Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Thank you all for your well-wishes for my migraine to go away. I think I finally got it subdued. But, I completely forgot to post more Phildelphia photos on Friday because of it! So, more to come soon. But, in the mean time…I have a few other things to show you.

As I mentioned on Friday, Eric was gone for 24 hours to Wisconsin for work. So, I loaded up the DVD player and sat down to stitch on Tesori. I so wish I was a faster stitcher. I had anticipated getting at least two blocks done. I didn’t even get one finished. I did get the border done, which is the time consuming part, and made a start on St. Peter’s. I’m currently stitching on the Lazio region, which includes Rome. Oh well, I enjoyed my time and my movies. But, I am glad to have him back home.

Also on Friday, in my weekly email from Hoffman, I saw that the new Shepherd’s Bush stocking has been released. It’s another cute one!

On Saturday, when Eric got home we had intended to get together with a friend and go over to the Cocktail Hour over at the museum and then go to dinner. She wasn’t available, so we just went out for Thai Food instead and spent the evening relaxing. On Sunday, we went to the State Fair. Eric likes to do this every year as part of his birthday celebration. Last year I didn’t take any photos, so I decided to bring my camera this time. It was a little overcast yesterday, so several of my photos turned out dark. Sorry for that.

Here’s Big Tex, a Texas State Fair icon. He’s 52 feet tall.

Mmm…frozen margaritas!

Last year they had the Marilyn Monroe exhibit with artwork of her as well as costumes. This year, they had costumes too. No photos in the exhibit unfortunately, but they had a lot of beauties. They had a replica of the green dress from Gone With the Wind (the one she wears at the beginning to the barbecue with the straw hat), the blue velvet dress from Titanic, the white dress from My Fair Lady, several costumes from Cleopatra and Memoirs of a Geisha. The black fur-trimmed dress from Moulin Rouge, a white gown from Marie Antoinette, and so on. It was a small, but well worth it exhibit.

We saw Miranda Lambert in concert that afternoon. Eric got some better photos, but you’ll have to settle for mine.

We wandered through the midway after the concert and I loved all the lights. Here you can see the Texas Star ferris wheel lit up in the background. They brought back the Sky Cars too this year.

More colors and lights.

Yes, the sign below does say “fried Oreos”. I did not see any signs for fried Twinkies or fried Coke, so you’ll just have to settle for the marshmallow/Snickers/praline/Oreos fry-nanza.

And of course, we couldn’t leave without seeing the carousel.

It was a fun day, and I think Eric enjoyed himself. We’ve started his birthday celebrations off right!

I’ve been stitching on a gift, if you can believe it, the past couple nights – so nothing else stitching wise to show you! Have a great week!

Walk to Rivendell: Reach Bree. Stay at The Prancing Pony. Meet Strider. Ponies stolen during night. Leave Bree on East Road (ca. 9:30 a.m.). (Total Miles Walked: 135.5)

I am grateful for decorating and ideas.

27 thoughts on “Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day”

  1. Glad that you feel better!
    We’re going to try and make it to the fair on Tuesday. I didn’t realize you lived in Texas or anywhere close to Dallas, that’s neat. Anyway, I took pictures of that butter Marilyn last year, it’s still on my blog somewhere. We’re going to try the deep fried oreos this year because a friend said they were really good. Also. the deep fried avocados. We may need to check into the hospital shortly thereafter, lol!

  2. It looks like you and Eric had a great time. We are also having the state fair right now but we probably will not go since we went last year. We saw Alan Jackson in concert and I enjoyed a funnel cake with strawberry and whipped cream, my hubby got to enjoy his $6.00 cups of beer. Late in the evening when they are practically giving them away, he won me a teddy bear.

  3. Michelle, I think I inherited your migraine. It’s been bugging me on and off since Saturday. Today was not fun!
    But, I’m glad *you* are better 🙂

    Thank you for the heads up on the new SB! It’s beautiful!

    Your Tesori looks great. Those blocks take so long, they are very stitch-intensive – you should be proud of yourself.

    One last word – I just changed my blog address to… You’ll need to update your feeds to keep receiving updates 🙂

  4. What a way to celebrate a birthday! Well done, you two!
    Love your Italian WIP. And er… fried Oreos? You didn’t happen to taste them, did you? Just curious.

  5. I’m with Annemarie: Did anyone actually try one of these fried Oreos? 😉

    Looks like a fabulous celebration – thanks so much for sharing the great photos!

  6. LOVE, love, love all those pictures 🙂
    Plus your stitching WIP looks great 🙂 You’ll get it done!

    I personally love fairs! Your’s looks like a good one!

  7. Aussie Stitcher

    Glad that you had a good time at the fair and that migraine has subsided. Baby garden and Tesori are looking great.

  8. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Oh, Michelle, where was I when all of this was going on!!?? We could have had such fun in that exhibit of the gowns. Did you get a pic of the Marie Antoinette dress??? It all looked like such fun! Your Italian WIP is very handsome. Strong red…just the thing! Since I’m married to a Sicilian, I can tell you the red fits very well for their character. You’ll need to add some balger glitz here and there, though to be really authentic Ventian and Italian. Why don’t we live closer together!!!???

  9. Glad to hear your migraine has calmed down. That state fair looks like such fun. I do love all the lights, music, noise and the smell of all that food. But, deep fired Oreo’s really!!
    Your Tesori is coming along nicely.

  10. melissa @ the inspired room

    Wow, it sure looks like a fun place to be! Sorry to hear about your migraine, my mom gets those and they sound horrible!

    Hey, Come on by my blog and pick up your award! Your visit and comment on my blog made me smile and now I get to return the smile with an award! It is a big list of award winners, but you deserve to be on it!

  11. Love your pics of the fair. That one of Big Tex reminds me of our local “big” attractions here in Oz. We have the Big Banana, Big Pineapple, Big Prawn, Big Oyster and the list goes on!

  12. Wonderful fair photos! I probably would have succumbed to a bite of a deep-fried Snickers :~)And your current stitching is lovely. I, too, am glad you’re feeling better. I’ve had my fair share of migraines over the years ~ not fun at all.

  13. I am glad you are feeling better as well. Your stitching is lovely, and the fair looked like fun. Thank you for sharing all your pictures!

  14. Sweet Cottage Dreams

    Hope this finds you feeling better. Love the cross stitch piece you are working on. I adore red and white things. Fun stocking! Are you going to get the pattern and make it? The fair looks like a blast and those margaritas look smashing! xo, Becky

  15. A little progress is better than no progress! Looks lovely, and I am glad to hear that your migraine has abated. Fab pictures too!

  16. Wow, what lovely pictures of the fair! And I love Tesori – I’ve always meant to start that, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet! I’m hoping to head to the NC State Fair this weekend, and I’m definitely going to be on the look-out for fried Coke!

  17. I just looked at all your wonderful looks like a great time to be had by all.
    I’ve never been to Texas …another place on my to see list!!
    Your stitching looks sooo great!

  18. Your Tesori looks great! The border is definitely time-consuming, I realize that every time I stitch on mine.

    Great fair pictures!

  19. Did you get to see any needlework displays (entries) while you were at the fair? Your wip is looking nice! I too wish to stitch faster. Ah well, as long as we enjoy it! I read below about your new machine, how fun!! Do you have lots of decorative stitches? Enjoy playing with it and creating heirlooms! 🙂

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