Restitching & A Giveaway

There’s been a bit of unstitching and restitching going on over here. I was working along smoothly on my Shores, and finished up the lighthouse. I moved on to the rocks and was thinking “wow, this is really starting to come together”. Isn’t that the moment at which you soon discover it SO isn’t? Well, I got to the rock at the bottom – and hit rock bottom, so to speak. My black outline was one stitch too far down. Crap! I counted and recounted and sure enough, I’d stitched it 1 stitch too low. I started to just go ahead and rip it out and fix it right then. But something told me that if I’d made a mistake there, I had most likely made a mistake on the right side of the outline too. I had a sneaky suspicion that instead of including the previous side’s stitch in my 92 stitches, that I had stitched 92 stitches from that side – thus making it 93. So…I decided to stitch across to the other side and sure enough, I was off there as well. So, out came both the bottom and right lines and they were both restitched. Now I can get back to what I was doing. But, above is what it looks like now, and below is what is looked like last time – plus two brand new sides. If I recall correctly, I seem to remember I did this same exact thing stitching the outline for Midi Mystery II. Will I ever learn??

And, a little tiny bit of progress has been made on Adam & Eve. I now have a squirrel and a few more apples and leaves. There’s a swirl the squirrel is standing on that will get stitched in next, and then I think I’ll work on the tree trunk. Here’s what it looks like now…

And last time…

So that’s all on the stitching front for me. I do have a giveaway though, that I’ve been meaning to do for some time. I have four magazines that somehow I ended up with duplicates of. So, if you’re interested in one or more of these, please leave a comment and let me know which one(s) you’d like. First come, first serve. I’ll cover the postage cost regardless of where you are. Just please take these off my hands!!

JCS June 2005 issue on the left. This has a small CHS design in it called Emma’s Samplers that I am definitely going to stitch at some point. There’s also a Brittercup Designs chart in here called Love Grows that is really cute. And a Cross-Stitch & Needlework May 2008 issue on the right. This one has a Jane Greenoff design in it called Monet’s Giverny Gardens, there’s an interview with Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching and two embroidery designs by her, and a cute Thistle & Clover biscornu design by Jennifer Mitchell.

Interweave Knits Summer 2007 on the left. Includes the cute Josephine Top and Origami Cardi that everyone was knitting. SANQ Summer 2006. Includes part 1 of the Old Aviary Sampler and The 1831 E.F. Sampler (on the cover) that I just love.

Anyway, please leave a comment and email address if you’re interested in any of these.

And finally, I was nominated for an award by Rachel at Willing Hands. Thank you so much, Rachel! I’m so sorry I am just now getting around to mentioning this. For this award you are supposed to list 5 favorite things and tag 5 others.

Favorite things:

  1. Mexican food
  2. Fashion magazines
  3. OPI nail polish
  4. Lakeside linen
  5. British comedy – I’ve recently been reminded how much I miss watching these shows!

And now for five people to tag… Missy, GlennaAnnaAnnemarie and Mary Kathryn. I could name soooo many more!

Othello thinks my blog is fabulous too…

I am grateful for a Saturday at home.

52 thoughts on “Restitching & A Giveaway”

  1. Dear Michelle,

    Please enter my name in your drawing for the magazines. I am interested in any of them.

    Don’t you hate it when you find you
    have made a mistake? But, your progress is wonderful on the shores. I really do like that piece. I may have to put it on the top of my wish list!


  2. Dear Michelle,

    Please enter my name in your drawing for the magazines. I am interested in any of them.

    Don’t you hate it when you find you
    have made a mistake? But, your progress is wonderful on the shores. I really do like that piece. I may have to put it on the top of my wish list!


  3. Michelle your projects look great! I love that squirrel! How frustrating about your lighthouse border!

    I would be all over the JCS but I need to focus on putting a dent in the charts I already have without temptation to start something else 🙂

  4. Michelle your projects look great! I love that squirrel! How frustrating about your lighthouse border!

    I would be all over the JCS but I need to focus on putting a dent in the charts I already have without temptation to start something else 🙂

  5. Hi Michelle! I’m glad you’re back !!! You are making some nice progress !!!

    I’d like the Cross stitch and needlework !!! and you can enter me for the JCS too if you do a drawing 😉

  6. Hi Michelle! I’m glad you’re back !!! You are making some nice progress !!!

    I’d like the Cross stitch and needlework !!! and you can enter me for the JCS too if you do a drawing 😉

  7. Oh hon how frustrating that must have been to rip out all that border. Bet you had to stitch until you fixed the error and then went from there. I would be interested in the Antique Needlework magazine. Have never seen it before and it looks quite interesting

  8. Oh hon how frustrating that must have been to rip out all that border. Bet you had to stitch until you fixed the error and then went from there. I would be interested in the Antique Needlework magazine. Have never seen it before and it looks quite interesting

  9. (no magazines for me thanks, I think I own most of those!)

    This is how I handle borders like that. I stitch 9 half stitches, cross the 10th, and so on until I stitch 92 (or whatever) then I go back the way I came only skipping those 10th stitches.

    I hate frogging borders!

    And thanks for the tag.

  10. (no magazines for me thanks, I think I own most of those!)

    This is how I handle borders like that. I stitch 9 half stitches, cross the 10th, and so on until I stitch 92 (or whatever) then I go back the way I came only skipping those 10th stitches.

    I hate frogging borders!

    And thanks for the tag.

