Snails and Octopus

No, this isn’t a post about French food…you’ll just have to read on to see what I have in store for you today. It has been a lovely weekend. Yesterday I went to lunch with my girlfriends, today I did some quilting and just finished a fabulous dinner that my husband made. My local quilt shop has started a block of the month club for twelve months. You got the choice of picking either 30s reproduction fabrics or batiks. I have done two quilts with the 30s fabrics, and thought I would give the batiks a try. On the third Sunday of each month I get my next block with instructions and the fabrics. So, today I sat down and pieced last month’s block. I wanted to get it done before I pick up the next one. The pattern of this block is called Snail’s Trail. I love the fabrics they chose for this one – batiks are so vibrant. Excuse the wonky photo – that’s me that’s off-kilter, not the block.

My husband came home with these beautiful roses for me today. They smell so good! I put them in my favorite vase – it was my mother’s. You can also see the African Violet that my mother-in-law gave me. It had lost all of its blooms, but has just sprouted some new ones, it must like this window!

And finally, I stitched some on my Bay Sampler. I know I am supposed to be stitching on Mystery 9 to try to get caught up, but I just love the colors in this piece and it is so fun to work on. I am about to outgrow my Q-Snap, so I will have to move it to the bigger one. And in answer to Ann‘s question of how big Bay Sampler is, I am stitching it on 28ct. and my fabric is 18 x 26 inches. I am stitching on Picture This Plus Sterling. The photo on the front of the chart is not even a great photo, and if I hadn’t seen this stitched up as a model in my LNS, I would never have wanted to stitch it so bad. Take a look at Glenna‘s blog too – she posted her Bay Sampler in progress and you can see what the sail is supposed to look like. Strangely, she and I are almost in the exact same place in stitching this. [ok, you’re going to have to wait for a pic of the Octopus, Blogger is pitching a fit again. ]

And to answer some of the other questions posed in the comments, I thought I’d do them all at once.
Cathy asked if The Cross-Stitcher Magazine I was referring to in my previous post about the Caramel Apple Sampler is the U.S. magazine. Yes it is. I have never run across the magazine before, so it is a new one to me.

Nicki asked in reference to my last post about stitching HAED what fabric count I purchased. I bought 28 ct. While the chart itself states to use 25, I think Nicki is using 28 for hers…so I figured I’d be safe. Nicki, you should go back and read some of the comments other people left – you are a real enabler!

Ann had two more questions for me as well. She asked how I plan to frame Quaker Garden. I think I’d like to frame it similar to the way it is framed in the photo on the chart – no mat, maybe a dark cherry wood frame. I think that would be a great contrast to the green fabric. Not sure where I’ll take it to be framed though – I have mixed feelings about my LNS and their framing choices. Ann also asked how I like MAC Cosmetics. They are wonderful! If you haven’t tried them yet – go get some eyeshadow and give it a whirl. What girl couldn’t use a fun, new color?!

That’s all for tonight. Hope you’ve all had a fabulous weekend!

I am grateful for my sweetheart’s romantic gestures and tomato basil bisque (mmm).

2 thoughts on “Snails and Octopus”

  1. Beautiful quilt block – such bright and cheerful colors.

    Wow — your husband is a keeper. smashing bouquet of roses.

  2. Michelle, awesome job on the quilt block. I so want to do a batik quilt, they are just such gorgeous fabrics. I can’t wait to see the next block you do. Ann.

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