
Hello, all! I am slowly but surely getting past all the allergy nastiness that has been keeping me feeling not so good. And of course, good mail always helps! I went ahead and ordered the Songbird Pullware for Lady Scarlet’s Journey, even though I am not even finished with Barnabee. Since Jenna and I have plans to stitch this one next, I figured there was no time like the present to make sure I got the pullware. It arrived and it is so pretty! Now, I will just have to figure out how to finish my pieces into a bellpull once I get them stitched!

I have been stitching solely on the last Just Nan RR I have to stitch on. Arthemise has chosen to do a bellpull of the Just Nan Twelve Days of Christmas for her RR. I am stitching on Day 10 – Ten Lords Leaping. I just love the colors in this, and I have been looking forward to stitching on this one since the RR started. I think I may have to invest in this chart, even though I have Teresa Wentzler’s 12 Days ornaments on the go. I should be able to get this finished up in the next couple of nights. There are still several blank spots on this though, so I may ask her if she wants me to go ahead and stitch a second one, or if she wants it to come on home. I was kinda torn between 8 Maids Milking and 10 Lords Leaping.

And speaking of the Just Nan RR, I so appreciate all of your wonderful comments and compliments on it. I have asked Carol and Jenna to stitch in my last two spots, as they were my two initiators on the Barnabee Quest SAL. I am so excited to send it to them! I will probably go ahead and order that snowflake charm for the Frost Flower square while my RR is traveling again.

Walk to Rivendell: Camp – Woody End. A green floor in the wood, roofed by boughs of trees. To the east a steep shoulder falls, and they can overlook the river valley. The lights of the village of Woodhall seen below (ca. 11 p.m.). Sleep late (leaving time ca. 11:00 a.m.). Frodo decides to cut SE to Buckleberry Ferry. Scramble down hill into the thick trees below. It begins to cloud up. A deep-banked stream below the hill cuts across their path. Looking back, they see a Black Rider on the hillcrest where they had camped. They force through the bushes alongside the stream. (Total Miles Walked: 47) [That’s a lot to happen in only a mile and a half!!!]

I am grateful for having lost 31.2 pounds!!!

30 thoughts on “Songbird”

  1. The RR is looking good! Just stitch whatever you want. I know I’ll have to fill in the missing spots. Not sure what I’ll do about the names, though.

  2. The RR is looking good! Just stitch whatever you want. I know I’ll have to fill in the missing spots. Not sure what I’ll do about the names, though.

  3. The Silver Thistle

    What lovely bright colours on the RR! You must have great eyesight, those looks like teeny tiny stitches!

    I’m put off a bit from joining RR’s….not because I don’t want to join them, but because I’m terrified someone will pick 40ct and want me to stitch over 1, lol. I don’t think my eye’s are as good as they once were *sigh*

  4. The Silver Thistle

    What lovely bright colours on the RR! You must have great eyesight, those looks like teeny tiny stitches!

    I’m put off a bit from joining RR’s….not because I don’t want to join them, but because I’m terrified someone will pick 40ct and want me to stitch over 1, lol. I don’t think my eye’s are as good as they once were *sigh*

  5. That Pullware is GORGEOUS!!

    Another beautiful RR. I loved that design when it was released – it’s a great idea to stitch it up as a bell pull.

  6. That Pullware is GORGEOUS!!

    Another beautiful RR. I loved that design when it was released – it’s a great idea to stitch it up as a bell pull.

  7. Wow this rr looks beautiful! I too love the colors!! I too have allergies and live in TX. They are pretty bad right now for us too! Hope you feel lots better! I will love seeing the 10 lords a leaping when you get it finished! Debby 🙂

  8. Wow this rr looks beautiful! I too love the colors!! I too have allergies and live in TX. They are pretty bad right now for us too! Hope you feel lots better! I will love seeing the 10 lords a leaping when you get it finished! Debby 🙂

  9. Hi,

    This is my first time leaving a comment on someones blog! I have fallen in love with the Leannes House Quilt you showed. It looks like they send you the fabrics already cut and the flosses as well. Where can I get order it? Please tell me, I am dying to try it!!

    Marci Whitmire
    Atlanta GA

  10. Hi,

    This is my first time leaving a comment on someones blog! I have fallen in love with the Leannes House Quilt you showed. It looks like they send you the fabrics already cut and the flosses as well. Where can I get order it? Please tell me, I am dying to try it!!

    Marci Whitmire
    Atlanta GA

  11. Yay, mine arrived yesterday. They are beautiful bellpulls, aren’t they? Now, if only I could find some time to work on Barnabee! :

  12. Yay, mine arrived yesterday. They are beautiful bellpulls, aren’t they? Now, if only I could find some time to work on Barnabee! :

  13. Your round robin looks great! And that pullware is BEAUTIFUL !! I don’t blame you for ordering it straight away. 🙂

  14. Your round robin looks great! And that pullware is BEAUTIFUL !! I don’t blame you for ordering it straight away. 🙂

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