Swirlies and Possibly a Little Venting

Colorful Daisies

Last week Eric surprised me with these colorful beauties. No reason, just because he’s a sweetie. Aren’t they pretty? They are really brightening up my kitchen.

When I changed my blog template a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned the pieces that were WIPs still even three years after my first post. One of those is Mystery 9, which I’ll show you progress on in a minute. The other is Bay Sampler by The Workbasket. Glenna asked me if I’d finished it, and well, you can see I haven’t. But, I thought it might be fun to show you where I last left off on this piece. I LOVE this piece, and stitching with Silk N Colors (which are probably one of my favorite threads) is such a pleasure on this piece. Here’s what happened though, I had problems with the top sail on that boat. The color it was supposed to be stitched in was the exact same color as my fabric. So, I switched it out and restitched that sail three times. Well, I’m still not happy with it, but I was at a loss as to what to do. So, I put it down. And I haven’t gone back to it. Are you noticing a trend? In case you’re just tuning into the blog – I do this a lot…once a problem arises I am notorious for setting a piece aside. So, no more progress on Bay Sampler. So, not sure what to do with that sail still, but I may pull this out again soon and stitch on the other stuff and leave the sail alone for now.

Bay Sampler 031907 Whole Thing

So, last weekend I finished Part 8 on Mystery 9. On Sunday, Eric and I sat down to start watching Season 1 of True Blood and I started on Part 9. This part consists of the swirlies in each corner. The one on the bottom there is finished except for beads and crystals. This part is almost all beads and crystals. So, it is going to be blinding once all the bling is in place. I can’t wait! And it’s coming along pretty fast too, I think. I’m almost done with the stitching on this corner, then three more to go. Also, the more I look at it the more I wonder if this thread might work well for my sail? I may have to try it out and see, if I have any left over.

Mystery IX 062709

And I am loving my new stitching bag! It’s ginormous, but I love that M9 fits in there easily. And I may just have purchased a little accessory piece that matches to hold my scissors and needles. Possibly.

Miller Bag

And let me vent a little moment here. Let’s assume that a stitcher decides to place an order with a needlework shop for the first time. And let’s assume that said stitcher sends an email inquiring about ordering, gets an immediate response back saying that of course they would be happy to help. Said stitcher then calls the shop to provided credit card information. Now, let’s assume that this occurred say oh, about four months ago. Let us also assume that said stitcher has not yet received either of the two charts he/she may have ordered. And, progress reports on the status of the order are only given when the customer inquires. Sometimes it requires two attempts to get an answer. Said stitcher finally may have sent an email indicating their extreme disappointment with the customer service and ordering ease with this needlework shop. Needlework shop sends email stating they will send one of the two charts ordered and would stitcher please provide credit card information. Stitcher in question just may have responded a little hastily with an email stating that credit card information was provided four months ago, you should check your records. At this point the stitcher in question doesn’t know if chart A will be arriving, and if chart B will ever arrive. Needless to say, it is assumed for the sake of argument that stitcher in question will not be giving Needlework shop a second shot at his/her business. Stitcher is an entirely reasonable person, and with adequate communication is willing to understand what all issues may arrive – except of course that chart B did come in and although was being held for stitcher, was then sold out from under stitcher to someone else…thus adding another two months and counting onto the transaction. Of course all of this is just theoretical. Of course. Really.

And I made a little bitty start on BBD’s The Simple Things. Love the colors on this so far.

The Simple Things 062709

So that’s about all the news from here today. Eric and I will be heading off on a short adventure next week, which was also a surprise and I am really looking forward to. And tonight, another adventure, we are going on a Dallas After Dark photo walk. That should be fun (hot as hell, but fun). I hope to learn a few things and also have some cool photos to share.

I am grateful for losing another 1.6 pounds this week.

50 thoughts on “Swirlies and Possibly a Little Venting”

  1. Being a detail oriented person, this situation with the shop would make me nuts. I think I would just cancel the order and try somewhere else. There seems to be a lack of organization there since they sold your long awaited chart!

    I do the same thing with problem pieces. I have to set them aside until I find the will to continue!

  2. Being a detail oriented person, this situation with the shop would make me nuts. I think I would just cancel the order and try somewhere else. There seems to be a lack of organization there since they sold your long awaited chart!

    I do the same thing with problem pieces. I have to set them aside until I find the will to continue!

  3. I just went through something similar with a shop myself. They had charged my CC so I went to my company and disputed the charge.

    I love the colors on the Bay Sampler. And I know how it is when the piece just isn’t going right… I put my New Beginning away for months because of troubles.

