Well, today was a great day! We got up early and went to my storage unit on a rescue mission for my paintings and drawings. Eric decided last night that I really should have all of my artwork here at the house, and we are going to go through and catalog all of it and photograph it (which I think is on my 101 things list!). After this jaunt to the storage place, I went up to my LNS for thread. Somehow, I spent a good chunk of change on thread. How did that happen? Well, let’s see…

At the top, you can see threads for the Old Aviary Sampler. I am still missing one SNC and two Au Ver a Soie threads, plus the ribbon. I don’t know what’s going on with my LNS, but where they used to have two big pegboards of SNC, they only had half a pegboard today. So, my choices were limited. In the middle, you can see the Mill Hill beads I need for my Lemon Meringue Sampler. Don’t these just look luscious?! And at the bottom, I have two possibilities for my problem color in Bay Sampler. The top one is Wood Smoke, and the bottom one is Sea Heather. I am crossing my fingers that one of those works! I also special ordered a chart while I was there – but you will have to wait in suspense to find out what it is! I agree with the comments left about my Midi 2 stash – European Cross-stitch does a fabulous job of putting together the kits and wrapping them up like little presents. Of course, this is my birthday present to myself, so hurrah! This afternoon, Eric took me to the Ringling Brothers circus. I have never in all my years been to a circus, which he thought was shocking. So, we went. It was so fun. We ate snow cones and cotton candy and had a blast! Tonight we watched the next movie on my Academy Award Best Picture list…Grand Hotel. This one was pretty good…and actually had some actors in it that I recognized. Of course, Eric drew the parallel to the Star Trek Next Generation episode that had to do with the Grand Hotel (yes we are geeks). So, all in all it has been a fabulous day. And, I even managed to get some stitching done. You won’t believe how much I’ve gotten done on Quaker Garden. I am determined to get this finished by the end of the month. And really, I’ve got to work on my photography skills – they are appalling!
Well – you’ll have to wait until next time for a pic – blogger is being uncooperative tonight.
I am grateful for the inspiration I receive.
The colours are lovely, Michelle! And I’d love to watch all of the Academy Award winners.
I love all the threads, very pretty. I also love TNG. I am a geek too. 🙂
I can’t tell did you, or did you NOT like Grand Hotel? I stay within 30’s for all viewing.. There are things in there that would never be excepted in today’s feminist standards.. For instance watch John Barrymore’s hand on Joan Crawford butt tap when she goes off to type for “P”..
Did I miss your birthday, dear woman? I hope not! It sounds like you had quite a wonderful day. 🙂 I hope that we’ll get to see some of your artwork once you have catalogued it!
Ooooo yes, please show us some of your work!!
Splendiferous threads! 😀
I see you are buying the AVAS and Thread Gatherer silks for Old Aviary as opposed to the Vikki Clayton ones… do you think those would be better??