Real Quick-Like

Ok, so it appears that my card reader and computer are now working together (at least for the moment). So, I thought I would show you some of my progress photos.

I decided to take a little break from Tesori. Not that I can really afford to not work on it, but my shoulder has really been bothering me, and I think it’s from stitching on Tesori. So, on Friday I stitched on For You, which I would really like to finish in time to give it to Eric for Valentine’s Day. It is all over one. I did end up restarting it from the last time I showed it to you. The thread I had been using for the lettering just was not enough of a contrast from the heart. I restarted and used the charted threads this time. I should know better than to try to outsmart the designer.

I also stitched on Mermaids of the Deep Blue on Wednesday as part of my SAL with Anna. I didn’t get a lot done, but it was fun to stitch on. I’ve never stitched a Mirabilia before, so this is a new adventure. I got tired of stitching arm, and switched over to hair. I’m currently stitching on the left mermaid.

And, I am finally seeing some progress with my Red Thread SAL. I pulled out all the stitching from the 28ct fabric and was able to salvage the majority of it. I restitched the six left box tops on my 32ct fabric and then got started on my January block. I am hopeful I can finish it up quickly (since all I lack is the red scarf and putting on the two snaps). Then, I can move on to my February block! I’m not going to worry too much about trying to do the border right now, I just want to get caught up on the blocks. I think I may rip out my dark brown and restitch it with three strands, I think the coverage isn’t as thick as I’d like. I did decide to go with three strands on the Weathered Barn (which is the red of his scarf). It was looking a bit sparse to me as well, and since this whole thing is about the Red Thread, I want it to look good.

I’ve also done a little Valentine’s Day decorating, if you’d like to take a peek.

That’s about it for me today…I have a second interview at a company tomorrow, which I hope goes well. I think the first interview with them was really promising. Well, back to what I need to get done today!

Oh and here are the last of the New York photos. One of these days I will get some of these great travel photos printed in a book, like I did with our honeymoon photos.

We finally made it to the Empire State Building when there was good visibility. Since I was clinging to the walls, and not paying too much attention to the view, you’ll have to settle for my photos from the lobby.

We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, which was another spot in which I wished I had walls to cling to. I am not so good with heights, and since you could see between the slats on the bridge below you, it was a little rough. Plus it was WINDY! But, the view other than under my feet was nice.

We also made a last walk around Central Park after the ice came through.

I am grateful for knowing I deserve good things.

36 thoughts on “Real Quick-Like”

  1. I love your table top Valentine’s tree, it’s darling.

    And what fabric are you stitching your mermaids on? I like that too!

  2. I love your table top Valentine’s tree, it’s darling.

    And what fabric are you stitching your mermaids on? I like that too!

  3. I do so love your heart tree Michelle! I really must have a go at something similar for myself.

    You’re making good progress on your pieces, glad that the Red Thread is coming along OK now. Hope your shoulder is feeling better soon {{{hugs}}}

  4. I do so love your heart tree Michelle! I really must have a go at something similar for myself.

    You’re making good progress on your pieces, glad that the Red Thread is coming along OK now. Hope your shoulder is feeling better soon {{{hugs}}}

  5. Anna van Schurman

    Thanks for the photo of the mermaids! I went from arm to hair too…now you’ve got to do the “ugly green” next. 😉 Glad to hear about the job progress, fingers crossed!

  6. Anna van Schurman

    Thanks for the photo of the mermaids! I went from arm to hair too…now you’ve got to do the “ugly green” next. 😉 Glad to hear about the job progress, fingers crossed!

  7. Oh my…lots of stitching progress to show here! Your Red Thread is looking so good !!!
    And I love those mermaids…I shall love to watch them grow! Your valentines wip is looking great too 🙂 And I HEART that heart tree! 🙂

  8. Oh my…lots of stitching progress to show here! Your Red Thread is looking so good !!!
    And I love those mermaids…I shall love to watch them grow! Your valentines wip is looking great too 🙂 And I HEART that heart tree! 🙂

  9. Those hearts are adorable on that tree! Well, they’re adorable without the tree too, but you know what I mean.
    Hope your shoulder heals quickly.
    I can’t wait to see some more of your red thread project. BC is always such fun. Also, I’ve recently discovered I don’t mind if coverage isn’t that good. I used to be really finicky about it, but I don’t even notice it anymore. Unless you press your nose to the project, which you won’t do once it’s finished…

  10. Those hearts are adorable on that tree! Well, they’re adorable without the tree too, but you know what I mean.
    Hope your shoulder heals quickly.
    I can’t wait to see some more of your red thread project. BC is always such fun. Also, I’ve recently discovered I don’t mind if coverage isn’t that good. I used to be really finicky about it, but I don’t even notice it anymore. Unless you press your nose to the project, which you won’t do once it’s finished…

  11. Well, how did your second interview go today?!

    Love your V-day decorations… the heart tree is a great idea 🙂

    I’ve never done a Miribilia either. I hope you’ll post what you think about it after you’re a bit further in.

  12. Well, how did your second interview go today?!

    Love your V-day decorations… the heart tree is a great idea 🙂

    I’ve never done a Miribilia either. I hope you’ll post what you think about it after you’re a bit further in.

  13. The Red Thread SAL is coming along cute Michelle and I loved seeing more NYC pictures. Take care of your shoulder and find some exercises to do to strengthen the muscles. Stitching and sewing is hard on the shoulders. I am having arthoscopic surgery on mine next month so I know what can happen!

  14. The Red Thread SAL is coming along cute Michelle and I loved seeing more NYC pictures. Take care of your shoulder and find some exercises to do to strengthen the muscles. Stitching and sewing is hard on the shoulders. I am having arthoscopic surgery on mine next month so I know what can happen!

  15. Your new projects are going to look great. I love the little snowman! And the heart tree is beautiful. Good luck with your next interview 😀

  16. Your new projects are going to look great. I love the little snowman! And the heart tree is beautiful. Good luck with your next interview 😀

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