Silver Lining

Early Morning Tulips 2

Well, all I can say is that I am grateful last week is over. I took my final exam on Friday and did well. All that remains is scheduling and taking my certification exam. But that final exam studying required me to lock myself away completely the previous weekend as well as all throughout last week. Thank goodness it is done. I gave myself a break this weekend and relaxed. Today, the studying begins anew, as I’m hoping to get my certification exam scheduled for later this week.

I took full advantage of my “weekend off” though. Friday, I continued stitching on my Secret Stitcher piece. I almost have the stitching done, and I think the finishing will be very quick once I do. I will work on getting the finishing done this weekend. Unfortunately, of course, I can’t show it to you! But, trust me, it’s pretty. I’m trying to figure out how to stitch one for myself on the leftover fabric.

Saturday, I decided to go visit my parents. I’d had to take a raincheck last week on Mother’s Day, due to studying for my final. So, I spent the afternoon with them and watched the Preakness. What fun. I’m a little sad that Super Saver didn’t win, but I think he was pretty tired out still from the Derby.

Sunday, I spent with my nose stuck in the book I started on Friday, one of the Black Dagger Brotherhood books. But, when I was able to pull myself away from it, Eric and I caught up on episodes of America: The Story of Us that has been on the History Channel. It’s really good, if you get a chance to catch any of the episodes. We’re up to the Civil War now. But, it was a welcome and rare afternoon that the two of us could spend just watching some tv and enjoying each other’s company. We probably would have made it through more episodes, but we kept stopping it to talk about Eric’s ancestors on the Mayflower or discuss Jamestown, etc. So fun!

While we watched our shows, I decided to pull out the much-neglected And They Sinned to stitch on. When last we left our heroine, Fred and George had joined her but were running the risk of getting clubbed on their little heads. Now, Fred is getting surrounded by the cloud. I hope he’s not claustrophobic.

ATS 051610

I’m pretty happy with how much I managed to get done on that cloud in one afternoon. I’ll have to go back and fill in the motifs once I get a little farther. I probably could have gotten a little more done, but I may have gotten distracted by watching Oprah’s Twilight show on the DVR while Eric was out at a photography class last night. But, I’m not admitting to anything.

Oh, and where did I get that beautiful scissor fob I have there? Why, thank you for asking! You may remember a few years ago, I participated in a Neighborhood Round Robin with several lovely ladies. Over the weekend, I received a stunning surprise in the mail. Kathy had sent me this gorgeous beaded scissor fob as a thank you for stitching on her RR. Such a sweetheart!! If you want to see the lighthouse block I stitched for her up close and personal, you can see it here. But, don’t miss clicking over to Kathy’s blog to see her RR completely finished! I love how she finished it into a pillow.

So, that’s it for me today. I’m sure I’ve talked your ear off, but honestly it feels so good to have had a little break.

I am grateful for a relaxing weekend and being almost done with school.

40 thoughts on “Silver Lining”

  1. Congratulations on getting that final over with! Good luck on the certification. I hope you ace the test and get certified! I love your ATS — beautiful! You deserve some relaxation, that’s for sure!

  2. Congratulations on getting that final over with! Good luck on the certification. I hope you ace the test and get certified! I love your ATS — beautiful! You deserve some relaxation, that’s for sure!

  3. Good progress girlfriend – its looking good. I am a bad, bad blogger – I need to get motivated, but am lacking blogging mojo. Yes, the fob is fabulous, very sparkly!

  4. Good progress girlfriend – its looking good. I am a bad, bad blogger – I need to get motivated, but am lacking blogging mojo. Yes, the fob is fabulous, very sparkly!

  5. Congrats on getting through that final! Wish you all the luck with the certification. And I’m glad that you pulled ATS out again. I love watching this piece being stitch.

  6. Congrats on getting through that final! Wish you all the luck with the certification. And I’m glad that you pulled ATS out again. I love watching this piece being stitch.

  7. Congratulations on getting your exams out of the way Michelle! I bet that’s a great feeling 🙂

    Lovely progress on ATS and lovely fob too!

  8. Congratulations on getting your exams out of the way Michelle! I bet that’s a great feeling 🙂

    Lovely progress on ATS and lovely fob too!