    Love the progress on IX and it’s spiffy bag. 🙂

  4. I just went through something similar with a shop myself. They had charged my CC so I went to my company and disputed the charge.

    I love the colors on the Bay Sampler. And I know how it is when the piece just isn’t going right… I put my New Beginning away for months because of troubles.

    Love the progress on IX and it’s spiffy bag. 🙂

  5. Very nice WIPs — and flowers! I like your new huge bag too. 😀 As for the needlework shop — cancel it!!!!!! lol!

  6. Very nice WIPs — and flowers! I like your new huge bag too. 😀 As for the needlework shop — cancel it!!!!!! lol!

  7. Bummer. I have been disappointed a time or two by certain well-known, fancy stitcher shops, so I know how you feel. There’s something I don’t understand in that business, particularly during a recession. Charts aren’t expensive to send, so if someone has ordered two things and one is ready to ship and the other is delayed, why not ship them separately? If necessary to charge an extra $1, i think most of us would be happy to pay the buck. Amazon gives that option, and I always take it.
    Bay Sampler is looking good-you’re a bit ahead of me. And that is a lovely bit of bling. Enjoy your adventures.

  8. Bummer. I have been disappointed a time or two by certain well-known, fancy stitcher shops, so I know how you feel. There’s something I don’t understand in that business, particularly during a recession. Charts aren’t expensive to send, so if someone has ordered two things and one is ready to ship and the other is delayed, why not ship them separately? If necessary to charge an extra $1, i think most of us would be happy to pay the buck. Amazon gives that option, and I always take it.
    Bay Sampler is looking good-you’re a bit ahead of me. And that is a lovely bit of bling. Enjoy your adventures.

  9. Michelle! You had to remind me of the Bay Sampler. Oh another long forgotton “want to stitch” to add to the pile. Are you using the recommended fabric? I think I had pulled out Star Sapphire to stitch it on way back when.

    It’s sad to hear great things about a shop, take the time to place an order with them and then have your order be treated as though it was nothing. And shop owners wonder why one shop after another is closing. CUSTOMER SERVICE PEOPLE, it matters!

  10. Michelle! You had to remind me of the Bay Sampler. Oh another long forgotton “want to stitch” to add to the pile. Are you using the recommended fabric? I think I had pulled out Star Sapphire to stitch it on way back when.

    It’s sad to hear great things about a shop, take the time to place an order with them and then have your order be treated as though it was nothing. And shop owners wonder why one shop after another is closing. CUSTOMER SERVICE PEOPLE, it matters!

  11. This is why shops close–we can buy most things from every shop–but if you don’t provide customer service and if you don’t know your stock, then you WILL lose business. I had the same situation with an “exclusive” shop trying to buy a French stitching book. The website said that they had two in stock, but it never showed as being shipped. When I checked their website it was obvious that the site was active. I sent them an email to cancel and found through another site and received in 1 week after ordering (the other shop was into month 3).

  12. This is why shops close–we can buy most things from every shop–but if you don’t provide customer service and if you don’t know your stock, then you WILL lose business. I had the same situation with an “exclusive” shop trying to buy a French stitching book. The website said that they had two in stock, but it never showed as being shipped. When I checked their website it was obvious that the site was active. I sent them an email to cancel and found through another site and received in 1 week after ordering (the other shop was into month 3).

  13. Terri(TerriBoog)

    I love your wips – they’re all beautiful ~ every one! Now if I had been said stitcher ordering from that shop, I would have been a lot nastier and a lot less patient than you have been. I would have cancelled a LONG time ago!

  14. Terri(TerriBoog)

    I love your wips – they’re all beautiful ~ every one! Now if I had been said stitcher ordering from that shop, I would have been a lot nastier and a lot less patient than you have been. I would have cancelled a LONG time ago!

  15. Your daisies are so colorful and gorgeous!

    Your Bay Sampler looks wonderful! That is one that I am working on now too and loving it. I don’t have it front of me, and I can’t remember the color, but I’m doing mine in DMC and the sail was fine. Maybe the conversion would help you pick a color in your silk threads. Mystery 9 is as gorgeous as ever!

    I don’t blame you for venting on the shop, and I definitely would not purchase from them ever!

  16. Your daisies are so colorful and gorgeous!

    Your Bay Sampler looks wonderful! That is one that I am working on now too and loving it. I don’t have it front of me, and I can’t remember the color, but I’m doing mine in DMC and the sail was fine. Maybe the conversion would help you pick a color in your silk threads. Mystery 9 is as gorgeous as ever!

