Random Thoughts

Twilight Floss Ring Tag
Freebies from Plum Street Samplers Edward and Jacob
Over one on 28ct with Crescent Colors Ruby Slippers and Snowball
Finished 1/30/09

A few random things today…

1. I’m sick and trying to get over it (I am so rarely sick that it really bites when I am).

2. I haven’t stitched in days (see number 1 above).

3. I am reading another Stephanie Plum book and loving it – she cracks me up.

4. The new Bunny Hill block is posted. Guess I’d better do last month’s. I LOVE this month’s though.

5. Cathy B. is a super sweetheart for sending me the Gold Santa I was so wanting. Thanks!!!

6. My monthly guild meeting was Tuesday and the program was about Adam & Eve samplers – I’ll have to tell you all about it when I have more coherent thought processes.

7. Oh yeah, Eric is sick too….it’s a lot of fun at our house.

8. I have stash to show you, but haven’t had a chance to photograph it for your viewing pleasure.

9. I made my first floss tag (see above) for my friend, Sherri. She loves Twilight too! I’ll be making one of these for myself whenever I get over this.

10. Have you ever seen two more fabulous Red Threads? Mine on top, Sherri’s below. Maybe this photo will be clickable…I can only hope.

Until next time…

I am grateful for hot tea and a cuddly quilt.

34 thoughts on “Random Thoughts”

  1. At the Honeysuckle Tree

    Oh my gosh, that is soooooooo clever! Make sure you send a photo of the floss tag to Paulette – she’ll flip! Too cool.


  2. At the Honeysuckle Tree

    Oh my gosh, that is soooooooo clever! Make sure you send a photo of the floss tag to Paulette – she’ll flip! Too cool.


  3. Sorry to hear you’re sick! Hope you feel better soon. I love the Twilight floss tag and I don’t even follow that subculture at all! Too cute. Plus, those red snappers look great. I’m working on the regular snappers and am only 58% done. Slowly reaching the end.

  4. Sorry to hear you’re sick! Hope you feel better soon. I love the Twilight floss tag and I don’t even follow that subculture at all! Too cute. Plus, those red snappers look great. I’m working on the regular snappers and am only 58% done. Slowly reaching the end.

  5. I’m sorry you and Eric are sick. I prescribe a big, absorbing project, taken with plenty of silk. And a lot of naps.

  6. I’m sorry you and Eric are sick. I prescribe a big, absorbing project, taken with plenty of silk. And a lot of naps.

  7. Get better soon!! Sending you lots of hugs and get well wishes. I love love love that floss tag!! Too clever! I need to do that for my girls. The Red Thread projects are both gorgeous!

  8. Get better soon!! Sending you lots of hugs and get well wishes. I love love love that floss tag!! Too clever! I need to do that for my girls. The Red Thread projects are both gorgeous!

  9. Oh I LOVE that floss tag! I’m just finishing up Breaking Dawn on CDs. Read the books already. That turned out AWESOME!

  10. Oh I LOVE that floss tag! I’m just finishing up Breaking Dawn on CDs. Read the books already. That turned out AWESOME!

  11. Sorry to hear you’re sick. Hope you’ll feel better soon. I love your Twilight floss tag. It turned out great. Your Red Thread Snapper looks wonderful too.

  12. Sorry to hear you’re sick. Hope you’ll feel better soon. I love your Twilight floss tag. It turned out great. Your Red Thread Snapper looks wonderful too.

  13. Hi Michelle,

    Sorry to hear that you and Eric
    are both sick right now. Hope it
    doesn’t stick around and wreak
    your weekend. Take care.

    Oh boy!! Soon as I saw that
    floss tag I started to laugh.
    You know your book is a success
    when someone makes a x-Stitch
    design about it. This is too
    cute and very funny. Don’t
    let the army of Twilight fans
    see this or you’ll be swamped
    with demands for it.

    When I see quilting stuff on
    your blog, especially those
    Bunny Hill designs and your
    Kimono quilt, I find myself
    wishing that I could quilt too.
    But I’m very mathematically challenged and would never be
    able to do all the calculating necessary to make the squares
    etc. (Guess that’s why I work
    in a bank, Duh!!)

