Looking Forward

Happy Tuesday to everyone! I had class last night, so alas no stitching. But, you can see I made a little bit of progress on Baby Garden over the weekend. My goal last week was to finish two rows – the row with the goldfish and the row underneath (the purple and the hearts). I was able to finish up both, which I am pleased with. This week I would like to get the next row done – it’s a big row like the goldfish row, so I think one is plenty to focus on. This row has the birth date in it, so you’ll probably be treated to more of my creative “covering up” techniques. I am happy to see progress being made on this piece, and am enjoying stitching on it again.

I am finding that by setting weekly goals for myself, I seem to be a little more organized and able to get things done. I am doing this with other things too, not just stitching. Eric spent all weekend editing our photos from the last couple of trips we’ve taken. He is almost through the Philadelphia photos now, so any day now I should be able to share.

I’m starting to look towards the end of the year and the pieces I would like to work on. As I mentioned in my last post, I am wanting to finish up my set of the Shepherd’s Bush ornaments this year. Last year, my big Christmas project was our Christmas stockings, so this year I want to finish up those ornaments and then finish them into a wall hanging. Next year, I think that I am going to focus on the Marbek Nativity. You may remember that earlier in the year I purchased Sapphire fabric from Heaven Lee Creations for this piece. Here’s a photo of the piece.

I do plan to finish it as shown. I also will need to get started soon on my Second Day of Christmas ornament (Teresa Wentzler) for Eric for Christmas this year.

But, while I was rifling through my stash, I came across a piece I’ve never shown you.

This is Teeny Witch from Cross-Stitch & Needlework Magazine. She’s been on my WIP list over there on my sidebar since I put that up there. But, I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned her.

This is a Mary Engelbreit design, and when I saw this pattern in the magazine last year, I immediately started stitching on her. My intention was to make her into a sweetbag for my Halloween Sweetbag exchange on Legacy. But, I overestimated how quickly I could get her done. So, when it came down to decision time, I abandoned this piece and went with a simpler choice. I haven’t picked her up since then, but I just love the piece and really want to finish her. I’m stitching with DMC on 32ct Poltergeist by Silkweaver. There are a ton of color changes in this piece and a ton of fractional stitches, which is why it was taking me so long. I’d love to have her finished for this Halloween.

One of my goals for September is to read three books. I am a third of the way there, as I finished Eat, Pray, Love yesterday. What a fabulous book! Next up is Peony in Love, for my book club at the end of the month. I am looking forward to it, as it looks like a really good read.

Walk to Rivendell: Still in the Bonfire Glade. (Total Miles Walked: 77.5)

I am grateful for implementing new changes.

52 thoughts on “Looking Forward”

  1. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Great progress on your baby sampler. It looks fantastic! I look forward to seeing you work on Marbek’s nativity. That is such a pretty piece.

  2. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    Great progress on your baby sampler. It looks fantastic! I look forward to seeing you work on Marbek’s nativity. That is such a pretty piece.

  3. Wow, that Marbek piece is going to be spectacular – I’ll look forward to seeing your wip pics! That witch looks really cute, I’ve never seen that one before.

    Great progress on the SB!

  4. Wow, that Marbek piece is going to be spectacular – I’ll look forward to seeing your wip pics! That witch looks really cute, I’ve never seen that one before.

    Great progress on the SB!

  5. I really love seeing your Baby Garden progress. 🙂 The witch is cute, too! And good luck with your three book goal – you’re well on your way!

  6. I really love seeing your Baby Garden progress. 🙂 The witch is cute, too! And good luck with your three book goal – you’re well on your way!

  7. Your WIP’s look super…I love the little witch as well! Never started her tho’ 🙁
    You always impress me with your drive for perfection and betterment! It is inspirational 🙂

  8. Your WIP’s look super…I love the little witch as well! Never started her tho’ 🙁
    You always impress me with your drive for perfection and betterment! It is inspirational 🙂

  9. Linda K's Creativity Works

    Your Baby Garden looks so beautiful and I love the colors in that too…

    I have done the Mar Bek Nativity and I finished mine last year in October of 2006. The pattern itself is not the best and you will discover that as you are stitching. If you want to use the regular yellow DMC Thread instead of the yellow Krenik Thread than go ahead and use that cause the origianl designer started to use yellow thread for the third pattern where that yellow is at and she ran out of yellow thread so she switched it over to Yellow Krenik Metallic Thread. Also too…the center piece…the two angels up at the top…when you put the two patterns together for the 3rd panel…they don’t match up so please be careful when you start those two angels that is in the 3d Panel. My blog is:

    lindakscreativityworks.blogspot.com and I have mine on my Blog.

    If you need any help with your Nativity and believe me you probably will…my email address is:


  10. Linda K's Creativity Works

    Your Baby Garden looks so beautiful and I love the colors in that too…

    I have done the Mar Bek Nativity and I finished mine last year in October of 2006. The pattern itself is not the best and you will discover that as you are stitching. If you want to use the regular yellow DMC Thread instead of the yellow Krenik Thread than go ahead and use that cause the origianl designer started to use yellow thread for the third pattern where that yellow is at and she ran out of yellow thread so she switched it over to Yellow Krenik Metallic Thread. Also too…the center piece…the two angels up at the top…when you put the two patterns together for the 3rd panel…they don’t match up so please be careful when you start those two angels that is in the 3d Panel. My blog is:

    lindakscreativityworks.blogspot.com and I have mine on my Blog.

