
So, being the 25th of the month, it is time again for me to capture my day in photos. I had worried a little that being a Sunday, I wouldn’t really have anything to show you. I needn’t have feared.

I woke up at 4:45 am with a migraine, got up, took one of my pills, got an icepack and went back to bed. When I woke up hours later, the migraine was thankfully gone. When I wake up in the morning, I like to look out our little window. We used to have a tree that I could see through the window, which was wonderful to wake up and see. But, now it’s just sky. I hope when we move I’ll have a window with a nice view to wake up to.

Being a Sunday, I had laundry to do. No rest for the wicked weary.

Eric made breakfast. Sundays are our splurge days for eating. I also decided to have coffee (Espresso), which I very rarely do.

After breakfast, I did some cleaning around the house while Eric went to the grocery store. I love Sundays, because of how beautiful our counter looks when he comes home with the groceries. He said that yesterday, the person checking him out at the store said “hey you’re in here all the time.” Eric replied, “once a week,” and then the clerk replied, “yeah, that’s a lot.” I can only shake my head.

We had lunch, and then we went out to run a couple of errands. We went to Target to look at food scales. We’re in the process of revamping our food again, in order to make sure I’m getting the protein and fiber I need to keep me going during the day, since beginning tomorrow I’ll be going to work, then to workout, then to school, then home around 9 pm.

Then, we ran into Joanne’s, so that I could take advantage of my 40% off coupon. Then, over to my favorite place in the world. The bookstore! Ahhhhhh….

I brought home a couple of things, two books and a pair of Emma Ginghers.

We returned home thinking we’d have time before dinner to sit and relax (with stitching!), but that was not to be. We discovered that with the heavy rain the night before, our leaks that we’ve complained to our property management people about numerous times have started to drip.

So, we spent the rest of the afternoon moving everything from here…

to the other side of the room. Not an ideal solution, but at least it puts our things out of harm’s way. Unless the damage grows some more. And yes, that is mold you’re seeing in two of the spots.

By the time we were finished moving everything around, it was time for dinner. Our Sunday night dinner usually consists of burgers of some sort. Eric is always coming up with new combinations for us to try. This week it was avocado with black bean pico de gallo. The buns are multigrain buns that we buy individually, since we only make two burgers. These burgers were pretty good, but we decided that we liked last week’s version better, with the mango pico.

After dinner, Romeo decided that it was finally time to get up from his day-long nap. His fur is starting to grow in on his shoulders, but you can see his bald spot. Othello was still napping upstairs on his pillow.

After dinner, I decided to make an apple pie. I’d been craving one, and it felt right to make it for the holiday. This is my very first attempt at making a pie. It didn’t turn out beautiful and all Martha-Stewart-y like I envisioned, but it came out pretty good.

I got to use my brand new pie pan from Williams Sonoma too!

I never did get to my stitching yesterday, nor did I get to it the day before. Friday night, I did however, manage to finish ripping out that palm tree in my ornament, and almost got the tree restitched. I’m pleased with that and hope to make some more progress on it soon. My button came from JABC, and I am so grateful to them for taking care of me, when no one else would!

So, tomorrow is my first day of work and I’m a little nervous. I’ll be sure to check back in when I can and let you know how it’s going! Thanks for spending the day with me!!

I am grateful for new scissors.

52 thoughts on “Sunday”

  1. It sounds like Sunday was my kind of day – although probably not the furniture shifting, I hope you get the problem sorted soon.

    Best of luck for your new job – I hope your day goes especially well!

  2. It sounds like Sunday was my kind of day – although probably not the furniture shifting, I hope you get the problem sorted soon.

    Best of luck for your new job – I hope your day goes especially well!

  3. Loads of luck with your new job 🙂

    I loved The Thirteenth Tale, I’d love to hear about the other book sometime.

    Glad your migraine went away, apart from the chores, it sounds like a fab day 🙂

  4. Loads of luck with your new job 🙂

    I loved The Thirteenth Tale, I’d love to hear about the other book sometime.

    Glad your migraine went away, apart from the chores, it sounds like a fab day 🙂

  5. Linen Stitcher

    Good luck at your new job! Hope it all goes well as you learn the ropes and get into your new routine.

  6. Linen Stitcher

    Good luck at your new job! Hope it all goes well as you learn the ropes and get into your new routine.

  7. Sounds like you had an enjoyable day with the exception of the leaking! Glad to hear you got your button, too!

  8. Sounds like you had an enjoyable day with the exception of the leaking! Glad to hear you got your button, too!

  9. I look forward to your day in pictures each month. The Thirteenth Tale was one of the best books I have ever read. I loved it!!

  10. I look forward to your day in pictures each month. The Thirteenth Tale was one of the best books I have ever read. I loved it!!

  11. You had a great day-except for the furniture shifting-I particularly likeed looking at the food. Your burger looked really yummy! Best of wishes as you start work!

  12. You had a great day-except for the furniture shifting-I particularly likeed looking at the food. Your burger looked really yummy! Best of wishes as you start work!

  13. Hi Michelle,

    Hope your first day of work went well and you feel a bit more relaxed and confident to go back tomorrow. I don’t know how you can do all that you do. I was exhausted just reading your list for today.