    I don’t blame you for venting on the shop, and I definitely would not purchase from them ever!

  17. Love to Stitch

    Those flowers are fabulous Michelle! How nice to have your Husband bring you home a present! Your Bay Sampler looks terrific, I wouldnt change the sails anymore, they look great! Your chatelaine is moving along nicely! I agree with some of the other gals, I wouldnt have tolerated such service from any shop, let alone a needlework shop. Dont they understand how important every bit of business is, and especially in these times?? There are a ton of shops who would LOVE you as a customer. I however, would blast this shop all over blog world LOL!! (They dont seem to organized either!) Have a great weekend!

  18. Love to Stitch

    Those flowers are fabulous Michelle! How nice to have your Husband bring you home a present! Your Bay Sampler looks terrific, I wouldnt change the sails anymore, they look great! Your chatelaine is moving along nicely! I agree with some of the other gals, I wouldnt have tolerated such service from any shop, let alone a needlework shop. Dont they understand how important every bit of business is, and especially in these times?? There are a ton of shops who would LOVE you as a customer. I however, would blast this shop all over blog world LOL!! (They dont seem to organized either!) Have a great weekend!

  19. OH my those flowers are truly gorgeous, so bright and cheerful! Thanks for sharing their photo. Very sweet of Eric!!

    I love your new bag too, but even more then that, enjoy seeing your lovely stitching!

    Sorry you had such a time with that shop…customer service is very important, I learned that as a child from my father and it has stuck with me.

    Have a great time next week!

  20. OH my those flowers are truly gorgeous, so bright and cheerful! Thanks for sharing their photo. Very sweet of Eric!!

    I love your new bag too, but even more then that, enjoy seeing your lovely stitching!

    Sorry you had such a time with that shop…customer service is very important, I learned that as a child from my father and it has stuck with me.

    Have a great time next week!

  21. Dani - tkdchick

    being an unreasonable person I would be telling said shop where to go, how to get there and to cancel my order before they left!

    Sounds like you’re trying to wrap up some started projects, good for you!

  22. Dani - tkdchick

    being an unreasonable person I would be telling said shop where to go, how to get there and to cancel my order before they left!

    Sounds like you’re trying to wrap up some started projects, good for you!

  23. Well, that situation with the shop would drive me nuts. I have to say that you’re pretty patient – if I had to wait a month I’d go somewhere else, especially if they weren’t giving adequate status reports (sad to say I’m about at that place with a fabric supplier). I think that I’d just cancel the order and go somewhere else.

    And I’m like you – when I run into a snag I put the project aside. Not the best thing to do, but time is precious as far as stitching goes, so I go with a no-brainer. Can’t wait to see more of your progress on Mystery 9. Those Chatelaines are so beautiful when finished.

    Enjoy your adventure next week.

  24. Well, that situation with the shop would drive me nuts. I have to say that you’re pretty patient – if I had to wait a month I’d go somewhere else, especially if they weren’t giving adequate status reports (sad to say I’m about at that place with a fabric supplier). I think that I’d just cancel the order and go somewhere else.

    And I’m like you – when I run into a snag I put the project aside. Not the best thing to do, but time is precious as far as stitching goes, so I go with a no-brainer. Can’t wait to see more of your progress on Mystery 9. Those Chatelaines are so beautiful when finished.

    Enjoy your adventure next week.

  25. Deborah/LavenderRose

    I just love your new blog background, Michelle. And, I can sympathize with you on the shop issues. I’ve had mine with SBB… And have crossed them off my list. There is one other shop that really set me off, as well, and I won’t use them. There are too many shops online who are in need of our business to do care about those who won’t respond in a timely and courteous fashion.
    Your Bay Sampler is so pretty…you’ve got to finish it! 🙂

  26. Deborah/LavenderRose

    I just love your new blog background, Michelle. And, I can sympathize with you on the shop issues. I’ve had mine with SBB… And have crossed them off my list. There is one other shop that really set me off, as well, and I won’t use them. There are too many shops online who are in need of our business to do care about those who won’t respond in a timely and courteous fashion.
    Your Bay Sampler is so pretty…you’ve got to finish it! 🙂

  27. I have had a very very similar experience! That shop no longer gets my business!

    I love how the Bay Sampler is looking and can’t wait to see it progress some more!

  28. I have had a very very similar experience! That shop no longer gets my business!

    I love how the Bay Sampler is looking and can’t wait to see it progress some more!

  29. I love Bay Sampler too (got it… somewhere…) – your looks great. Why not stitch the two sails in the same colour if you can’t find another one you like?