  9. Hooray for completing your final exam – and praying you will ace the certification as well.

    Love ATS and what a pretty scissor fob.

  10. Hooray for completing your final exam – and praying you will ace the certification as well.

    Love ATS and what a pretty scissor fob.

  11. Laurie in Iowa

    Congrats on getting that final exam over with and now just one more hurdle and you’ll be done, right?
    So glad you got a chance to relax a bit this past weekend.

  12. Laurie in Iowa

    Congrats on getting that final exam over with and now just one more hurdle and you’ll be done, right?
    So glad you got a chance to relax a bit this past weekend.

  13. mainely stitching

    Whew, it must be a huge relief to have your finals over! Your stitching is fabulous! Enjoy some decompression time. 🙂

  14. mainely stitching

    Whew, it must be a huge relief to have your finals over! Your stitching is fabulous! Enjoy some decompression time. 🙂

  15. MyLifesAStitch

    That sounds like a great afternoon (watching the History Channel)!!

    My DH and I used to do stuff like that… sigh… haha, just kidding. Wouldn’t change a thing that comes with having my little love Leah.

    Great progress! Love the little synopsis. 🙂

    Have a great week, and good luck!!

  16. MyLifesAStitch

    That sounds like a great afternoon (watching the History Channel)!!

    My DH and I used to do stuff like that… sigh… haha, just kidding. Wouldn’t change a thing that comes with having my little love Leah.

    Great progress! Love the little synopsis. 🙂

    Have a great week, and good luck!!

  17. Huge congrats on getting the final done, hope the certification exam goes well too.

    Love your ATS!!!

  18. Huge congrats on getting the final done, hope the certification exam goes well too.

    Love your ATS!!!

  19. Congrats on the final, and good luck with the rest. ATS looks gorgeous, and what a beautiful fob from Kathy!

  20. Congrats on the final, and good luck with the rest. ATS looks gorgeous, and what a beautiful fob from Kathy!

  21. Congratulations on wrapping up your final. Luck with the certification.
    And the fob – you’re welcome!

  22. Congratulations on wrapping up your final. Luck with the certification.
    And the fob – you’re welcome!

  23. ATS is looking great. Don’t let the cloud get you down. I didn’t have a hard time with it, just break it up in sections.

    Pretty fob! Kathy is just the sweetest.

    Great picture of the tulips, did you or the dh take that one?

  24. ATS is looking great. Don’t let the cloud get you down. I didn’t have a hard time with it, just break it up in sections.

    Pretty fob! Kathy is just the sweetest.

    Great picture of the tulips, did you or the dh take that one?

  25. Hooray for your exams! You certainly deserved some you time after all of that!

    Ahhh, tulips. And ATS. And the fob! I got one too :o)

  26. Hooray for your exams! You certainly deserved some you time after all of that!

    Ahhh, tulips. And ATS. And the fob! I got one too :o)

  27. Congratulations on finishing your exams, hope the certification goes well. ATS is looking gorgeous, nice to see it again

  28. Congratulations on finishing your exams, hope the certification goes well. ATS is looking gorgeous, nice to see it again

  29. Good luck on your certification! Love your progress on ATS – looks great! and commenting on a previous post – that fabric for your applique quilt is GORGEOUS! can’t wait to see more of that when you emerge from the river Styx LOL. Mel

  30. Good luck on your certification! Love your progress on ATS – looks great! and commenting on a previous post – that fabric for your applique quilt is GORGEOUS! can’t wait to see more of that when you emerge from the river Styx LOL. Mel

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  33. YGG on getting the final finished! I’m crossing my fingers and toes for you on the certification–I’m sure it’ll be a breeze for you. Great progress on the ATS!

  34. YGG on getting the final finished! I’m crossing my fingers and toes for you on the certification–I’m sure it’ll be a breeze for you. Great progress on the ATS!

  35. Congrats on getting through your final exam … almost at the end now! 🙂 Your WIP is coming along beautifully 😀

  36. Congrats on getting through your final exam … almost at the end now! 🙂 Your WIP is coming along beautifully 😀

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