Thank you all so much for your words of wisdom and encouragement on my last post. I needed the reminder that I am making progress (as evidenced by the old blog here) and that I stitch for the joy of stitching (although it is nice to finish a thing or two). And I also want to thank and welcome all the new commenters that have been stopping by lately – it is so nice to hear from everyone!

I have been stitching this week on Cathy’s RR She has asked us to each stitch a Christmas ornament. I chose to stitch the Sugarplum Violets Ornament. I thought I’d go ahead and show you a progress photo, since I can’t show any photos of my biscornu exchange piece! I am just loving this piece. It is so fun to be stitch all the different purples. The centers of the violets will have gold beads in them. I’ll be taking a small break from this tonight so that I can stitch on Barnabee. I hope to finish Part 1, or at least get pretty close to it.
Last night Eric’s mom and her friend that is here from Chicago came over so that her friend could see our house and visit a while. They had been crafting together that day, and made me a present!

Isn’t this the coolest thing? The hanging piece is a Shrinky Dink! How fun! I just love being around people that love to make things, I just find it so inspiring. And a present too, you can’t beat that.
We have a busy weekend ahead of us. We’ll be running errands Saturday, dinner at Eric’s family’s house on Saturday night, and then on Sunday we’re going to a workshop. Oh, and I have to pick up my quilt block on Sunday. I completely forgot to pick up last month’s block, so I’m hoping I can get both when I go in. Oh, and I wanted to mention, I got an email from my LNS and they are asking for donations…
“I know you all have stitching projects in you closet or packed in boxes under the bed that you will never do. Let us help you find a good home for them. Saturday, May 5th Aidaworks is having a Sidewalk Sale of all donated items, the proceeds will go to the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. We will take all forms of needle art: knitting, crewel, embroidery, etc…..thread, yarn, quilt fabric(like you’re gona part with THAT), charts, half finished projects that are kitted. Please bring in any donations in by April 28th. We will also accept cash donations. “
If you have anything you’d like to donate and would like to send it to me, I’d be happy to take it to them.
And finally, I have to share a quote from my Stitch ‘n Bitch calendar for yesterday…
“Jose brought up the blueprints for a new ranch house. I have this strange feeling that the blueprints and the knitting instructions got switched. I may be knitting a ranch house!”
-Holly Golightly, Breakfast at Tiffany’s
I am grateful for reality checks – thanks again everyone!
I’m glad you feel happier about your stitching! I think we all have times when we feel we’re making very little progress compared to other people and it gets a little discouraging. I’ve been trying to focus more on the journey than the end result lately too 🙂
Lovely progress on Sugarplum Violets and I just love your gift – that is so cool!
I’m glad you feel happier about your stitching! I think we all have times when we feel we’re making very little progress compared to other people and it gets a little discouraging. I’ve been trying to focus more on the journey than the end result lately too 🙂
Lovely progress on Sugarplum Violets and I just love your gift – that is so cool!
Love your Sugarplum Violets and you’ll have to excuse me but what is a Shrinky Dink?
Love your Sugarplum Violets and you’ll have to excuse me but what is a Shrinky Dink?
Of course you make progress!! You do awesome!!!
Of course you make progress!! You do awesome!!!
I love your sugarplum violets! I too feel like I don’t get very far in my stitching, especially when life is so busy.
I love your sugarplum violets! I too feel like I don’t get very far in my stitching, especially when life is so busy.
What a sweet pin! And I have no idea what a shrinky dink is!?! We all get to feel like that with our stitching sometimes. There are just so many great projects out there to work on, I just want to move ahead and start more and more.
What a sweet pin! And I have no idea what a shrinky dink is!?! We all get to feel like that with our stitching sometimes. There are just so many great projects out there to work on, I just want to move ahead and start more and more.
Great progress on your ornie RR! It looks fantastic.
Great progress on your ornie RR! It looks fantastic.
That really is a cool present! I love Shrinky Dinks. 🙂 And about your stitching, just remember that it’s not a race, it’s a journey and everyone has their own pace. 😀 *hug*
That really is a cool present! I love Shrinky Dinks. 🙂 And about your stitching, just remember that it’s not a race, it’s a journey and everyone has their own pace. 😀 *hug*