Hi, all! I’m back for another update. I do want to let you all know that when I don’t update very often, please know that it’s because life is crazy. School and work have both been extremely busy lately, and have taken up a good majority of my time as well as my energy. And just as a reminder to myself that I do what I can…I still have my Blogging Without Obligation button over there in my sidebar. I love blogging, and I love being able to do it regularly, but sometimes that doesn’t happen. So that button is over there to remind me to take it easy on myself. I also have a wonderful opportunity later this month which is going to take me away from work and school for several days – so I’m doing what I can to get ahead of the game before then.
So…what’s up? Well, I have no stitching updates to show you on anything. Reason being is that I signed up for the Secret Stitcher program at my guild last year. We stitch two things for our secret stitcher during the year, the first of which is due in (you guessed it) February. Guild night was on Tuesday of this week, so I was stitching my little heart out on the gift for my partner all weekend. I’m very pleased with how my piece turned out, and I think it was well-received. I won’t be able to share it with you guys until the reveal later on…because I never know who’s reading. The next piece is due in June…so I’ve promised myself I’ll start stitching on this in April. So…remind me!
What I can show you though (albeit in super blurry-late at night-I must’ve been taking photos with my eyes closed-while Eric was yelling at me to “use the lightbox”-photos) is what I received from my secret stitcher. How gorgeous is this??? My stitcher stitched this beautiful piece for me and finished it into a flatfold. I have no idea what the design/designer is, but I love that it has 2010 on it and TRSG (for our guild)***. Little berry baskets are one of my favorite motifs in samplers, so this one was a perfect choice for me. And how cute is that little swirly Q? Love it.

The finishing on this is just perfect, love the little bow on the corner made with the cording!

And I believe the fabrics here are BBD Moda fabrics (Madeira maybe?). So pretty! I thrilled with my gift and my Secret Stitcher has really been good to me. You may remember that I also received the crown needleminder that I showed you previously? I also received a highlighter for when I’m stitching (my love of pens will never die) and a bag of chocolate that was inhaled enjoyed at one sitting. And it’s so fun to see what all the other participants received from their secret stitchers. My guild has a blog, and the new person that has taken it over has done a fantastic job so far. The link is in my sidebar, and hopefully she will have photos of all the secret stitcher pieces up soon, so you can see them all, if you’re interested (but go look now…there’s some good stuff including a completed Dutch Beauty and the cutest pumpkins I’ve ever seen and wanted to put in my purse and take home).
I started reviewing my latest book club book in this post, but as it got lengthier and lengthier…I decided to save it for another post. I hope you don’t mind a post of just a book review? Oh, AND I have some more gifts to show you…so, next time! I am one spoiled girl!
I’ll be working this weekend (not at work, but in regards to that wonderful opportunity I mentioned), so I’m hoping I’ll still be able to fit in a little stitching for myself.
***Edited to add: This is With My Needle by Heartstring Samplery. Thanks, Tanya!
I am grateful for a beautiful secret stitcher gift (and for getting mine done – whew!)
It’s wonderful, Michelle, and well deserved too! Hope you’re not overworked and overschooled. Get some of that stitching for me time in!
It’s wonderful, Michelle, and well deserved too! Hope you’re not overworked and overschooled. Get some of that stitching for me time in!
Such a gorgeous gift! I like the design too. The finishing is outstanding!
Such a gorgeous gift! I like the design too. The finishing is outstanding!
That’s a wonderful gift Michelle, lucky you!
That’s a wonderful gift Michelle, lucky you!
I agree with everyone else – it’s a beautiful exchange to receive! 😀
I agree with everyone else – it’s a beautiful exchange to receive! 😀
Yo Captain! – what a wonderful gift you received! Not only is the design really pretty, but the finishing is outstanding! Lucky you!!!
I’ll have to swing over and visit your Guild’s blog. I love to see what others are doing. Our guild doesn’t have a blog, but they should. I can’t wait to see what you stitched for your SS recipient.
Yo Captain! – what a wonderful gift you received! Not only is the design really pretty, but the finishing is outstanding! Lucky you!!!
I’ll have to swing over and visit your Guild’s blog. I love to see what others are doing. Our guild doesn’t have a blog, but they should. I can’t wait to see what you stitched for your SS recipient.
That is absolutely gorgeous!! Hmmm… I’ve still not bought those books yet 🙁 x
That is absolutely gorgeous!! Hmmm… I’ve still not bought those books yet 🙁 x
What a wonderful SS gift, Michelle! I agree with you, it’s perfect. No worries about blogging, when you do post. we love to visit! Cant’ wait to see what you did for your SS.
