Snowed In

Thanks so much for the compliments on my first finished block on Shores. I hope to get back to it soon. It’s been an interesting week. I’ve been heads down trying to get my current class at school finished up (Microsoft Project), and will be taking my final next week if all goes well. I’ll be glad to have that done and move on to my final class. Anyway, the weather people have been predicting bad weather most of the week this week, so I’ve been hauling my laptop back and forth from work to home every night. When I woke up Thursday morning, we were covered in a blanket of snow. Now, please keep in mind this is Dallas we are talking about. Seriously. This is the third snow we’ve had this winter which is nuts. But, it usually snows, then melts within a day.

It continued to snow all day yesterday. My school closed at 3pm yesterday afternoon and is closed today too. When I headed home from work last night, the kids in my neighborhood were still sledding down the hill at the park on trashbags (yeah, we don’t usually have a need for sleds in Texas).

It still is covered this morning, in fact I hear we got a record 11 inches of snow. Our poor trees are sagging terribly under the weight of the snow. But I had to admit to feeling a bit magical standing underneath the tree, with the branches creating a little wintery umbrella.

I’m working from home today, and so thankful I have the ability to do that. Eric and I are hoping to go out to the park later to see more of the snow while it’s still around.

It’s a good thing, though, that somebody loves me. Just in time for the arctic blast, my friend Kim made this amazing scarf for me!

Scarf from Kim

I believe she said this was Noro Silk Garden.

Scarf from Kim

And she made it long and skinny, because I’d mentioned I wanted a long and skinny scarf. I just love it so much. I’ve been wearing it with everything, in all different combinations of neck-wrapping options. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kim!! I promise I won’t whine and beg for anything else anytime soon….well, I’ll at least give it a couple of weeks.

So…since I haven’t done any stitching at all this week, I’ve filled my time thinking about Market releases. So many pretty things coming out. My list is growing exponentially, but a few of the things on it are:

The Queen’s Sampler: Elizabeth I
The Queen’s Crowns
Black’d Skie
Jane Philpott
Jenny Bean’s Humble Servant Sampler
Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow
The new Blackbird Designs book

What are you pre-ordering?

That’s it for me today. Eric and I are headed out for a walk through the snowy park behind our house with our cameras. Hopefully there will be stitching in my future tonight!

I am grateful for our electricity staying on – my parents had theirs go out for about eleven hours.

30 thoughts on “Snowed In”

  1. What a beautiful scarf Michelle! How sweet of Kim to make it for you.

    I love the snow pictures, but I’m glad we only had a sprinkling this week 😉

    It looks like we both like similar designs coming out of Nashville – The Queen’s Crowns and the BBD book are definites for me, and I like the new PN Black’d Skie too 🙂

  2. What a beautiful scarf Michelle! How sweet of Kim to make it for you.

    I love the snow pictures, but I’m glad we only had a sprinkling this week 😉

    It looks like we both like similar designs coming out of Nashville – The Queen’s Crowns and the BBD book are definites for me, and I like the new PN Black’d Skie too 🙂

  3. Snowed in in Dallas! I should probably call my sister…stay safe and warm. I love the snow pictures!

    I’m eager to get Elizabeth I too!! Lovely scarf from Kim!

  4. Snowed in in Dallas! I should probably call my sister…stay safe and warm. I love the snow pictures!

    I’m eager to get Elizabeth I too!! Lovely scarf from Kim!

  5. Wow Michelle! I can’t believe all the snow you’ve gotten there! Stay warm and safe! Love the scarf, that was so sweet of your friend Kim! Pretty much everything on your market list is on my list also. Can’t wait for the end of February!! 🙂

  6. Wow Michelle! I can’t believe all the snow you’ve gotten there! Stay warm and safe! Love the scarf, that was so sweet of your friend Kim! Pretty much everything on your market list is on my list also. Can’t wait for the end of February!! 🙂

  7. I still can’t believe how much snow you’ve gotten! Geez! It’s just amazing! That scarf is wonderful — I love long skinny scarves too. And that one is so colorful! So nice of Kim to make it for you. Your market preorder list looks pretty similar to mine! lol!

  8. I still can’t believe how much snow you’ve gotten! Geez! It’s just amazing! That scarf is wonderful — I love long skinny scarves too. And that one is so colorful! So nice of Kim to make it for you. Your market preorder list looks pretty similar to mine! lol!

  9. Your scarf is so pretty! Lucky girl. When viewing your snaps I thought I was looking at my little corner of Iowa. lol 🙂

  10. Your scarf is so pretty! Lucky girl. When viewing your snaps I thought I was looking at my little corner of Iowa. lol 🙂

  11. The scarf your friend made for you is SO gorgeous! I love all the different colors in the yarn.

    There are some amazing new releases for market, aren’t there? I can’t think about them yet because I’ll want them NOW!

    We actually got snow today, and it’s still snowing. For awhile I thought we were the only ones in the US with no snow. We’re supposed to get five inches.

  12. Beautiful scenery! Three of my direct reports are in Dallas and work in a high rise downtown. One of them called me early yesterday and said that it looked like she was in a snowglobe. It sounded wonderful!

  13. Yay for the snow and for the gorgeous scarf. As for the charts, wow–I’ve done a flurry of buying lately, and I want some of the ones in your group. I want to get Cape Cod Boys, BBD new book, J. Philpott, and lately I’ve scooped up Eliz. Saviles and a few more I’ve seen on various blogs. Can’t wait.

  14. Really beautiful snow pictures, Michelle! My favorite kind of snow is the kind that sticks to the trees that way. You’re right it does look magical and oh so peaceful and always sort of take my breath away a bit…

    And what a great scarf! Love how it worked out that you got it just in time! What a nice treat, and sweet friend!

    I too am waiting with bated breath for the new market releases! Looks like we are anticipating a lot of the same ones!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Our trees out front haven’t done very well with all the weight of the snow…it’s been unreal!
    We lost power for about 8 hours during late last night and this morn, and feel lucky it was back on, since so many others are still without!

    Love that scarf, very pretty! Such a sweet present from your friend!

    I see some things from Market that I like, but 2010 is my year of “learning to admire, not aquire”, so no new purchases for me 🙂 Been shopping in the stash instead!

    Stay warm!

  16. What a nice scarf and looks like it’s definitely needed with the weather you’ve been having! Pretty pictures, good that you were able to work from home. I’m planning on making my ‘must have’ list from Nashville this weekend and having some major browsing time to see just what I can’t live without!

  17. That was a cruel joke the weather gods played on me!! I cannot believe it.

    Love the scarf that Kim made – the colors are great. I have to attempt that one one day. I did get my Baktus finished – stayed up the night before I left until 3:30 am knitting. Got up at 5:00 am to leave for the airport – uuugh.
    Can’t wait to see you.

  18. Such a beautiful scarf, a wonderful gift, particularly at this kind of weather, lol.
    I love your market choices, all of them. And I’m sure I’ll go for the new HRH chart, and maybe the new BBD book. But as I have so many great charts I don’t want to add too much to my stash.

  19. Great scarf – Silk garden is fun to use on anything – Looks like you need it – WOW – what great photos of the snow in your area. I love Jane Philpot – awesome repro and WMN Mrs Waddelows Huswif are topping my wish list for market. Enjoy! Melody

  20. Our electricity went out for 11 hours just the other day. Someone hit the pole at the bottom of the development – HARD. They had to dig it out and replace it. Ah, the adventures. Isn’t snow a gorgeous thing? And yes, I can still say that after the feet after feet that we’ve had (and still hasn’t melted off yet). 🙂 Glad you were able to enjoy it!

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