I am so pleased to finally be able to release my first reproduction sampler to everyone. This is Sarah Ann Banton 1833 and she is the first design in The Legacy Collection. I originally reproduced her as an exclusive release for the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild’s twentieth anniversary in 2020. As you can see, she is a beautiful sampler featuring a floral border, birds, fruit baskets, a large basket of flowers and Adam and Eve. There’s a little bit of everything in Sarah’s sampler.

I charted Sarah in DMC, but there are also conversions to Au Ver A Soie 100/3, Soie d’Alger, and Gloriana silks. The model was stitched with Soie d’Alger on 40ct Weeks Putty.

I recorded a video where I talk in depth about some of the various details found in the sampler, a look at both the antique and the model, and my thoughts on Sarah.
Here’s a closer look at the reproduction.

In the reproduction, there is over one stitching, over two, satin stitch, and some embroidery. I am also offering an adaptation where the satin stitching and embroidery sections are replaced with cross-stitch. That freehand embroidery looks harder than it is. It was my first time attempting anything like that and seriously, if I can do it, you can do it.

The adaptation is a smaller version of the reproduction. It removes everything from the carnation band and above, including the over one verse. As I mentioned above, I also replaced the satin stitching and the freehand embroidery with cross-stitch. In addition to offering the reproduction and the adaptation as individual charts, I’m also offering a bundle of both. So if you want to stitch the repro but don’t want to attempt the embroidery, you can get both charts in the bundle.

Sarah is now available for purchase as a PDF download on my Cozyegg Designs site. I hope you enjoy stitching her as much as I did!
Stunning Sampler. I will be ordering this one!
Stunning Sampler. I will be ordering this one!