Rooster in the Hen House

Rooster in the Hen House
Sampler Quilt – BOM from Martha Clair Quilts
Machine-pieced. Quilted by Krissy’s Quilts
Begun February 2002 – Finished August 2008

I can hardly believe it myself, but I have two finishes to share with you! The first one, above, is my Rooster in the Hen House Sampler Quilt, otherwise known as the $5 Quilt. Why, you may ask, do I refer to it as the $5 quilt? Well, way way back in 2002 I took a beginning quilting class. I had no sewing experience whatsoever, so this was really a new experience for me. I bought my sewing machine specifically to take this class. You may remember that instead of making one sampler quilt that was being taught in class, I made two. That second quilt was the last quilt I finished – Pigwidgeon. Not far into my beginning quilting class, the quilt shop decided to begin a block of the month quilt. You had a choice of lights or darks. The lights consisted of 30s Reproduction fabrics (in pastels mostly), and the darks were more like Thimbleberries type fabrics. I chose the darks. The way the block of the month worked was that you paid $5 for your first block (the pattern and the cut fabric). The next month, when it was time to pick up your next block, if you brought in your finished block from the previous month, that block was free. So, by completing all your blocks on time, you got away with only paying that first $5. Not a bad deal. So, this quilt has been known for six years as the $5 quilt. Granted, I did have to shell out some dough for the fabric for the border, setting squares, backing and binding. But, for me it is still the $5 quilt. Of course, I am coming into a time in my quilting where I feel that my quilts need to have names, much like artworks, rather than simply being forever named “1930s Crib Quilt”. So, while sewing on my binding (which is a rather meditative process) the quilt told me its name, Rooster in the Hen House, due to the rooster fabric that is used in a couple of the blocks.

Like Pigwidgeon, this quilt has languished as a finished quilt top since the end of 2002. As part of my project finishing frenzy (ok, not so much a frenzy), I took this quilt along with Pigwidgeon to be quilted at the end of last year. I received this one back from my quilter in November, and it languished in a paper bag in my closet until now. Tsk tsk tsk. A couple of weekends ago, I opened up that paper bag, cut down the excess fabric and batting on the edges, made my binding and began sewing it on. I finished up the binding, but then needed to make a label for the quilt. I had had so much trouble making the label for Pigwidgeon, and true to my nature, instead of trying to figure out the problem right then, I just abandoned my quilting projects. Well, the time came to make my label, and I ended up taking my machine to the sewing machine store to figure out the problem. I learned that to do what I was trying to do, I needed to make a few adjustments. So, off I went to make labels to my heart’s content. Label made, I sewed it on Friday night, and the quilt was finished. I am so pleased, and I love the way it turned out. This quilt was made on a whim, and a desire to learn more about quilting and practicing my piecing skills (which were not ideal when I made this quilt). But I think I love it all the more for being my $5 quilt.

Now, next up will be to finish quilting (which I am doing myself) my very first quilt. It is the one that deserves to be finished next, especially with Pigwidgeon and Rooster finished. And the funny thing is, that first quilt is Partridges. Apparently, I have a bird fixation (Pigwidgeon being owls and all).

But, wait…didn’t I say I had two finishes? Oh yes I did…

Red Thread: Picnic
Bent Creek
DMC, Weeks and GAST on 32ct Light Mocha
Finished 9/2/08

I finished up my July block for Red Thread on Tuesday. I could have finished it on Monday, but Eric was bugging me for staying up so late stitching. So the last twelve stitches and the snap were done on Tuesday. Hurrah!

And as it is now September, it’s time to look at goals.

For August I intended to:

Get caught up on Red Thread (June, July and August) almost
Correct error on Mystery Sampler started ripping out
Binding on $5 Quilt YES!

Well, as you know I did complete June and July for my Red Thread SAL (Road Trip and Picnic). I didn’t get to August though. I also completed my $5 quilt too, as you have seen above. I did start pulling stitches out of the Mystery Sampler, but discovered that the error is far more widespread than I initially thought. So, it is going to require a bit of concentration and effort to fix. So, for September, I intend to:

Get caught up on Red Thread (August and September
Stitch and mail NRR by Sept 15th
Correct error on Mystery Sampler
Quilting on Partridges
Sunday Mermaid SAL with Anna
Complete stitching on ornament for Guild
Begin stitching on 3rd Day ornament

That’s a whole lotta intentions, but I’d like to make progress on all these pieces. Well, I think my blog post is long enough at this point. Thanks for sticking with me and for checking in on the ole blog.

I am grateful for renewing a treasured friendship.

32 thoughts on “Rooster in the Hen House”

  1. Michelle, I just absolutely love your Rooster in the Henhouse! What a beautiful quilt and very cool name. Your Red Thread is looking great, too!

  2. Michelle, I just absolutely love your Rooster in the Henhouse! What a beautiful quilt and very cool name. Your Red Thread is looking great, too!

  3. sorry that deleted comment was me .. I was logged in wrong ..

    anywho .. your quilt is lovely! congrats on the finish!

    and RT is coming along nicely 🙂

  4. sorry that deleted comment was me .. I was logged in wrong ..

    anywho .. your quilt is lovely! congrats on the finish!

    and RT is coming along nicely 🙂

  5. Michelle, Yur quilt is beautiful you can be proud. My mother quilts by hand but I have never finished a quilt. Happy Birthday last week it was our 21st anniv on the 22. Keep up the great work. Gayle

  6. Michelle, Yur quilt is beautiful you can be proud. My mother quilts by hand but I have never finished a quilt. Happy Birthday last week it was our 21st anniv on the 22. Keep up the great work. Gayle

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