Summer Vibes

I’m back to share another Year of WIPs finish for 2017.  This is Cuisine d’ete by Echevette, a French designer.  I bought this pattern and started it back in February of 2008.  And before I put it on my YOW challenge list, it had probably been years since I stitched on it?  The last blog post I have is from September of 2009.

The original design was stitched on raw or natural linen.  I always knew I wanted this piece to go in my kitchen so when I came across a piece of 32ct Lemon Zest from Silkweaver in my stash, I knew I had to use it.  The chart only calls for three colors of DMC and I used the called for red and green, but the ecru it called for I changed to B5200 for more contrast against the yellow.

I had a lot of fun stitching on this piece each time I picked it up and I was so determined I would finish it this year I also put it on my MAGIC list.

So I started this in February 2008 and finished on September 3, 2017.  I really don’t know why it took me so long to finish it and why it languished for so long because it truly makes me happy every time I look at it.

And it will reside in our kitchen along with this piece – my Lemon Meringue Sampler by Casey Buonaugurio.

Lemon meringue pie is pretty much my favorite thing in the world.  But, as you can see, Cuisine d’ete will fit right in.  Now all it needs is a frame!

I am grateful for happy thoughts of summer during the cold winter.

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