
I apologize that my blogging has been rather sporadic of late, particularly on the weekends. It seems that I tend to forget I need to sit down and catch my breath a moment. I had kind of a hard day yesterday, maybe just a case of the blahs. I did not want to do anything at all. I started to get out my sewing machine and work on my finishing I needed to do, but the thought of dragging out the machine and having to clean off my table was too much. So, I stitched instead and Eric and I watched A Gentleman’s Agreement, which was next up on our Academy Award list. Excellent movie…I was very impressed. Next up is 1948’s Hamlet. Eric brought home the loveliest roses for me yesterday also…I guess he knew I needed it! It was a gorgeous bouquet of pinks, light pinks, yellow and whites. So pretty. That’s one of them in the photo.

As I said, I ended up stitching yesterday instead of sewing, so I made good progress on Mystery 9. I had hoped to finish up part 6 last night, but I didn’t quite make it. All I have left though are the specialty stitches. So, I should be able to finish up this part quickly next weekend. I am glad that I am finally making some progress on this piece. I think so far my rotation is working out well. It is allowing me to make progress on several things, but not get burned out on any one thing. I think I got really burned out on Mystery 9, which is part of the reason I put it down previously. But, I think I’ve got my groove back. Here’s where I left it last night.

I am also making really good progress on my Lemon Meringue Sampler. I finished up the pie slice on Friday evening. I just have two bands underneath it to stitch, and then beads! I should be able to finish this one up pretty quick. Then, on to the next thing! I have a couple of projects all lined up a ready to go as I finish things off. (Who doesn’t!!??)

My fabric finally arrived for Barnabee’s Quest. So, I am all set to begin the SAL on Thursday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! And thanks to all of those who are new commenters – I appreciate hearing from you!

Walk to Rivendell: Stock Road (total miles walked: 15)

I am grateful for my friend Becky and her courage to have surgery this morning. I’m sending healing thoughts your way!

9 thoughts on “Quiet”

  1. Absolutely beautiful stitching! I kinda crashed and burned on Mystery IX 🙁
    Wanted to say yes yes to a SAL for Mermaids in a couple months! that gives me time to finish some things up as well 🙂

  2. Your stitching is just beautiful as always…such even perfect stitches
    Hope your friend is did well with her surgery 🙂

  3. Michelle- Your stitching is so lovely. I love everything you are working on.

    I want to let you know that I read your blog whenever you post but for some reason I OFTEN have trouble leaving a comment.

  4. Hi,

    I’ve tried to write before to ask you a question so I apologize if I’m repeating myself. I’m not familiar with blogging. My question though is about the Ghoulies & Ghosties Brightneedle class I see that you were taking. I’m wondering what you’re progess is on it and if you enjoy(ed) it or not. I wasn’t able to get into the class and I’m just hoping the pattern comes out someday. Thank you very much. I enjoy you work alot as it inspires me to try to continue on my own stitching projects. Take care.


  5. I get those blahs sometimes where I don’t even want to stitch, even though I arrive home looking forward to it. Can’t decide if it’s simple tiredness or burnout or what. I love the way lemon meringue is turning out–love the yellows.

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