Sweet are the flowers…

Eric brought home these beautiful roses for me on Thursday to celebrate 11 months married. I can hardly believe we’ve almost been married a year! These are called Freedom. I stitched some on Barnabee last night. Not as much as I would have liked, due to book club. I did finish up the row of clover and stitch the wording, with Lady Scarlet making her cameo appearance. This was a fun little band. Next week, I should be able to finish up Part 1. I just love this piece!

And my productivity last weekend paid off. Last weekend I sanded and painted and stained to my little heart’s content. And today, I was able to assemble all the pieces. Here is First Snow, now with stained hanger.

And here is Winter Snapperland all laced and framed.

I love the way both of these turned out. I went ahead and bought frames for the other three Snapperlands (Spring, Summer, Autumn) since I already have them in my stash. And the frames were super cheap…I think I paid like $3.99 or something for them. They didn’t have a white frame, like I wanted, but they had a natural wood frame. So, I sanded it lightly and painted it myself. You can’t beat $3.99!! I am glad to have the finishing done on both these pieces…a little late for Winter (since it was 80 degrees here today), but finished nonetheless. And look at me, getting all crazy with the angled photos. LOL! I had hoped to finish off another little project today, but I still need a couple of things, so it will have to wait awhile. I’ll be stitching more on Mystery 9 this weekend. I hope to finish up at least one artichoke. And the next piece for the Just Nan RR showed up today, so I will probably start stitching on it Monday. I really hope the piece I mailed shows up soon…I am getting concerned about it because I sent it over a week ago, and it was only going like 300 miles. Ack! Well, that’s it for now. I’ll leave you with a quote from Snow Country, that we discussed at my book club last night. It was wonderful, and seeing all the Japanese scrolls and screens was amazing!

The Milky Way. Shimamura too looked up, and he felt himself floating into the Milky Way. Its radiance was so near that it seemed to take him up into it. Was this the bright vastness that the poet Basho saw when he wrote of the Milky Way arched over a stormy sea? The Milky Way came down just over there, to wrap the night earth in its naked embrace. There was a terrible voluptuousness about it. Shimamura fancied that his own small shadow was being cast up against it from the earth. Each individual star stood apart from the rest, and even the particles of silver dust in the luminous clouds could be picked out, so clear was the night. The limitless depth of the Milky Way pulled his gaze up into it.

Yasunari Kawabata, from Snow Country

I am grateful for art.

44 thoughts on “Sweet are the flowers…”

  1. Your snapperland piece looks great. That’s a nice find on the other frames and a great pirce too!

    What pretty flowers. What a sweet husband you have.

  2. Your snapperland piece looks great. That’s a nice find on the other frames and a great pirce too!

    What pretty flowers. What a sweet husband you have.

  3. Beautiful flowers 🙂

    I love the finished wallhanging and your framing for Winter Snapperland is great. What an inspiration – only $3.99! Wow 🙂

  4. Beautiful flowers 🙂

    I love the finished wallhanging and your framing for Winter Snapperland is great. What an inspiration – only $3.99! Wow 🙂

  5. You have such a sweet husband!

    Love your finishes – the wallhanging is beautifully finished and I love what you did with the frame for the Snapperland. Congratulations!

  6. You have such a sweet husband!

    Love your finishes – the wallhanging is beautifully finished and I love what you did with the frame for the Snapperland. Congratulations!

  7. Beautiful roses from Eric – what a sweet gentleman you have married!

    Lovely finishing work on Winter Snapperland and First snow!
    Barnabee is coming along swimmingly!

  8. Beautiful roses from Eric – what a sweet gentleman you have married!

    Lovely finishing work on Winter Snapperland and First snow!
    Barnabee is coming along swimmingly!

  9. Eric is very sweet and thoughtful. He sounds like a good catch. 🙂

    You’re doing great with Barnabee. I can’t wait to dig into Part 2!

    Your wall hanging and Snapperland look fantastic. Great idea and very resourceful to paint and stain pieces yourself.

  10. Eric is very sweet and thoughtful. He sounds like a good catch. 🙂

    You’re doing great with Barnabee. I can’t wait to dig into Part 2!

    Your wall hanging and Snapperland look fantastic. Great idea and very resourceful to paint and stain pieces yourself.

  11. How nice that the two of you celebrate each month the anniversary of your wedding. That is very sweet 🙂
    Your projects are just super and your framing is stupendous!
    Great job…it looks professionally done 😉

  12. How nice that the two of you celebrate each month the anniversary of your wedding. That is very sweet 🙂
    Your projects are just super and your framing is stupendous!
    Great job…it looks professionally done 😉

  13. Gorgeous finishes Michelle. Those frames were certainly a fantastic price. BQ is coming along nicely too.

    The roses are so pretty.

  14. Gorgeous finishes Michelle. Those frames were certainly a fantastic price. BQ is coming along nicely too.

    The roses are so pretty.

  15. Very pretty flowers 🙂 gotta love a hubby that does that!

    and lovely finishes! great deal on the frames! Where did you get the hanger for your banner?

  16. Very pretty flowers 🙂 gotta love a hubby that does that!

    and lovely finishes! great deal on the frames! Where did you get the hanger for your banner?

  17. lovely finishes Michelle and what a clever idea for the snapperland frame – it looks great. Just catching up with your other recent posts and see that you’ve signed up for Leanne’s House. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have been 🙂

  18. lovely finishes Michelle and what a clever idea for the snapperland frame – it looks great. Just catching up with your other recent posts and see that you’ve signed up for Leanne’s House. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have been 🙂

  19. Winter Snapperland looks so awesome framed. I so have to start that one. And your roses are beautiful. Don’t you think they smell like raspberries? I love that smell. Ann.

  20. Winter Snapperland looks so awesome framed. I so have to start that one. And your roses are beautiful. Don’t you think they smell like raspberries? I love that smell. Ann.

  21. Your wallhanging looks great finished, and Winter Snapperland looks sensational framed like that – beautiful job! 😀

  22. Your wallhanging looks great finished, and Winter Snapperland looks sensational framed like that – beautiful job! 😀

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