    I enjoyed seeing your Sunday pictures and experiencing your day with you. What a great idea.

    Ohh…a visit to the bookstore! I think you’ll enjoy the Thirteenth Tale. I read that last year and it’s very good.

    How annoying and frustrating about the water leaks in your ceiling.
    Hope the damage doesn’t get any worse.

    Have a great first week in your new job!

  14. Hi Michelle,

    Hope your first day of work went well and you feel a bit more relaxed and confident to go back tomorrow. I don’t know how you can do all that you do. I was exhausted just reading your list for today.

    I enjoyed seeing your Sunday pictures and experiencing your day with you. What a great idea.

    Ohh…a visit to the bookstore! I think you’ll enjoy the Thirteenth Tale. I read that last year and it’s very good.

    How annoying and frustrating about the water leaks in your ceiling.
    Hope the damage doesn’t get any worse.

    Have a great first week in your new job!

  15. What fun to see your life close-up! Best of luck in your new job–you’ll be fine! But I empathize with your nervousness–I always get nervous tummy with a new job. Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

  16. What fun to see your life close-up! Best of luck in your new job–you’ll be fine! But I empathize with your nervousness–I always get nervous tummy with a new job. Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

  17. Good luck tomorrow, Michelle. Nervousness is understandable, but I know you’ll do great. They are very lucky to have you!!

    I am SO, SO, SO happy you got your RR back (finally!). Since you’ve got the other one started, maybe you could cut out the three on this one and put them in a triple frame or make a little grouping of individual mini’s. If you want to continue with it though, I’ll make a square for you too.

  18. Good luck tomorrow, Michelle. Nervousness is understandable, but I know you’ll do great. They are very lucky to have you!!

    I am SO, SO, SO happy you got your RR back (finally!). Since you’ve got the other one started, maybe you could cut out the three on this one and put them in a triple frame or make a little grouping of individual mini’s. If you want to continue with it though, I’ll make a square for you too.

  19. Aussie Stitcher

    I am glad that you got your RR back. HUGE congratulations on your new job, best of luck and I hope that all goes well for you.

  20. Aussie Stitcher

    I am glad that you got your RR back. HUGE congratulations on your new job, best of luck and I hope that all goes well for you.

  21. Oh that apple pie is to die for. I am enjoying my desserts by photo these days and that sure tops the list. Good luck with the new job. Hope it is everything you want!

  22. Oh that apple pie is to die for. I am enjoying my desserts by photo these days and that sure tops the list. Good luck with the new job. Hope it is everything you want!

  23. Food scales are also very helpful when you buy meat in bulk and portion it out to freeze. DH and I usually buy 10 lbs of ground meat at Sam’s Club, then freeze it in 1 lb portions. Much less expensive than the grocery store.

    Nice job on the apple pie – looks yummy!

  24. Food scales are also very helpful when you buy meat in bulk and portion it out to freeze. DH and I usually buy 10 lbs of ground meat at Sam’s Club, then freeze it in 1 lb portions. Much less expensive than the grocery store.

    Nice job on the apple pie – looks yummy!

  25. Hope your first day is a great one 🙂

    I really enjoyed spending the day with you .. in pictures 🙂 Love the bookstore! Hope you enjoy Runaway Quilt .. it was one of my favs 🙂

  26. Hope your first day is a great one 🙂

    I really enjoyed spending the day with you .. in pictures 🙂 Love the bookstore! Hope you enjoy Runaway Quilt .. it was one of my favs 🙂

  27. What a great day in pictures – I felt like I was there with you 🙂 Good luck with the new job – the first day’s always the worst, but then you’ll settle in and love it, I’m sure! 😀

  28. What a great day in pictures – I felt like I was there with you 🙂 Good luck with the new job – the first day’s always the worst, but then you’ll settle in and love it, I’m sure! 😀

  29. So, how is work going????

    I loved following your day in pictures. The burger looked delicious, as did breakfast. Great coffee cup, btw! 😉 My favorite picture however was in the bookstore. Sigh….

  30. So, how is work going????

    I loved following your day in pictures. The burger looked delicious, as did breakfast. Great coffee cup, btw! 😉 My favorite picture however was in the bookstore. Sigh….

  31. Yummy Post! LOL! The pie and burgers look great! Does Eric grill them?
    Its now Thursday and I’m hoping your first few days have gone well.

  32. Yummy Post! LOL! The pie and burgers look great! Does Eric grill them?
    Its now Thursday and I’m hoping your first few days have gone well.

  33. I love your photo blog days! They are so entertaining. I don’t think my days would be half as interesting :O)

  34. I love your photo blog days! They are so entertaining. I don’t think my days would be half as interesting :O)

  35. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Yay, Michelle!!! A new job!! I loved spending every detail of your day with you. My favorite stop and shop, of course, was the bookstore. Awful that the ceiling is moldy..God save the books!!! Sending you many hugs and congratulations..Love, Deb

  36. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Yay, Michelle!!! A new job!! I loved spending every detail of your day with you. My favorite stop and shop, of course, was the bookstore. Awful that the ceiling is moldy..God save the books!!! Sending you many hugs and congratulations..Love, Deb

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