
Threads for Nativity and 4th Day

Last week I basically did no stitching, except for Thursday night with my buddies, and I stitched a “W”. Yep, a whole “W”. Impressive, no? Friday night I went to my book club (still don’t have that stupid book finished – and for what it’s worth, don’t want to finish it). After book club I had every intention of settling in for a couple hours or so of stitching. Didn’t happen. In fact, I didn’t do much of anything.

Saturday morning, I got up bright and early to do my 3 mile walk, came home and had the intention of stitching all afternoon and evening. Not so much. I did venture out to Michael’s to buy some thread though. And I think that night I stitched a couple of words.

Sunday morning, I had the intention of spending all afternoon and evening stitching. Do you see where this is going? I hate it when I get like this – I can’t settle down long enough to stitch, read, or anything. Sunday, I did finally manage to do something productive. As you can see above, I wound all the thread I bought and pulled the rest I needed for two upcoming projects that are big thread eaters – my Teresa Wentzler Fourth Day of Christmas ornament, and The Nativity that I’ll be starting on Thanksgiving. I’m still missing some threads for both, but only a few.

I then proceeded to bake a batch of cookies for a work potluck that was today (pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies), color my hair and give myself a pedicure. So – apparently I found my productivity groove. However, common sense seemed to go out the window when productivity set in. Let me set the stage for you. I’m coloring my hair and figure I have 25 minutes to hang out – what can I do? I know, I’ll paint my toes. So, on goes the base coat, on goes the first coat of polish. Then, my 25 minutes are up and now it’s time for me to get in the shower to rinse out my color. …. ummm…yeah. Get in the shower. With wet toenails. Brilliant. I did recover from that little disaster and my toes are now painted OPI’s Black Satin. Again.

After that fiasco, Eric made a lovely dinner and then, glass of wine notwithstanding, I managed to stitch.

Jenny Bean 111609

Not a ton of progress, but when faced with all of my restlessness this weekend, not too shabby. I have the rest of the words to do, and two more borders, plus two little boxes inside that text box. So, we’re getting there. But really, can anyone get a lot of stitching done while watching Heroes and V? I think not. We’re going to have to start DVR-ing some boring shows.

I am grateful for last night.

40 thoughts on “Restless”

  1. I know that restless feeling, Michelle! lol! It makes it tough, doesn’t it? But you did settle down to your lovely Jenny Bean so that’s good! It’s so pretty! I had to laugh picturing you with wet toenails needing to jump in the shower. 😀

  2. I know that restless feeling, Michelle! lol! It makes it tough, doesn’t it? But you did settle down to your lovely Jenny Bean so that’s good! It’s so pretty! I had to laugh picturing you with wet toenails needing to jump in the shower. 😀

  3. I felt the same way yesterday! Didn’t want to do much of anything. I’ve found that when I push myself to stitch, knit, or sew when I feel that way that it ends badly. Just best to go with the flow even if the flow isn’t productive!

    Love black toenail polish! 🙂

  4. I felt the same way yesterday! Didn’t want to do much of anything. I’ve found that when I push myself to stitch, knit, or sew when I feel that way that it ends badly. Just best to go with the flow even if the flow isn’t productive!

    Love black toenail polish! 🙂

  5. Hah! I’ll have to try black toenail polish! By the way, which Nativity are you doing? The 3-panel one or a different one? Show us a picture!

  6. Hah! I’ll have to try black toenail polish! By the way, which Nativity are you doing? The 3-panel one or a different one? Show us a picture!

  7. Jenny is so fabulous. I mean really really fabulous.

    If I actually stitched during all the time I generally just screw around… But I like you’re way of saying it better. I just can’t settle.

  8. Jenny is so fabulous. I mean really really fabulous.

    If I actually stitched during all the time I generally just screw around… But I like you’re way of saying it better. I just can’t settle.

  9. Believe it or not, I feel like that quite often! It gets the best of all of us at one time or another. When I push myself to do something I usually end up making a mess and having to re-do it. I actually make more work for myself than if I had left it alone. Jenny Bean is looking awesome!!!! And I think I should paint my toes black, never tried that before.

  10. Believe it or not, I feel like that quite often! It gets the best of all of us at one time or another. When I push myself to do something I usually end up making a mess and having to re-do it. I actually make more work for myself than if I had left it alone. Jenny Bean is looking awesome!!!! And I think I should paint my toes black, never tried that before.

  11. I get that restless feeling sometimes too Michelle – it’s very uncomfortable to me.

    I love your sampler. It’s looking beautiful!

  12. I get that restless feeling sometimes too Michelle – it’s very uncomfortable to me.

    I love your sampler. It’s looking beautiful!

  13. Oh Michelle, I know that restless feeling so well. When I get like that, I can’t stand myself. I think that we all go through it! I did get a smile out of your post though with the wet toenails. That’s the bad thing about doing nails, you can’t do much for a little while.

  14. Oh Michelle, I know that restless feeling so well. When I get like that, I can’t stand myself. I think that we all go through it! I did get a smile out of your post though with the wet toenails. That’s the bad thing about doing nails, you can’t do much for a little while.

  15. Oh, I think we all that restless feeling – I know I do.

    My toenails are always a mess because i am so darn impatient. Hmmm… I don’t think I am brave enough for black toe nails 🙂

    I love your JB – she is coming along beautifully.

  16. Oh, I think we all that restless feeling – I know I do.

    My toenails are always a mess because i am so darn impatient. Hmmm… I don’t think I am brave enough for black toe nails 🙂

    I love your JB – she is coming along beautifully.

  17. Ugh, I hate it when I get restless like that. It is SO frustrating because you can’t settle on anything yet you’re aware of all the time you’re wasting. 😛

    Love the progress on Jenny!

  18. Ugh, I hate it when I get restless like that. It is SO frustrating because you can’t settle on anything yet you’re aware of all the time you’re wasting. 😛

    Love the progress on Jenny!

  19. You know I LOVE Paradise Lost, but you just so described how I’ve been feeling the last few days. Maybe we should both switch projects for a couple days :-).

    Jenny Bean is gorgeous!

  20. You know I LOVE Paradise Lost, but you just so described how I’ve been feeling the last few days. Maybe we should both switch projects for a couple days :-).

    Jenny Bean is gorgeous!

  21. Michelle…thank you sooooo much for posting your snap of the Jenny Bean sampler. I just received my pattern and floss pack from Shakespeare’s Peddler and could not, for the life of me, figure out the color key. I purchased the limited edition threads, which are beautiful, but the picture left alot to be desired. Now, I can see what the colors should look like and try to get it as close as possible! LOL…thanks again…and great progress on it BTW!


  22. Michelle…thank you sooooo much for posting your snap of the Jenny Bean sampler. I just received my pattern and floss pack from Shakespeare’s Peddler and could not, for the life of me, figure out the color key. I purchased the limited edition threads, which are beautiful, but the picture left alot to be desired. Now, I can see what the colors should look like and try to get it as close as possible! LOL…thanks again…and great progress on it BTW!


  23. I know what you are talking about, lol. When I want to get a lot of things done as fast as possible I finally get nothing done, lol. But you have some nice progress on your sampler.

  24. I know what you are talking about, lol. When I want to get a lot of things done as fast as possible I finally get nothing done, lol. But you have some nice progress on your sampler.

  25. I think we all have restless periods like that… or sometimes I think we’re just avoiding what we know we should be doing.

  26. I think we all have restless periods like that… or sometimes I think we’re just avoiding what we know we should be doing.

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