drooling when you post your WIPS of it!

  6. I just love that needlecase! I think I might have to pick that one up soon – I keep drooling when you post your WIPS of it!

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