    And M IX and your BBD start look great too!

  30. I love Bay Sampler too (got it… somewhere…) – your looks great. Why not stitch the two sails in the same colour if you can’t find another one you like?

    And M IX and your BBD start look great too!

  31. Jeanne - WillowTreeStitcher

    I’m the same way – run into a problem with a piece and promptly bury it! I love your Bay Sampler though and putting in my list for my “someday” nautical-related grouping. I would definitely have canceled my ONS order by now I think. Most shops order thru Hoffmandis or a similar distributor and charts should arrive within a few weeks unless they are unavailable, waiting on printing etc. This seems very strange to have waited so long. I agree with Glenna – they should at the very least notify you that one chart is in and should they send it or wait on the other one. Grrrr

  32. Jeanne - WillowTreeStitcher

    I’m the same way – run into a problem with a piece and promptly bury it! I love your Bay Sampler though and putting in my list for my “someday” nautical-related grouping. I would definitely have canceled my ONS order by now I think. Most shops order thru Hoffmandis or a similar distributor and charts should arrive within a few weeks unless they are unavailable, waiting on printing etc. This seems very strange to have waited so long. I agree with Glenna – they should at the very least notify you that one chart is in and should they send it or wait on the other one. Grrrr

  33. I love your new bag.

    I do the same thing if I find a mistake. I put it away until I forget how frustrated I am and then bring it back out (a yr or two later).

    Wow, you were really, really patient with your Shop. Fantastic customer service is definitely what keeps me coming back to a shop.

  34. I love your new bag.

    I do the same thing if I find a mistake. I put it away until I forget how frustrated I am and then bring it back out (a yr or two later).

    Wow, you were really, really patient with your Shop. Fantastic customer service is definitely what keeps me coming back to a shop.

  35. Your bay sampler is fantastic – the colors are wonderful! I will also put a project down when I have trouble with it because it doesn’t seem as fun. It’s such a pretty piece though, so I hope you finish it someday!

  36. Your bay sampler is fantastic – the colors are wonderful! I will also put a project down when I have trouble with it because it doesn’t seem as fun. It’s such a pretty piece though, so I hope you finish it someday!

  37. Well, kudos to you for not outing the shop on your blog. I am sure it was tempting!! I think I would just send them an e-mail and tell them that you want everything cancelled, your order will not be accepted if it is sent & credit card charges will be disputed. There are plenty of other shops that’d be happy to take your business!

    Lovely WIP photos! I think I may have tossed my Bay Sampler WIP. Gulp.

  38. Well, kudos to you for not outing the shop on your blog. I am sure it was tempting!! I think I would just send them an e-mail and tell them that you want everything cancelled, your order will not be accepted if it is sent & credit card charges will be disputed. There are plenty of other shops that’d be happy to take your business!

    Lovely WIP photos! I think I may have tossed my Bay Sampler WIP. Gulp.

  39. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, I really love the Bay Sampler. I hope you can get your sail issue resolved so you can stitch on, sister!
    As for the $#$%& at the %$%&*^, that should never happen. And then they wonder why we shop somewhere else!

  40. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, I really love the Bay Sampler. I hope you can get your sail issue resolved so you can stitch on, sister!
    As for the $#$%& at the %$%&*^, that should never happen. And then they wonder why we shop somewhere else!

  41. All your WIPS look great and I really love Sail !! I know what you mean about putting a piece aside though, lol. Done it myself a few times.

  42. All your WIPS look great and I really love Sail !! I know what you mean about putting a piece aside though, lol. Done it myself a few times.

  43. Nice to see the Bay sampler back again! 🙂 As for the ONS, I don’t blame you for venting whatsoever – I’ve done the same about SBB every now and then. I’ve just tried a new ONS for the first time and am still awaiting for the shipment after almost 3 months, and they STILL don’t have in the fabric that was the critical part of the order … 🙁 Yep, customer service definitely keeps us coming back! Time to find yet another ONS I guess …

  44. Nice to see the Bay sampler back again! 🙂 As for the ONS, I don’t blame you for venting whatsoever – I’ve done the same about SBB every now and then. I’ve just tried a new ONS for the first time and am still awaiting for the shipment after almost 3 months, and they STILL don’t have in the fabric that was the critical part of the order … 🙁 Yep, customer service definitely keeps us coming back! Time to find yet another ONS I guess …

  45. Bay Sampler is such a beautiful piece. You should continue stitching on it.
    Nice progress on the mystery.

  46. Bay Sampler is such a beautiful piece. You should continue stitching on it.
    Nice progress on the mystery.

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