Sew and Sew

I attempted to post this last night, but Blogger pitched a fit. Thanks again for all the compliments on my quilts – I really appreciate each and every one of them. And Isabelle, it would be such a dream to fly to Paris and quilt with you!!! Here is what I worked on this weekend. I decided to get out my two blocks of the month that I hadn’t made up yet. Here is November’s…

It is called Connie’s Star. And here is December’s…

It is called Joshua’s Star. Both of these were sort of fiddly to put together – the top one more than the second one. Getting that square in the middle was a pain! I believe I am picking up my next block this coming weekend. I intend to stay a little more on top of these. After I finished those, I was still in the mood to sew. I didn’t want to pull out my Kimonos, so I decided to opt for another in progress piece. I’ve always wondered at people that put something away when there is only a little bit to do on it left. Now, I understand. I had purchased this pattern at my first quilt show, and then did nothing with it. I finally learned paper piecing, so I bought the fabrics for this and started on it. Then put it away. When I picked it up yesterday, all I lacked was piecing the bottom quilt, sewing the rows together and then sewing the border on. It maybe took a couple of hours, if that. I am not entirely pleased with how the bottom quilt came out, but I think that is due more to having chosen ineffective fabrics for the design, rather than the design itself. This still needs quilting, of course. I think I may hand-quilt it. It is tiny too – maybe 8 inches by 10 inches. So you can imagine all those fiddly little pieces.

I feel like I was really productive this weekend, at least with my sewing. We also watched the 1946 Best Picture, The Best Years of Our Lives. It was really good. I was surprised it was really good, but it was nonetheless. I am working from home today due to all the ice on the roads. It is 27 degrees here, and the roads are just treacherous. So, I am working at home and staying warm. I finished Jen’s RR today, so I am quite pleased about that too. I will show pics tomorrow. Happy Monday!

Walk to Rivendell: no change since Friday (9 miles total).

I am grateful for being able to work from home.

12 thoughts on “Sew and Sew”

  1. Anna van Schurman

    I’ll never forget BYOOL–I had my first real argument in grad school over that movie. We were talking about it in a class, and the professor was all about the “masculinity” in the movie. After class, I said to this guy how the movie was all about emasculization. I still get all pissed about how that prof has made a name for himself in masculinity studies. I got his masculinity right here.

    I love your purple fabric!

  2. Michelle, your quilt blocks are awesome. I love the first one and the one with the cat. Where did you get them? Ann.

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