Tesori and More Philadelphia

Thanks for your comments on my last post. I always appreciate putting something I’ve been thinking about “out there” and getting a positive response. Last night I was on my own again, so I stitched more on Tesori. I am working on the Lazio region block. I have three more motifs to stitch on this block. As you can see, I’ve started on one of the three. Eric is on his way home today, so I will be glad to have him home tonight. I’ll be back to stitching on Kathy’s RR tonight, and hope to have it finished this weekend, as it’s due to be mailed out next week.

That’s about all I have to show you today, so I thought I’d post some more Philadelphia photos.

We, of course, visited the Liberty Bell while we were there. I felt a little like I was in that movie National Treasure.

We also visited Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

The art around Philadelphia is amazing. A lot of pieces that I studied in my 20th Century art history class are here. The LOVE sculpture, for example.

Also, Claus Oldenburg’s 45-foot high steel Clothespin. Unfortunately there was construction going on in this area, so you can’t see the bottom of the piece, but I thought it was a cool photo nonetheless.

We also ducked in to the Curtis Center to see the 15 by 50-foot glass mosaic mural, The Dream Garden, by Maxfield Parrish and Louis Comfort Tiffany.

And, of course, I couldn’t miss seeing the Chihuly. (Which reminds me, I should really go downstairs and take a photo of the Chihuly we have in our building). This is the 20-foot-tall red glass sculpture, Flame of Liberty. It is housed in the National Liberty Museum.

Here’s another building on South Street (same street as the tattoo parlor). Several of the buildings were covered in mosaics, and they caught the sunlight so beautifully.

Hope you all have a great weekend! I’ll try to get around to blogs more today and this weekend. Bear with me – you are all doing some amazing things! Also, I’ve posted some photos of my Thanksgiving decorating and my new curtains over at the other blog, cozystyle (link in the sidebar).

Walk to Rivendell: Camp in Chetwood, east of Archet. Head east. Ground dropping slowly. Quiet and peaceful. (Total Miles Walked: 153.25)

I am grateful for Eric coming home!

40 thoughts on “Tesori and More Philadelphia”

  1. Love your Tesori, it is looking great 🙂
    And the Chihuly is gorgeous…I love his work. Our Children’s Museum in Indianapolis has a whole floor dedicated to his work and how he accomplishes it. I find it really interesting and my kids love to go “play” with plastic pieces that look like his glass and make their own creations. 🙂

  2. Love your Tesori, it is looking great 🙂
    And the Chihuly is gorgeous…I love his work. Our Children’s Museum in Indianapolis has a whole floor dedicated to his work and how he accomplishes it. I find it really interesting and my kids love to go “play” with plastic pieces that look like his glass and make their own creations. 🙂

  3. Anna van Schurman

    That is so great that you have walked 153 miles! I’m going to have to stop resting on my laurels (the Avon 3-Day) and get off my butt and exercise. You’re an inspiration!

  4. Anna van Schurman

    That is so great that you have walked 153 miles! I’m going to have to stop resting on my laurels (the Avon 3-Day) and get off my butt and exercise. You’re an inspiration!

  5. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Michelle, Your Tesori gets more lovely every time I see it. Really a great piece!
    Chihuly is my favorite glass sculptor from way back…even before he was mainstream. It’s amazing to see his art forms. Hard to believe they can actually make them and then get them shipped and installed!!
    Love seeing your pictures.
    PS: I saw your post on Chatelaine’s Hawaiian Mystery. Aren’t the threads and beads to die for!? I may have to have this one, too. I’m also holding out for the “Provence!”

  6. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Michelle, Your Tesori gets more lovely every time I see it. Really a great piece!
    Chihuly is my favorite glass sculptor from way back…even before he was mainstream. It’s amazing to see his art forms. Hard to believe they can actually make them and then get them shipped and installed!!
    Love seeing your pictures.
    PS: I saw your post on Chatelaine’s Hawaiian Mystery. Aren’t the threads and beads to die for!? I may have to have this one, too. I’m also holding out for the “Provence!”

  7. Your Tesori is amazing. I keep looking at that one and saying “NO” to myself. I’ll enjoy watching your progress and cheering you on.
    Don’t you just love Dale!!! My favorite Chihuly are his plate flowers on the ceiling of the lobby of the Bellagio hotel in Vegas. I could stand and look at those for hours, but my neck would hurt the next day.

  8. Your Tesori is amazing. I keep looking at that one and saying “NO” to myself. I’ll enjoy watching your progress and cheering you on.
    Don’t you just love Dale!!! My favorite Chihuly are his plate flowers on the ceiling of the lobby of the Bellagio hotel in Vegas. I could stand and look at those for hours, but my neck would hurt the next day.

  9. Your tesori is really beautiful. Thank you for your great travel photos. Having not been to Philadelphia, I am making notes from your posts of places to see!

  10. Your tesori is really beautiful. Thank you for your great travel photos. Having not been to Philadelphia, I am making notes from your posts of places to see!

  11. Tesori is looking great!!! Glad to hear Eric is coming home! Thanks for sharing the pictures of Philly .. I’ve never been and they make me want to visit soon! Don’t you love Chihuly glass!

  12. Tesori is looking great!!! Glad to hear Eric is coming home! Thanks for sharing the pictures of Philly .. I’ve never been and they make me want to visit soon! Don’t you love Chihuly glass!

  13. One of the casinos here in CT has a piece like Flame of Liberty but, it’s blue and white. I’ll have to take a pic of it for you when I’m there at the end of the month.

  14. One of the casinos here in CT has a piece like Flame of Liberty but, it’s blue and white. I’ll have to take a pic of it for you when I’m there at the end of the month.

  15. Beautiful photos. You must take a picture of the Chihuly in your building! I love his work and how nice to be able to see a piece of it everyday. 🙂

  16. Beautiful photos. You must take a picture of the Chihuly in your building! I love his work and how nice to be able to see a piece of it everyday. 🙂

  17. Yes, please take a photo of the Chihuly in your building; I’d love to see it! Your Tesori is coming along nicely, BTW. 🙂

  18. Yes, please take a photo of the Chihuly in your building; I’d love to see it! Your Tesori is coming along nicely, BTW. 🙂

  19. Hi Michelle,

    The Tesori project is coming along very nicely, and is such a pretty, dainty piece. The script that the province’s names are stitched in are very nice.

    I was very interested to read through your description of what you’d been through after your divorce. You really are stronger then you think, to have gone through so much, and come away with a determination to improve your life, your health and your mental wellbeing. And to carry through with those goals. To have quit smoking took a lot of strength, and also to exercise, eat healthy and loose weight. Good for you Michelle. I admire you very much for all you’ve accomplished.

    Your quilts are beautiful, but I especially love the red, white and blue square piece. The colours are gorgeous together and the geometric pattern is cool.


  20. Hi Michelle,

    The Tesori project is coming along very nicely, and is such a pretty, dainty piece. The script that the province’s names are stitched in are very nice.

    I was very interested to read through your description of what you’d been through after your divorce. You really are stronger then you think, to have gone through so much, and come away with a determination to improve your life, your health and your mental wellbeing. And to carry through with those goals. To have quit smoking took a lot of strength, and also to exercise, eat healthy and loose weight. Good for you Michelle. I admire you very much for all you’ve accomplished.

    Your quilts are beautiful, but I especially love the red, white and blue square piece. The colours are gorgeous together and the geometric pattern is cool.


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