Shut the Front Door

The fall weather is definitely upon us currently in Texas. Of course, that could change at the drop of a hat and we’ll be back to 90 degree temps. But it has been in the 60s mostly, and also rainy and overcast. I actually enjoy this kind of weather. I like it more when I can snuggle up at home though. The cats apparently feel the same way because there were no empty laps this weekend. And of course, our fall is always ushered in by Eric and I going to the State Fair. I’m working on a post to show you my pics from that outing and should be able to share in the next day or so (the pumpkins above are from our day at the fair). As for this weekend, I spent most of it indoors, except for Saturday morning. I was able to get back into the groove and go for my 5k training walk on Saturday morning. Of course, for our training walks, we walk a 5k anyway, so doing the actual 5k is not much of a stretch! But, I was glad to get back to it this weekend, having missed the past two weekends. Our next 5k is this coming Saturday, so I’m looking forward to having another one completed – that makes four so far this year!

I spent some time this weekend stitching on Jenny Bean. I am so in love with this piece. I finished filling in the side of the house and moved on to the front. Now I have a door!

Jenny Bean 101109

And I finally got around to doing what I’ve been meaning to do for several weeks now, working on the baby quilt. I washed and ironed my fabric, did some cutting and sewing and now have about half a quilt top’s worth of blocks. I’m really pleased with how these 30s repro fabrics look together. Aren’t they fun?

Quilt Blocks

I hope to get some more done on this next weekend. I think it will be so cute when it’s finished, and I’m really happy with it. Even though it’s all blues, I love the pops of yellow, red and orange in it.

I am grateful for date night with Eric – so much fun!

32 thoughts on “Shut the Front Door”

  1. mainely stitching

    Oh how beautiful that quilt is going to be! I’m a huge fan of repro fabrics, and yours are just so fun! Your stitching is also lovely – this is a design I hope to acquire as soon as things settle down a bit. 😉

  2. mainely stitching

    Oh how beautiful that quilt is going to be! I’m a huge fan of repro fabrics, and yours are just so fun! Your stitching is also lovely – this is a design I hope to acquire as soon as things settle down a bit. 😉

  3. Jenny Bean! I have her in my ‘new’ stash and look forward to starting on her – I also picked up the little JB pin tuffet.

    Congrats on getting back to your walking! It’s not always easy to pick back up after you stop.

    I look forward to hearing all about your trip to the State Fair and to see pics.

  4. Jenny Bean! I have her in my ‘new’ stash and look forward to starting on her – I also picked up the little JB pin tuffet.

    Congrats on getting back to your walking! It’s not always easy to pick back up after you stop.

    I look forward to hearing all about your trip to the State Fair and to see pics.

  5. Your quilt will be darling! Jenny’s house looks good too. I’m still working on the border & the top fill in – it is sloooow going since I have such limited time. Good news, I found the floss for the SB stocking ( upstairs in the DS’s closet…)

  6. Your quilt will be darling! Jenny’s house looks good too. I’m still working on the border & the top fill in – it is sloooow going since I have such limited time. Good news, I found the floss for the SB stocking ( upstairs in the DS’s closet…)

  7. Yup, fall weather has hit here too. Highs in the 50s. Brrr! Love your Jenny Bean so far! And your quilt blocks are so pretty! It’s going to be a great baby quilt!

  8. Yup, fall weather has hit here too. Highs in the 50s. Brrr! Love your Jenny Bean so far! And your quilt blocks are so pretty! It’s going to be a great baby quilt!

  9. Can I move in with Jenny? Her house is so cute.

    Love the quilt, there’s just something so happy about 30’s fabrics.

  10. Can I move in with Jenny? Her house is so cute.

    Love the quilt, there’s just something so happy about 30’s fabrics.

  11. Love your pumpkins…. they shout FALL. You have a great start on Jenny Bean. I’m looking forward to seeing more progress snaps. The baby quilt is going to be fabulous.

  12. Love your pumpkins…. they shout FALL. You have a great start on Jenny Bean. I’m looking forward to seeing more progress snaps. The baby quilt is going to be fabulous.

  13. Oooh, I’m so drooling (figuratively speaking, of course!) on your Jenny Bean – great stitching, great colours, and not so great my still waiting for mine to get here 🙂

  14. Oooh, I’m so drooling (figuratively speaking, of course!) on your Jenny Bean – great stitching, great colours, and not so great my still waiting for mine to get here 🙂

  15. We are getting the same weather here in West Texas and I LOVE it!!! Your stitching is looking great, wonderful progress!! I can not wait to see more of the baby quilt!!

  16. We are getting the same weather here in West Texas and I LOVE it!!! Your stitching is looking great, wonderful progress!! I can not wait to see more of the baby quilt!!

  17. Oh wow, Michelle, what fabulous materials for the baby quilt! It will be fun working on it. I love those repro fabrics.

    Great progress on Jenny Bean! I can’t wait to get started on mine. 🙂

    Love the pumpkin photo! I can’t wait to see the rest of your State Fair pics.

  18. Oh wow, Michelle, what fabulous materials for the baby quilt! It will be fun working on it. I love those repro fabrics.

    Great progress on Jenny Bean! I can’t wait to get started on mine. 🙂

    Love the pumpkin photo! I can’t wait to see the rest of your State Fair pics.

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