Once upon a time I decided it was finally time to stitch one of my “bucket list” samplers – And They Sinned by Examplar Dames. I first saw this chart way back when it was first released in a Shepherd’s Bush newsletter and had to have it. Then on New Year’s Day 2010, I began. I had ordered 40 count Elegant Bean linen from Elegant Stitch and the called for GAST threads with one DMC for the people. In March, my friend Sylvia decided to join me and we started our Sunday SAL. Each Sunday we stitched on ATS and it steadily grew. The chart is divided into four legal size pages, so I celebrated big milestones when I would get to “the fold” and when I would get to a new page. I’ve posted a lot of progress photos in the time it took me to stitch my way to the bottom and you can take a walk down memory lane here, if you’re interested.

I remember when we were stitching on that cloud at the top. I had seen so many people stall out at this part that I was determined to really push through it. Sylvia was also gnashing her teeth and we bemoaned the neverending cloud. I recall saying to her, “it could be worse, wait until we get to all that grass!” Oh, truer words were never spoken. LOL I did have a lot of fun with this section though, even naming those two snakes at the top Fred & George and that blue snake between Adam and Eve, Nagini. I worked that vine border as I went so that I wasn’t stuck doing it all at the end. I also put this on scroll bars, and as luck would have it I had to roll my fabric approximately when I reached “the fold” or the next page in my chart. The photo above is essentially page 1 of the chart.

At the time I was stitching this section I saw someone outline the angel’s wings in gold rather than in the grey it called for and absolutely loved it. So, I did mine the same. I even briefly considered ripping out the backstitching on the angel’s wings above the cloud but decided that I liked them in grey.

I thought for sure that once I got to the alphabet section I would knock it out super quick. Not. The. Case. Somehow I lost all momentum when I got to this section. And I will tell you that I somehow went through two and a half skeins of Cherry Bark (the color of the alphabet), which seems ridiculous since the chart only called for one and it was stitched on 35 count. I am super frugal with my thread too, so I can’t begin to imagine how I went through so much of that color. I had purchased all new threads for this piece so I was starting with full skeins.

Once I got past the alphabet I picked up speed again on the section with the spies of Canaan. The photo above basically shows page 2 of the chart. I really loved this section. It was possibly my favorite just because of all the colors – the pinks, purples, and those crazy birds with their topknots. And I really loved what look like quilt stars throughout this piece.

And page three made me feel like I was in the home stretch. The section with the lady and the lion was Sylvia’s favorite part of this piece. I have to admit, I really love this section too. And it felt like a HUGE milestone to get to the end of the vine.

And that brings us to the last section, otherwise affectionately known as “the neverending grass”. Sylvia and I looked and looked at as many stitchers’ And They Sinned as possible trying to determine how we wanted to stitch the grass. There are people who left the grass off completely, just stitching the animals on a bare background. While I can understand why they opted not to stitch 8 million green stitches, when you look at the piece as a whole it really needs (in my opinion) the grass at the bottom to anchor it. It needs that visual weight at the bottom. We also saw one person who left that whole section off completely. The chart is written for you to alternate two colors of green on the diagonal. I didn’t love that look. I think finally Sylvia saw on the Hand-Dyed Fiber board that someone had alternated the greens every two stitches and stitched everything in half stitches. One row was stitched ///// and then the next row stitched like this \\\\\. Loved the effect. Doing half stitches makes it a bit airier so that your animals really stand out, and by alternating the angle of the stitches and the two colors it gives it a nice visual texture. So so so glad we discovered this option!

I made several changes in this section. The first change you’ll notice is that the big peacock at the top left of the grass ended up a different color. He was charted to be red and I stitched him that way. But then when I stitched the big flowering bush to the right I didn’t like having so much red right in the same section. So I ripped it out and restitched him in teal and blue.
I also added my two boys in amongst the other animals. Here is Thutmose with his gold eyes and little white spot under his chin.

Here is Ramses with his green eyes being a cat “loaf” as he often does.

And I spent a very long time working on the pond. I used the variegation of the thread to maximum effect and stitched in swirls rather than straight across in horizontal stripes. I love how it turned out, even if it did take a long time to do.

And then finally, I was at the end. I personalized it just as Sylvia did hers, to commemorate our Sunday stitching. Sylvia actually finished hers well before I did, but continued to cheer me on until I reached the finish line. My ATS was started on January 1, 2010 and finished it during the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild meeting on August 4, 2015.

Stitching And They Sinned was definitely a labor of love. And there were long periods where I didn’t work on it at all. But, I am so pleased to have it finished and so thrilled to have finally gotten around to taking photos so that I could share it with you here on the blog, although I did share it in episode 8 of the podcast/flosstube and you can watch it here.
I am grateful for Sampler Sundays.
It is gorgeous! What a treasure! You should be very proud of yourself!
I stitched this also (over a period of years), but haven’t yet progressed to pressing and photographing it.
It is gorgeous! What a treasure! You should be very proud of yourself!
I stitched this also (over a period of years), but haven’t yet progressed to pressing and photographing it.
Absolutely gorgeous Michelle! I love the changes you made – especially to the bottom part of the sampler with the addition of your two fur babies. Such a huge accomplishment and I’m sure you’re so happy with your finish (and you should be)! Your photos are outstanding!
Absolutely gorgeous Michelle! I love the changes you made – especially to the bottom part of the sampler with the addition of your two fur babies. Such a huge accomplishment and I’m sure you’re so happy with your finish (and you should be)! Your photos are outstanding!
This brings back so many memories. Loved reading about yours.
This brings back so many memories. Loved reading about yours.
Beautiful! And what fun stories/memories we have with our larger pieces <3
Beautiful! And what fun stories/memories we have with our larger pieces <3
Beautiful project – you should be very proud of this finish!! It is gorgeous.
Beautiful project – you should be very proud of this finish!! It is gorgeous.
Your work is beautiful! I wish I had seen this before I started filling in the green on the bottom. I agree the piece needs the anchor of the green. I really love the added texture your approach gives the piece. Unfortunately, I’m 2/3’s of the way through the bottom section and am not ripping out what I’ve done, but I will try that on future pieces.
Your work is beautiful! I wish I had seen this before I started filling in the green on the bottom. I agree the piece needs the anchor of the green. I really love the added texture your approach gives the piece. Unfortunately, I’m 2/3’s of the way through the bottom section and am not ripping out what I’ve done, but I will try that on future pieces.
I enjoyed reading about you stitching the sampler with a friend. I am thinking of purchasing it. It is beautiful.
I enjoyed reading about you stitching the sampler with a friend. I am thinking of purchasing it. It is beautiful.