Stars in Her Crown

The Tudor Rose Sampler Guild invited Paulette of Plum Street Samplers to come and teach a workshop for us and we commissioned her to design a sampler. I’ve been counting down the days and anxiously awaiting Paulette’s arrival in Dallas for our class. Saturday was the big day, and true to form Paulette’s attention to detail was evident in every piece. The kit was beautifully packaged and opening it brought gasps of joy from every person in the room.

The kit included a glorious array of silks, Lakeside linen, Weeks wool, a Sudberry frame, crushed walnut shells and other little bits for finishing the smalls as well as a fun little lip balm. Everything was beautifully presented.

Paulette also set up an amazing trunk show for our members – and seeing her pieces in person was a treat. Absolutely gorgeous pieces – and several of them just got bumped up to the top of my To Stitch list.

And here is the gorgeous sampler Paulette designed for us. It’s called The Crowned Bird Sampler. Love love love it! I cannot wait to get started on this beauty.

Paulette spent some time talking about her inspiration for the piece and some of the things she included and why.

Look at the red bird!

And Victoria Beckham move over, this lady’s fascinator puts hers to shame! What a perfectly dressed couple – particularly for a workshop taking place on Derby Day!

And here are the smalls – a miniature sewing tray and strawberry.

Here’s my little bitty start on the sewing tray. Paulette’s pieces are always so fun to stitch and it was such a good day filled with friends, stitching, laughter, good food and beautifully designed pieces.

Thank you so much, Paulette, for designing such a special sampler for us. Your visit was much too short although I’m sure Tilly-Roux the Yorkie was glad to have you back home!

I am grateful for a wonderful weekend with a wonderful lady.

44 thoughts on “Stars in Her Crown”

  1. Oh wow! The box alone looks wonderful enough to eat! I know everyone had to be thrilled with their packages – so many pretty things in them. Love the sampler with its pretty border. I didn’t realize it was that large until I saw Paulette holding it.

    Joining your guild sounds like a good plan!

  2. Oh wow! The box alone looks wonderful enough to eat! I know everyone had to be thrilled with their packages – so many pretty things in them. Love the sampler with its pretty border. I didn’t realize it was that large until I saw Paulette holding it.

    Joining your guild sounds like a good plan!

  3. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    How fun! I love the sampler Paulette designed and the tray and strawberry are wonderful, too! I’ll bet you had a blast!

  4. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    How fun! I love the sampler Paulette designed and the tray and strawberry are wonderful, too! I’ll bet you had a blast!

  5. WOW – what a wonderful workshop with Paulette and what awesome projects for your guild – you all must be tickled pink. I would be – enjoy it ! Melody

  6. WOW – what a wonderful workshop with Paulette and what awesome projects for your guild – you all must be tickled pink. I would be – enjoy it ! Melody

  7. Ooooh I’m so envious! Looks so wonderful — Paulette is amazing! Glad you all had a good time together and in class!

  8. Ooooh I’m so envious! Looks so wonderful — Paulette is amazing! Glad you all had a good time together and in class!

  9. My goodness!!!! Look at that gorgeous RED house!!!! I simply love this piece….. And, Paulette is one of my favorite people on the planet….. Se seems so ” real….” Fun, fun, fun!

  10. My goodness!!!! Look at that gorgeous RED house!!!! I simply love this piece….. And, Paulette is one of my favorite people on the planet….. Se seems so ” real….” Fun, fun, fun!

  11. I just love looking at the sampler and the smalls!! I am so excited to get mine and like you to get started…. dare I ask it – SAL??? Thanks for sharing this, Michelle. You made not being there a bit easier.

  12. I just love looking at the sampler and the smalls!! I am so excited to get mine and like you to get started…. dare I ask it – SAL??? Thanks for sharing this, Michelle. You made not being there a bit easier.

  13. Looks like such a great day!!!!! Lucky girl, and I absolutely love the sampler and the smalls :-)!

  14. Looks like such a great day!!!!! Lucky girl, and I absolutely love the sampler and the smalls :-)!

  15. A gorgeous piece. Looking forward to seeing your progress on it. From your excitement I’m sure it will be finished in no time at all.

  16. A gorgeous piece. Looking forward to seeing your progress on it. From your excitement I’m sure it will be finished in no time at all.

  17. I’m so jealous – I love that design and everything that you got!! I’ll bet that it’s a workshop that you won’t forget going to.

  18. I’m so jealous – I love that design and everything that you got!! I’ll bet that it’s a workshop that you won’t forget going to.

  19. What a sweet project for your guild! I love the sewing tray and the strawberry too. It sounds like a delightful day!

  20. What a sweet project for your guild! I love the sewing tray and the strawberry too. It sounds like a delightful day!

  21. Oh wow!! Wish I could have been there! Looks like a lot of fun and what a gorgeous piece Paulette designed!!

  22. Oh wow!! Wish I could have been there! Looks like a lot of fun and what a gorgeous piece Paulette designed!!

  23. Absolutely gorgeous! I saw a trunk show of Plum Street Sampler designs at the needlework show in NH a few months ago and loved them all.

    How awesome to have Paulette visit your guild and design a piece for the group!

  24. Absolutely gorgeous! I saw a trunk show of Plum Street Sampler designs at the needlework show in NH a few months ago and loved them all.

    How awesome to have Paulette visit your guild and design a piece for the group!

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