    If you need any help with your Nativity and believe me you probably will…my email address is:


  11. Baby Garden is looking so cute Michelle.

    The Marbek piece is stunning and I look forward to seeing your progress on it when you start it:)

  12. Baby Garden is looking so cute Michelle.

    The Marbek piece is stunning and I look forward to seeing your progress on it when you start it:)

  13. Oh Michelle your Baby Garden is just so beautiful!! I am so behind on blogging and I hadn’t see it!!! Your stitching is fantastic!! Debby 🙂

  14. Oh Michelle your Baby Garden is just so beautiful!! I am so behind on blogging and I hadn’t see it!!! Your stitching is fantastic!! Debby 🙂

  15. Great work on your Baby Garden piece! And congrats on pulling out an old UFO and getting back to it. Teeny Witch looks so cute!

  16. Great work on your Baby Garden piece! And congrats on pulling out an old UFO and getting back to it. Teeny Witch looks so cute!

  17. Hi Michelle,

    Firstly I have to say how lovely your baby sampler is looking. It’s fun to see what’s coming next each time I read your blog. Very pretty colours too.

    I read your post about B – for books. Oh yes! You’ve very eloquently expressed how I feel and react to my books too. I too love the physical aspect of books, as well as the words between the covers. I really do tend to judge a book, at least initially, by it’s cover. Ultimately it’s the story and the writing that keep me reading, but a beautiful cover is icing on the cake. I don’t believe in lending library’s either.

    That Just Nan Xmas pyramid is incredible!! What a treasure that’ll be when it’s done. And the Marbek Nativity … what can I say?

    I think a lot of people have been slow blogging over the summer months. But summer’s coming to an end, and Fall is around the corner. My favourite season!

    I always enjoy reading your blog Michelle, and seeing your stitching projects. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy reading!!!


  18. Hi Michelle,

    Firstly I have to say how lovely your baby sampler is looking. It’s fun to see what’s coming next each time I read your blog. Very pretty colours too.

    I read your post about B – for books. Oh yes! You’ve very eloquently expressed how I feel and react to my books too. I too love the physical aspect of books, as well as the words between the covers. I really do tend to judge a book, at least initially, by it’s cover. Ultimately it’s the story and the writing that keep me reading, but a beautiful cover is icing on the cake. I don’t believe in lending library’s either.

    That Just Nan Xmas pyramid is incredible!! What a treasure that’ll be when it’s done. And the Marbek Nativity … what can I say?

    I think a lot of people have been slow blogging over the summer months. But summer’s coming to an end, and Fall is around the corner. My favourite season!

    I always enjoy reading your blog Michelle, and seeing your stitching projects. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy reading!!!


  19. Michelle,

    Adriana from our Thursday stitching group stitched that little witch and she is absolutely adorable. You will be so glad you dtitched her when you are finished.

    The Marbeck nativity is huge…keep us posted on your progress.

  20. Michelle,

    Adriana from our Thursday stitching group stitched that little witch and she is absolutely adorable. You will be so glad you dtitched her when you are finished.

    The Marbeck nativity is huge…keep us posted on your progress.

  21. So many wonderful projects, Michelle! The Marbek nativity is a worthy project for next year. It was sure nice of Linda to give you a warning of some of the glitches in the pattern. 🙂

  22. So many wonderful projects, Michelle! The Marbek nativity is a worthy project for next year. It was sure nice of Linda to give you a warning of some of the glitches in the pattern. 🙂

  23. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Michelle, I just love Baby Garden! Look how beautifully it’s turning out! Your stitching is impeccable. And, that little witch will be so darling! I know the Mar Bek Nativity is a daunting piece to do, but so worth the effort. Several of my friends have stitched it.
    Good luck and wishes for speedy needles!

  24. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Michelle, I just love Baby Garden! Look how beautifully it’s turning out! Your stitching is impeccable. And, that little witch will be so darling! I know the Mar Bek Nativity is a daunting piece to do, but so worth the effort. Several of my friends have stitched it.
    Good luck and wishes for speedy needles!

  25. Deborah/LavenderRose

    The “Peony” book is the one I meant to recommend on my blog. I got the title wrong and put “Peony in the Snow” for some reason!! Probably because of the scene in the first section of the book!
    But you’re going to love this one…

  26. Deborah/LavenderRose

    The “Peony” book is the one I meant to recommend on my blog. I got the title wrong and put “Peony in the Snow” for some reason!! Probably because of the scene in the first section of the book!
    But you’re going to love this one…

  27. Baby Garen is looking so beautiful!
    I love ME designs … I hope you continue working on the little witch, I’d love to see her finished.

  28. Baby Garen is looking so beautiful!
    I love ME designs … I hope you continue working on the little witch, I’d love to see her finished.

  29. Any chance you would share the Mary Engelbreit Teeny Witch cross stitch pattern w/ me or sell it to me. I have been looking everywhere for it and can’t get a back issue! Anyone who can help em can email kfhwrh@yahoo.com. Please no other emails though.

  30. Any chance you would share the Mary Engelbreit Teeny Witch cross stitch pattern w/ me or sell it to me. I have been looking everywhere for it and can’t get a back issue! Anyone who can help em can email kfhwrh@yahoo.com. Please no other emails though.

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