  11. I hate frogging!! Sorry you had to go through some of that! Othello is soooo cute! As for the magazines, I’d be interested in the JCS or the SANQ. But it looks like you’ve already got your takers. 😀

  12. I hate frogging!! Sorry you had to go through some of that! Othello is soooo cute! As for the magazines, I’d be interested in the JCS or the SANQ. But it looks like you’ve already got your takers. 😀

  13. You have me wanting to stitch SoHRH now. :o) I would be interested in either of the cross stitch magazines if you would enter me in your drawing.

  14. You have me wanting to stitch SoHRH now. :o) I would be interested in either of the cross stitch magazines if you would enter me in your drawing.

  15. Laurie in Iowa

    Oh Michelle, I feel your pain when it comes to unstitching! Glad to hear you’re back to the fun part of stitching on Shores.

  16. Laurie in Iowa

    Oh Michelle, I feel your pain when it comes to unstitching! Glad to hear you’re back to the fun part of stitching on Shores.

  17. Pls have me in. I would love the Cross stitch and Needlework mag pls. This is because of the tulips!!

    Frogging is frustrating:(

    I love cross stitching, and have very recently started this blog.
    Many Thanks

  18. Pls have me in. I would love the Cross stitch and Needlework mag pls. This is because of the tulips!!

    Frogging is frustrating:(

    I love cross stitching, and have very recently started this blog.
    Many Thanks

  19. Thanks for sharing your progress photos. I always love seeing any stitching from Shores.

    Congratulations on your award!

  20. Thanks for sharing your progress photos. I always love seeing any stitching from Shores.

    Congratulations on your award!

  21. You’re making great progress on Shores even with the mistake. I think that happens to all of us at some point. And A&E is looking great too! I still haven’t picked my A&E back up yet.

  22. You’re making great progress on Shores even with the mistake. I think that happens to all of us at some point. And A&E is looking great too! I still haven’t picked my A&E back up yet.

  23. Oh, thank you so much for the award, Michelle! Please don’t be offended if I am a little late in responding to this on my blog. I usually am, but it has nothing to do with ungratefulness or anything. Just old age…
    Hey, sorry about the frogs visiting. I hate frogs. Especially when they come and mess up any borders. They’re bad enough stitching them the first time around.
    Adam & Eve is coming along very nicely!

  24. Oh, thank you so much for the award, Michelle! Please don’t be offended if I am a little late in responding to this on my blog. I usually am, but it has nothing to do with ungratefulness or anything. Just old age…
    Hey, sorry about the frogs visiting. I hate frogs. Especially when they come and mess up any borders. They’re bad enough stitching them the first time around.
    Adam & Eve is coming along very nicely!

  25. I learned my lesson on doing borders first when I did a LHN piece. AGH! I had to take out so much, several different times! It’s looking great though!

  26. I learned my lesson on doing borders first when I did a LHN piece. AGH! I had to take out so much, several different times! It’s looking great though!

  27. Sorry to hear you had a visit from the frog on Shores. It looks lovely though.

    Nice progress on Adam and Eve too:)

  28. Sorry to hear you had a visit from the frog on Shores. It looks lovely though.

    Nice progress on Adam and Eve too:)

  29. The Scarlett House

    Gee Michelle, don’t you just HATE it when that happens. I’m always afraid to do am outline or border first for that reason. It’s looking wonderful though.

  30. The Scarlett House

    Gee Michelle, don’t you just HATE it when that happens. I’m always afraid to do am outline or border first for that reason. It’s looking wonderful though.

  31. Othello looks like my cat Shadow.
    You are doing better than I am on Shores. I still just have an empty box but I hate to hear about miss counting that is always a bummer.

  32. Othello looks like my cat Shadow.
    You are doing better than I am on Shores. I still just have an empty box but I hate to hear about miss counting that is always a bummer.

  33. I forgot to give my congrats for your stitching accomplishments. Who designed the one with the squirrel? It looks so familiar….

  34. I forgot to give my congrats for your stitching accomplishments. Who designed the one with the squirrel? It looks so familiar….

  35. AGH! Don’t you hate it when you have to rip and restitch?? At least you caught it now, and moved past it. It looks fabulous! YGG. Love your A&E, too. Did I tell you that I can’t find my flipping chart?! I know it is here somewhere, I just need to find the safe place I put it in now that my linen is finally here. Your cat is adorable, too.

    No thanks on the mags–I have most of ’em already!

  36. AGH! Don’t you hate it when you have to rip and restitch?? At least you caught it now, and moved past it. It looks fabulous! YGG. Love your A&E, too. Did I tell you that I can’t find my flipping chart?! I know it is here somewhere, I just need to find the safe place I put it in now that my linen is finally here. Your cat is adorable, too.

    No thanks on the mags–I have most of ’em already!

  37. Awww, I’m sorry you had to pull out and re-do two sides – but your lighthouse looks just great! And so does A&E, that little squirrel is so cute.

  38. Awww, I’m sorry you had to pull out and re-do two sides – but your lighthouse looks just great! And so does A&E, that little squirrel is so cute.

  39. I know this miscounting accidentvery well. Since I count border lines more than twice it hasn’t happened again. Nice progress on Shores!

  40. I know this miscounting accidentvery well. Since I count border lines more than twice it hasn’t happened again. Nice progress on Shores!

  41. oh Michelle, I feel your pain, it must have been so awful to have to have frogged so much. Good for you that it didn’t put you of restarting
    I would love to be entered into the draw for the just Cross stitch and cross stitch and needlwork I have just started to collect these mags and i love them
    thanks for the chance

  42. oh Michelle, I feel your pain, it must have been so awful to have to have frogged so much. Good for you that it didn’t put you of restarting
    I would love to be entered into the draw for the just Cross stitch and cross stitch and needlwork I have just started to collect these mags and i love them
    thanks for the chance

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