    Your Jane Austin finish is
    lovely, and I couldn’t agree
    more with the sentiment
    stitched on it. And it’s
    especially apt at this time
    of year when it’s either
    freezing cold, or so damp and
    and grey and miserable out
    that hibernation seems to be
    the only answer.

    Found your 101 list to be very
    interesting and I think you’ve
    done very well in meeting as
    many of those targets as you
    have. You are very disciplined.

    I ordered myself a nice copy of
    Dracula from the Folio Society
    and it arrived this week in the
    mail. I’ll be posting a picture
    of it on my blog this weekend.
    I’ve never read it before so
    I’m looking forward to getting
    into it sometime soon. Reading
    how much you enjoyed it gave me
    the incentive to get the book.

    Those two Red Thread projects
    laying side by side are double
    the pleasure. Lovely work


  14. Hi Michelle,

    Sorry to hear that you and Eric
    are both sick right now. Hope it
    doesn’t stick around and wreak
    your weekend. Take care.

    Oh boy!! Soon as I saw that
    floss tag I started to laugh.
    You know your book is a success
    when someone makes a x-Stitch
    design about it. This is too
    cute and very funny. Don’t
    let the army of Twilight fans
    see this or you’ll be swamped
    with demands for it.

    When I see quilting stuff on
    your blog, especially those
    Bunny Hill designs and your
    Kimono quilt, I find myself
    wishing that I could quilt too.
    But I’m very mathematically challenged and would never be
    able to do all the calculating necessary to make the squares
    etc. (Guess that’s why I work
    in a bank, Duh!!)

    Your Jane Austin finish is
    lovely, and I couldn’t agree
    more with the sentiment
    stitched on it. And it’s
    especially apt at this time
    of year when it’s either
    freezing cold, or so damp and
    and grey and miserable out
    that hibernation seems to be
    the only answer.

    Found your 101 list to be very
    interesting and I think you’ve
    done very well in meeting as
    many of those targets as you
    have. You are very disciplined.

    I ordered myself a nice copy of
    Dracula from the Folio Society
    and it arrived this week in the
    mail. I’ll be posting a picture
    of it on my blog this weekend.
    I’ve never read it before so
    I’m looking forward to getting
    into it sometime soon. Reading
    how much you enjoyed it gave me
    the incentive to get the book.

    Those two Red Thread projects
    laying side by side are double
    the pleasure. Lovely work


  15. That floss tag is soooo cute! And the two Red Threads look terricfic. I always wonder how they will be finished.
    Looking forward to reading about your guild meeting.
    I hope you will be better soon.

  16. That floss tag is soooo cute! And the two Red Threads look terricfic. I always wonder how they will be finished.
    Looking forward to reading about your guild meeting.
    I hope you will be better soon.

  17. Michelle – I just realized that this was your blog! Where have I been? I love your floss tag and hope (someday) to do one of these too. Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. The best thing to do is either stitch or crawl into the blankets and read more of Stephanie Plum. I loved those books – Grandma is a hoot and Ranger – well, you could probably fanticize about that guy! LOL
    BTW, we could do a SoHRH SAL if you want??????

  18. Michelle – I just realized that this was your blog! Where have I been? I love your floss tag and hope (someday) to do one of these too. Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. The best thing to do is either stitch or crawl into the blankets and read more of Stephanie Plum. I loved those books – Grandma is a hoot and Ranger – well, you could probably fanticize about that guy! LOL
    BTW, we could do a SoHRH SAL if you want??????

  19. Super floss tags! Love the Red Snappers too.
    I hope you feel better soon. I imagine we are having as much fun as you two are :o(

  20. Super floss tags! Love the Red Snappers too.
    I hope you feel better soon. I imagine we are having as much fun as you two are :o(

  21. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Hi, Sweetie, So sorry you’ve been under the weather…hope you’re well by now. Did you know Janet Evonovich is from my Naples,FL, area?? She and a few of the other local authors are giving a talk about writing and their characters in the next week or so. I want to go and I’ll write you and let you know what I learn…
    Love your flossey tag!!
    Hugs, Deb

  22. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Hi, Sweetie, So sorry you’ve been under the weather…hope you’re well by now. Did you know Janet Evonovich is from my Naples,FL, area?? She and a few of the other local authors are giving a talk about writing and their characters in the next week or so. I want to go and I’ll write you and let you know what I learn…
    Love your flossey tag!!
    Hugs, Deb

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