What a wonderful SS gift, Michelle! I agree with you, it’s perfect. No worries about blogging, when you do post. we love to visit! Cant’ wait to see what you did for your SS.
What a wonderful Secret Stitcher gift!
We understand your blogging without obligation. When you feel like you HAVE to do something, it’s no logner fun.
What a wonderful Secret Stitcher gift!
We understand your blogging without obligation. When you feel like you HAVE to do something, it’s no logner fun.
How beautiful! I loved reading the abc’s, noticed that a few are missing (love that) and the Q, well it looks like the @ sign, don’t you think? Anyway, love that part the best. I would say you are just a little bit spoiled for sure! lol
How beautiful! I loved reading the abc’s, noticed that a few are missing (love that) and the Q, well it looks like the @ sign, don’t you think? Anyway, love that part the best. I would say you are just a little bit spoiled for sure! lol
Oh what a little pretty that is, you lucky girl. I finally finished my little secret stitcher thing yesterday – the finishing was giving me fit – redid it 3 times… I thought I was going to have to trash it, but it finally worked out and now looks great! I will have to bring it with me. I hope my ss does not mind. Just spoke with Gloria… I think we are almost all set on travel plans.. yipeee.
Oh what a little pretty that is, you lucky girl. I finally finished my little secret stitcher thing yesterday – the finishing was giving me fit – redid it 3 times… I thought I was going to have to trash it, but it finally worked out and now looks great! I will have to bring it with me. I hope my ss does not mind. Just spoke with Gloria… I think we are almost all set on travel plans.. yipeee.
What a wonderful gift this is, Michelle. It’s perfect from the choice of motive to the way of finishing. This secret stitcher programme seems to be great.
What a wonderful gift this is, Michelle. It’s perfect from the choice of motive to the way of finishing. This secret stitcher programme seems to be great.
Absolutely exquisite! Good for you, Michelle!
Absolutely exquisite! Good for you, Michelle!
How beautiful. I know you were thrilled! I can’t wait to see what you did for your SS.
How beautiful. I know you were thrilled! I can’t wait to see what you did for your SS.
What an amazingly generous secret stitcher gift, for a very well-deserving stitcher. 🙂 It’s fantabulous. I’m so glad it went to you, Michelle!
What an amazingly generous secret stitcher gift, for a very well-deserving stitcher. 🙂 It’s fantabulous. I’m so glad it went to you, Michelle!
What a gorgeous gift to receive! It’s just beautiful.
What a gorgeous gift to receive! It’s just beautiful.
That looks beautiful! Can’t wait to see what you stitched.
That looks beautiful! Can’t wait to see what you stitched.
It’s absolutely gorgeous!! What is better than RED BERRIES??? Love it. Lucky you!
It’s absolutely gorgeous!! What is better than RED BERRIES??? Love it. Lucky you!
what a darling gift your secret stitcher did for you – How fun to recieve something you truly love and the finishing is lovely too and the fabric choice is so perfect. Enjoy! Melody
what a darling gift your secret stitcher did for you – How fun to recieve something you truly love and the finishing is lovely too and the fabric choice is so perfect. Enjoy! Melody
What a wonderful exchange piece and sweet secret stitcher! The finishing is so pretty.
What a wonderful exchange piece and sweet secret stitcher! The finishing is so pretty.
A beautiful secret stitcher gift.
A beautiful secret stitcher gift.
What a great gift, Michelle!!
And, I’m totally in your corner re: the BWO… it can get very difficult to find time for all the things I love (well, unless I stay up until 3am… and that never really works out well!), and I always feel so bad that I’m not more consistent with the blogging. But… we can only do what we can do, and should not subject ourselves to bloggy guilt. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it, LOL!!
As far as minding a blog post entirely dedicated to book reviews? No way Jose! I looove books, so please feel free to be as long winded about them as you’d like!
What a great gift, Michelle!!
And, I’m totally in your corner re: the BWO… it can get very difficult to find time for all the things I love (well, unless I stay up until 3am… and that never really works out well!), and I always feel so bad that I’m not more consistent with the blogging. But… we can only do what we can do, and should not subject ourselves to bloggy guilt. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it, LOL!!
As far as minding a blog post entirely dedicated to book reviews? No way Jose! I looove books, so please feel free to be as long winded about them as you’d like!
Gorgeous Michelle! Hope you get some stitching time soon :-).
Gorgeous Michelle! Hope you get some stitching time soon :-).