Smiles All Around

Hello, all! I meant to post yesterday, but with Blogger’s photo uploading issues, I didn’t feel like fighting with it. So, here I am today! I am steadily working on reading my way through blog updates, I’ll get to everyone eventually. Thank you all so much for continuing to check in on my blog(s) and comment even when I am behind on reading. I really appreciate it. And I guess I must be doing something right, because I received the You Make Me Smile Award from Anna at Stitch Bitch and from Melissa at The Inspired Room. Thank you both!! I am now obliged to return the favor by naming ten people who make me smile. It is so hard to narrow that list down, but I thought I’d try to choose some blogs that may be new to some of you and those that I’ve been particularly enjoying recently.

Andrea at Deep Fried Cupcake


Turkey Feathers


Elizabeth Hill Cottage

Annemarie at Wacky Wanderings

Mary Kathryn at Happy Stitcher

Margie at From Cotton to Silk Dreams

Tanya at The Honeysuckle Tree

Sister’s Choice Quilts

Of course, each and every one of you are a treasure to me and I so appreciate the time and effort you take to share yourself and your art with all of us, as well as the time and effort you take to comment and read each of our blogs. Thank you!

As for what I’ve been up to lately? I did a little Halloween decorating, which is always fun. I have finished up the stitching on the second gift I’ve been working on, and now just need to do the finishing on both. I’ve got my next Neighborhood RR to start on and I just need to pull my threads for it. It’s gonna be a fun piece to stitch on. It’s a summer/beach theme, which I LOVE! So, I’ll be making a start on that in the next couple of days. I’ve also been trying to make some time to read my book for my next book club. We’re reading Portrait of an Unknown Woman by Vanora Bennett, which is wonderful so far. I just need to make time to sit down with it.

I’ve also been steadily going to the gym and working with my trainer. Yesterday I had my one month fitness assessment. I’ve definitely improved in strength and endurance, as well as I’ve lost an inch in my waist, an inch in my hips, half an inch in my shoulders, an inch and a half in each of my thighs and an inch in each of my biceps. Isn’t that cool! I’m not seeing a change on the scale, but I’m good with fitting into a smaller size and losing those inches!! So, rah rah rah for me!

We are going through yet another round of layoffs here at work, so if you could all just join me in being positive about the situation, no matter the outcome, I would appreciate it.

Thank you all again for stopping by. I’ll post some more Philadelphia photos soon, I didn’t want to press my luck with the photo upload thing today.

Walk to Rivendell: Leave road and head north into Chetwood. No living things all day. (Total Miles Walked 146).

I am grateful for reason and support when I feel like I’m in turmoil.

22 thoughts on “Smiles All Around”

  1. Michelle lots of good thoughts and prayers for you! The nice thing about exercising is it helps relieve stress.

    Love your mantel.

  2. Michelle lots of good thoughts and prayers for you! The nice thing about exercising is it helps relieve stress.

    Love your mantel.

  3. Love your halloween decorating! Great news on your exercising, I wish I could motivate myself to do that as well, keep up the great job!
    Good thoughts coming to you regarding the job situation, I know that must be really stressful for you.

  4. Love your halloween decorating! Great news on your exercising, I wish I could motivate myself to do that as well, keep up the great job!
    Good thoughts coming to you regarding the job situation, I know that must be really stressful for you.

  5. Well done with your excercise programme! All the best with your job. The Tesori piece looks great. It’s really coming along. xx

  6. Well done with your excercise programme! All the best with your job. The Tesori piece looks great. It’s really coming along. xx

  7. Wow, those exercise results are just great! My thoughts and prayers are with you on your job situation. And I love the Halloween decoration.

  8. Wow, those exercise results are just great! My thoughts and prayers are with you on your job situation. And I love the Halloween decoration.

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