
Rain 2

It has been raining and raining and raining this week. I actually don’t mind the rain, but Eric is really ready for the sun to come out again. Last week I was also rushing to finish my book for book club, The Elegance of the Hedgehog. It’s an excellent book, I really enjoyed it, I just didn’t allow enough time for it. I love reading when it’s raining outside though.

Contented Little Sips

This morning, it was actually clear skies, which was fabulous since I had another 5k. This one was for Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital. It was definitely a beautiful morning.

Race for the Children City Hall

And you may remember that I am also racing to finish my pre-stitching for the Jane Timmers workshop I’m taking next weekend. Sigh. Not a whole lot of progress has been made on this.

Needlecase 091709

But, I’ll do what I can. Honestly, I’ve been struggling with allergies and generally just not feeling 100%, so I really haven’t felt like stitching.

Needlecase 091909

I do love the colors in it though. It’s still missing the third color, which is Pecan. I’d be really happy if I could at least get the needlecase done, I’ll be ecstatic if I can finish the biscornu too. But, most importantly, I am enjoying the time I stitch on it. And also enjoying a little stitching break too, which I apparently need. Sometimes I just need to be still, you know? But, the sun’s back out, so today is a new day!

I am grateful for cleaning out the cobwebs.

26 thoughts on “Racing”

  1. Oh I loved Elegance of the Hedgehog! I forgot about that one. Another great read — glad you enjoyed it! Love your Jane Timmers piece. It’s so pretty! Hope you’re feeling better and the 5k walk went well!

  2. Oh I loved Elegance of the Hedgehog! I forgot about that one. Another great read — glad you enjoyed it! Love your Jane Timmers piece. It’s so pretty! Hope you’re feeling better and the 5k walk went well!

  3. Love the nails. Very dramatic.

    Feel free to send the rain this way. It poured a couple weeks back, but we’re still low on rain for the year.

    Can’t wait to see the finishes of the pre-work. I like the colors too. I’m going with something similar for my Mary Wigham.

  4. Love the nails. Very dramatic.

    Feel free to send the rain this way. It poured a couple weeks back, but we’re still low on rain for the year.

    Can’t wait to see the finishes of the pre-work. I like the colors too. I’m going with something similar for my Mary Wigham.

  5. Another 5K – very impressive – I hope you had a wonderful walk and I am so glad it was a pretty day.

    I hope you are feeling better! My husband suffers with sinus/allergy and has been miserable all week – no fun!

    I look forward to seeing more of your design.

    Enjoy your Sunday.

  6. Another 5K – very impressive – I hope you had a wonderful walk and I am so glad it was a pretty day.

    I hope you are feeling better! My husband suffers with sinus/allergy and has been miserable all week – no fun!

    I look forward to seeing more of your design.

    Enjoy your Sunday.

  7. Michelle, your Jane Timmers project is looking ever so pretty, the colors are perfect.

    I also love the rain, and we sure could use some of it about now. Hope your allergies improve and you feel better soonish.

  8. Michelle, your Jane Timmers project is looking ever so pretty, the colors are perfect.

    I also love the rain, and we sure could use some of it about now. Hope your allergies improve and you feel better soonish.

  9. Thanks for the book recommendation, I put it on my Good Reads list!

    I love the nails! It seems I can only do red or french tips, anything else looks funny on my fingers.

    Beautiful pic of the rain! Great progress on your Jane Timmers piece, too.

  10. Thanks for the book recommendation, I put it on my Good Reads list!

    I love the nails! It seems I can only do red or french tips, anything else looks funny on my fingers.

    Beautiful pic of the rain! Great progress on your Jane Timmers piece, too.

  11. I love the photo of the rain on the glass – it’s very soothing. We have had a lot of that liquid sunshine too! Your nails are so gorgeous – nice photo there too! The end of your post reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies – a mother says to her children “Let’s go to bed. I want a new day. I’m tired of this one.” I love the way that sounds.

  12. I love the photo of the rain on the glass – it’s very soothing. We have had a lot of that liquid sunshine too! Your nails are so gorgeous – nice photo there too! The end of your post reminds me of a line from one of my favorite movies – a mother says to her children “Let’s go to bed. I want a new day. I’m tired of this one.” I love the way that sounds.

  13. Ruth Rachel Vendsel

    I used to drive by Scottish Rite Children’s all the time! We lived and I worked right off of Oak Lawn Ave.

    Lovely stitching ~ hope you feel better and enjoy those quiet rainy days.

  14. Ruth Rachel Vendsel

    I used to drive by Scottish Rite Children’s all the time! We lived and I worked right off of Oak Lawn Ave.

    Lovely stitching ~ hope you feel better and enjoy those quiet rainy days.

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