I’m so bad at keeping up with SALs, I really am. And yet, each and every time I’m presented with one I leap right in with both feet. Hope springs eternal. So, at the beginning of the year, a SAL began in one of the Facebook groups to stitch the Snooty Parrots Sampler by Barbara Ana Designs. It’s an original design created to look like a repro, with intentional “mistakes” and all. Super cute sampler, love the crowned parrots especially, and of course the A&E. But, I was ending a year with so few finishes under my belt, and beginning a new year holding firm to my resolution that I would focus on And They Sinned, my Anniversaries of the Heart, and on a new start that I was planning on starting in Paris. So, I decided no Snooty for me. I am working on other things! You see where this is going, don’t you?
So, after seeing a few January 1 starts on Snooty, and everyone I know seemingly joining in on the fun, I start to waiver in my conviction. But, I somehow got it into my head that if I was going to stitch it, I wanted to stitch it my way. My way equated out to wanting to stitch it on 45ct. I’ve never stitched on higher than 40ct, and I’d really been wanting to give 45 a try. So, I decide that with that personal challenge I will join the SAL. Then began the task of getting 45ct fabric. Well, no one local carries the 45ct (or had any at the time), so then I had to start looking for a place to order from. I ended up contacting The Attic, and talked with Jean about what I wanted to do. She didn’t have any of the called for fabric in 45ct currently, but suggested that I might give the 50ct a try. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? I mean, come on. How big a difference could there be between 45 and 50? So, I eagerly agree and say yes, I’d like to use the Tudor silks you recommend with it too. And then Jean the enabler tells me, that by 50ct she really means the unevenweave that is 52 in one direction and 60 in the other. Okaaaaayyyyyy. I’d seen my good friend Robert‘s completed Crown Sampler on the 52/60 and it was gorgeous. So, that’s what I ended up with. I only got the three silks I needed to complete January’s part, because I figured I’d know at that point if this was going to kill me or not.
My silks and fabric arrived, and boy that 52/60 count is teeny tiny. But, everything was beautiful, so I got started. What I will say about the high count linen is that you do need good light, it does help to use a hoop or q-snap to open those holes up a bit, and it takes a little while to adjust to it. But, even though my first few nights of stitching were a little bit of a struggle for the first ten minutes or so, when I saw how it stitched up I was hooked. Look how tiny and sweet!!!!!

Why are things always way cuter tiny? Seriously though. And when Robert compared his 40ct start to my 52/60ct start, he started over on the 52/60ct. It seriously makes the 40ct look huge! Of course Robert’s already stitched 90% of his piece now after restarting, but we won’t discuss it.

I absolutely love this fabric, and the more I stitch on it, the more I love it and the easier it gets. It used to take me, like I said, 10-15 minutes to get adjusted to it. Now though, the only place I seem to have a bit of an issue is starting a new thread. For some reason that just seems to take a bit of patience to make sure I’m in the right spot.

