Follow my blog with Bloglovin
I’m finally getting around to getting my blog claimed over on Bloglovin. After Google Reader went by the wayside, I looked around for a new way to keep up with the blogs I love and so far am liking Bloglovin. Please zoom on over and follow cozyegg so you never miss a post!
As always, you can find me on Instagram and Twitter under my username cozyegg.
Thanks for checking in and reading!

you are on my bloglovin list!
you are on my bloglovin list!
Hi Michelle, I know it was waaaaaay back in 2007 when you first asked about my Crimson Fire Sampler … I’ll be finished with it shortly, and wondered if you still wanted it? I figured it was a long shot after so long!! LOL
Hi Michelle, I know it was waaaaaay back in 2007 when you first asked about my Crimson Fire Sampler … I’ll be finished with it shortly, and wondered if you still wanted it? I figured it was a long shot after so long!! LOL
I’ve just been told my profile is now showing as a “no reply” profile for some reason … so feel free to email me ( if you still want the chart … if not I’ll put it up for trade/sale as I know other people who are interested 🙂
I’ve just been told my profile is now showing as a “no reply” profile for some reason … so feel free to email me ( if you still want the chart … if not I’ll put it up for trade/sale as I know other people who are interested 🙂