The Rest of the Story

Peacock Pinkeep Side Initials

So, remember when I ran out of Rose of Sharon Belle Soie halfway through the “u”? Well my friend, Sylvia, took pity on me and when she read on the blog that I’d run out, she donated the necessary thread from her own skein. Thank you, Sylvia!! On Wednesday night, after receiving the thread I came home and finished up the alphabet. Thursday I attempted to stitch my initials, and after two tries got them mostly stitched. Last night I finished my initials, stitched the year and then determined a motif that would fit between the “Z” and the “M”, since what was designed to go there would no longer fit. I think I made a good choice. So, without further rambling ado, let me present the finished stitching.

Peacock Pinkeep Side


Peacock Pinkeep Top
Peacock Pinkeep (Loose Feathers #35)
Blackbird Designs
Belle Soie on 28ct Gingham linen by Weeks
Finished 5/30/09

I’m quite pleased with how it turned out using two threads over two, rather than the recommended one (except of course, for that whole pesky running out of thread thing). And although my photography skillz don’t adequately showcase this, the fabric for top and side are the same color. Probably close to somewhere in between the two that you see here. And let me just say again for the record, I love Belle Soie silk and I love this fabric. And maybe, just maybe, I will attempt to finish this sucker on my own. We’ll see.

Earth Sampler 053009

And there’s been a tad more progress on Earth Sampler, although I have to admit I quickly tossed it aside to finish up on the piece above. This is another piece of fabric that eludes my attempt to capture it on film. Perhaps we will just call it Sean Penn. Or the Yeti fabric, that may be more fitting. It is much warmer than the photo here shows. But, I am moving along on it. I’m feeling a bit iffy with the threads so far. I’m happy with the starburst to the flower, and the sheep. But the rest of it is risking a big rip out. I’ll keep after it, and it may all even out in the end. But, for now…the rest of you letters and motifs, consider yourself on notice.

And I’ve just been reminded, via an email from the guild, that we’ll be showing the progress on our challenge pieces on Tuesday. You mean that challenge piece I haven’t touched since oh, February. Guess I’d better get that out and put in a couple of stitches or something this weekend, or maybe just iron it. Don’t hold your breath.

I am grateful for Sylvia coming to the rescue!

54 thoughts on “The Rest of the Story”

  1. Great finish on the BBD Loose Feathers Piece! It looks great and how nice of Sylvia to give you the necessary thread. Have a nice weekend!

  2. Great finish on the BBD Loose Feathers Piece! It looks great and how nice of Sylvia to give you the necessary thread. Have a nice weekend!

  3. nice BBD finish! And nice Earth Sampler too — doesn’t matter how much you got done. 😀 I love your challenge project so I wouldn’t mind if you got more done on it. It’s so pretty!

  4. nice BBD finish! And nice Earth Sampler too — doesn’t matter how much you got done. 😀 I love your challenge project so I wouldn’t mind if you got more done on it. It’s so pretty!

  5. I love how the pinkeep turned out. The little diamond between the alphabet & your initial looks great. Remember if you finish it yourself you don’t have to do it all at once. One weekend work on the top, next the sides etc.

  6. I love how the pinkeep turned out. The little diamond between the alphabet & your initial looks great. Remember if you finish it yourself you don’t have to do it all at once. One weekend work on the top, next the sides etc.

  7. How nice of Sylvia. I just purchased the fabric and fibers to stitch this one (I’ve had the pattern since it came out.) Can’t wait to get started on it now after seeing yours!

  8. How nice of Sylvia. I just purchased the fabric and fibers to stitch this one (I’ve had the pattern since it came out.) Can’t wait to get started on it now after seeing yours!

  9. Congratulations on getting the Peacock finished up Michelle, it’s lovely 🙂

    Great progress on ES too.

  10. Congratulations on getting the Peacock finished up Michelle, it’s lovely 🙂

    Great progress on ES too.

  11. Terri(TerriBoog)

    Beautiful work! I can’t wait to see it all put together. The Earth Sampler is darling, too!

  12. Terri(TerriBoog)

    Beautiful work! I can’t wait to see it all put together. The Earth Sampler is darling, too!

  13. Michelle, you are a hoot! Thanks for the giggle!!

    I think it looks so amazingly beautiful!! I too love the Belle Soie Silks, they are awesome, with their variegations!!

    You sound like me on changing threads as I stitch. I know whatever you create on the Earth Sampler will be awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do.

  14. Michelle, you are a hoot! Thanks for the giggle!!

    I think it looks so amazingly beautiful!! I too love the Belle Soie Silks, they are awesome, with their variegations!!

    You sound like me on changing threads as I stitch. I know whatever you create on the Earth Sampler will be awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do.

  15. I can’t wait to see the pinkeep put together. I like that you used two threads – I will probably do that too. I love the Earth Sampler piece also!

  16. I can’t wait to see the pinkeep put together. I like that you used two threads – I will probably do that too. I love the Earth Sampler piece also!

  17. Beautiful finish on your BBD LF! It’s so pretty Michelle! Your Earth Sampler is looking great too! 🙂

  18. Beautiful finish on your BBD LF! It’s so pretty Michelle! Your Earth Sampler is looking great too! 🙂

  19. The BBD is so pretty , love the color.
    I just bought the Ale fabric for The Earth Sampler yesterday, I can’t waitto start it.
    Good Luck on the challenge piece.

  20. The BBD is so pretty , love the color.
    I just bought the Ale fabric for The Earth Sampler yesterday, I can’t waitto start it.
    Good Luck on the challenge piece.

  21. Ooooh, I can’t wait to see this assembled! Great stitching, and very creative with changing the motif in the side band – I just squeezed everything closer as I went. My peacock is just a bunch of tail feathers right now, lol, but there will be more of him by tomorrow.

  22. Ooooh, I can’t wait to see this assembled! Great stitching, and very creative with changing the motif in the side band – I just squeezed everything closer as I went. My peacock is just a bunch of tail feathers right now, lol, but there will be more of him by tomorrow.

  23. Your Blackbird Designs piece will be beautiful! You did a nice job of stitching. I really love that fabric. Have fun with Earth Sampler. The red flower really catches my eye.

  24. Your Blackbird Designs piece will be beautiful! You did a nice job of stitching. I really love that fabric. Have fun with Earth Sampler. The red flower really catches my eye.

  25. Love your latest BBD finish, Michelle! Good choice to go with two threads even if Sylvia had to come to the rescue. 😀

  26. Love your latest BBD finish, Michelle! Good choice to go with two threads even if Sylvia had to come to the rescue. 😀

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