It took me a little while but I did get my January part done and am working on February still (see why I titled this post Snooty Turtle SAL?). And, the kind of fun thing is that I’ve stitched on Snooty here in Texas, in Paris, and in Kelkheim and Bavaria, Germany. It’s been kind of fun to bring it along with me on my adventures this year.
I’m getting close to the point on my Snooty that I need the rest of my silks in order to continue. I’m excited to put some blues and browns in. And I’ve seen some beautiful examples of Snootys with color changes – using blue for the alphabet instead of pink, using red rather than pink, etc. It’s really fun to see what other people do with it. That’s really the fun part of a SAL, isn’t it?
I’m hoping to get February’s portion finished up, minus the numbers that are in another color, soon and I’ll be sure to post my progress. And seriously, the more I stitch on this tiny thing the cuter it gets. I’m so glad I decided to challenge myself and try something new.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments. I always appreciate them. My life kind of imploded between Thanksgiving and the end of January, so I know I was super absent from the blog, but I’ve got several new posts in the works and I intend to get back to my regular posting schedule.
I am grateful for being inspired by other bloggers to get back into the swing of things.
Oh Michelle!! Isn’t 52/60 wonderful!! Your piece is going to be so beautiful! Loved the comment about Robert. Don’t you just wish you could speed stitch like he does. Keep having fun.
Oh Michelle!! Isn’t 52/60 wonderful!! Your piece is going to be so beautiful! Loved the comment about Robert. Don’t you just wish you could speed stitch like he does. Keep having fun.
How brave you are to be stitching on the 52 ct! I have a piece kitted with it but so far, I haven’t started it yet. I am stitching Snooty Parrots too and will be interested to see how yours comes out on the incredibly small linen!! Laura
How brave you are to be stitching on the 52 ct! I have a piece kitted with it but so far, I haven’t started it yet. I am stitching Snooty Parrots too and will be interested to see how yours comes out on the incredibly small linen!! Laura
I am in awe!! Your sampler is darling! I can’t wait to see more.
Jean enabled me to buy 45 count linen for a project and I don’t even dare start it, it’s so tiny! Great job challenging yourself. You may inspire me to get going on mine.
I am in awe!! Your sampler is darling! I can’t wait to see more.
Jean enabled me to buy 45 count linen for a project and I don’t even dare start it, it’s so tiny! Great job challenging yourself. You may inspire me to get going on mine.
Your progress is great. I can’t imagine stitching on 52/60 count! I doubt that I could see to do it. Your piece will be beautiful tho. Keep us updated with your progress!
Your progress is great. I can’t imagine stitching on 52/60 count! I doubt that I could see to do it. Your piece will be beautiful tho. Keep us updated with your progress!
Hope springs eternal for me on many levels with the goals and the sals too 🙁
But look at you! on that high count with silks and all your adventures and indeed it is darling! GO GO GO! 🙂
Hope springs eternal for me on many levels with the goals and the sals too 🙁
But look at you! on that high count with silks and all your adventures and indeed it is darling! GO GO GO! 🙂
Oh my, Michelle! Absolutley gorgeous!!! No matter how I might want to try something on that size linen, no way I could handle it, even with magnification. I admire you for going for the challenge and glad you joined the SAL, too!
Oh my, Michelle! Absolutley gorgeous!!! No matter how I might want to try something on that size linen, no way I could handle it, even with magnification. I admire you for going for the challenge and glad you joined the SAL, too!
Oh Michelle, hurray for you! My eyes just cringe at the thought of 52/60. Love the parrot fob as well.
Oh Michelle, hurray for you! My eyes just cringe at the thought of 52/60. Love the parrot fob as well.
Wow, your sampler is looking great! I’ve been curious to try the 45 and 52 count fabric. Maybe on the next sampler.
Wow, your sampler is looking great! I’ve been curious to try the 45 and 52 count fabric. Maybe on the next sampler.
I’ve acquired some 52/60 as well along with the Tudor silks. The silks are so beautifully colored it almost seems wrong to use them! I’m SO glad to hear you’re having a good experience with the higher count fabric. I haven’t started mine yet and may not until next year. I think the name of the sampler I purchased is Katrine Thomsen. I’ll be looking forward to your Snooty updates!
I’ve acquired some 52/60 as well along with the Tudor silks. The silks are so beautifully colored it almost seems wrong to use them! I’m SO glad to hear you’re having a good experience with the higher count fabric. I haven’t started mine yet and may not until next year. I think the name of the sampler I purchased is Katrine Thomsen. I’ll be looking forward to your Snooty updates!
Michelle, beautiful work! I’m so impressed with how well you’ve done with the 52/60!
SALs do the same to me – they sound like so much fun and my intentions good, but I do seem to bail on every one of them.
Michelle, beautiful work! I’m so impressed with how well you’ve done with the 52/60!
SALs do the same to me – they sound like so much fun and my intentions good, but I do seem to bail on every one of them.
Never stitched on 52 ct. It does look gorgeous though. Looking forward to seeing more progress.
Never stitched on 52 ct. It does look gorgeous though. Looking forward to seeing more progress.
I joined this SAL too but even stitching on good ole 36ct – I am still way behind in my monthly goals. I’ll enjoy seeing your teeny tiny take shape. Melody
I joined this SAL too but even stitching on good ole 36ct – I am still way behind in my monthly goals. I’ll enjoy seeing your teeny tiny take shape. Melody
It’s looking gorgeous, great progress
It’s looking gorgeous, great progress