Spring Colors

Peacock Pinkeep 041509

Thank you all for your sweet compliments on my progress photos last time and for the anniversary well wishes. This weekend we are going on a little day trip that Eric had planned for our anniversary, but due to car trouble we had to postpone. I am really looking forward to it! Anyway, as promised I am showing you my new start above. This is the new Loose Feathers by Blackbird Designs. I love the linen for this little pinkeep. I am stitching with the recommended Belle Soie silks as well, which are luscious. I’ve made a little more progress on my peacock since this photo was taken, but I have to admit I got slightly distracted. In case you didn’t know, Blackbird Designs have a blog now! And, of course it features the lovely photography that I have grown to love on their charts. There is a freebie offered that is a sweet little reproduction sampler. And I couldn’t resist making a little start on it. So, I’ve been focusing on that the past few days. I hope to show you a finish on it soon, and then I can get back to my little peacock.

Darning Sampler 041609

At my last guild meeting, one of our members gave a wonderful presentation on darning samplers, as a great introduction to our SAL on the darning sampler we’ve chosen from SANQ. That is one of the thing I have just loved about belonging to this guild, the things I am learning. So far, my two favorite meetings have been the one about Adam & Eve samplers, and now this one. Such knowledgeable women! At our meeting, I received my linen and silks for the darning sampler, aren’t they lovely? I’ll be stitching this on 40ct. I believe the color is Sand. And the silks are Au Ver A Soie. Two of them are missing from this photo, one is on its way and one because I’m a dork and left it out of the photo. Lovely though anyway.

I’ve been continuing with my photo a day project, and you can see more of those over at my other blog, if you’re interested. Thanks for stopping in, I really appreciate all of your comments and friendship!


I am grateful for time together.

27 thoughts on “Spring Colors”

  1. Loose Feathers is looking good, great new start! I look forward to watching you stitch this one up!!! Love the photo’s! Awesome!

  2. Loose Feathers is looking good, great new start! I look forward to watching you stitch this one up!!! Love the photo’s! Awesome!

  3. I love how that peacock is going to look as I really love the linen it’s on. I will be getting mine some time next week I reckon. Sorry about your anniversary trip but at least you will have it this weekend instead. Can’t wait to see your darning sampler because I love Au Ver A Soie and I love Darning Samplers. Love Patti xxx

  4. I love how that peacock is going to look as I really love the linen it’s on. I will be getting mine some time next week I reckon. Sorry about your anniversary trip but at least you will have it this weekend instead. Can’t wait to see your darning sampler because I love Au Ver A Soie and I love Darning Samplers. Love Patti xxx

  5. Your LF is coming along so nicely, Michelle. YGG! Those silks are luscious! I can’t wait to see your darning sampler. Your guild sounds like such a fun group of people, so interesting!

  6. Your LF is coming along so nicely, Michelle. YGG! Those silks are luscious! I can’t wait to see your darning sampler. Your guild sounds like such a fun group of people, so interesting!

  7. Terri(TerriBoog)

    The peacock is looking awesome! I’m also working on the BBD freebie – should be done soon as well. Looking forward to seeing your finish!

  8. Terri(TerriBoog)

    The peacock is looking awesome! I’m also working on the BBD freebie – should be done soon as well. Looking forward to seeing your finish!

  9. Laurie in Iowa

    The silks for your darning sampler are gorgeous! I can’t wait to see a snap of your progress on that sampler.

  10. Laurie in Iowa

    The silks for your darning sampler are gorgeous! I can’t wait to see a snap of your progress on that sampler.

  11. The silks are just gorgeous, as is your new start! I love that BBD pinkeep, look forward to seeing more of yours!

  12. The silks are just gorgeous, as is your new start! I love that BBD pinkeep, look forward to seeing more of yours!

  13. Don’t you love the latest Loose Feathers? I have the pattern, but that’s as far as it goes so far. I’m so glad you posted a photo of the fabric. It’s very pretty!

    A very lovely bouquet of tulips you have there!

  14. Great start on your Peacock! I was on the fence about these, but now they are really growing on me! 😉 The silks are beautiful! So yummy! I love the tulips too. I had been buying them for a couple weeks, but I haven’t seen any more of the pinky-red ones (which are my favorite) in awhile.

  15. Great start on your Peacock! I was on the fence about these, but now they are really growing on me! 😉 The silks are beautiful! So yummy! I love the tulips too. I had been buying them for a couple weeks, but I haven’t seen any more of the pinky-red ones (which are my favorite) in awhile.

  16. Lovely start on your Loose Feathers. This one os really pretty. I wonder what the rest will be like! I haven’t signed up this year because I was quite disappointed ib the later ones last year.

  17. Michelle, I love your peacock start and the pink is a beautiful color! Looking forward to your darning sampler – the silks are so pretty! Have a great weekend!

  18. Don’t know how I missed your post Michelle. Your Loose Feathers is looking really good. I have mine in the stash line-up, but I keep getting sidelined with other projects (isn’t that the way!). Love those silks for the darning sampler! I wish that my guild did projects like that! Ours are usually of a small variety! Can’t wait to see more progress on the pinkeep.

  19. Don’t you just love LF!! I am interested in seeing your progress on the darning sampler. Your guild sounds very interesting.

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