
Tesori Full 041010

Over the weekend I was a bit restless. And with our fourth anniversary on my mind (you can see a post on that here), I decided to pull out an old WIP to work on. This is Tesori d’Italia. Some of you may remember that I started this piece with the intention of giving it to Eric for our second anniversary. Yes, we are now at four and I’m still working on it. I love this piece so much, except for the border. That border I am not overly fond of. It seems so simple and quick, but when you realize that you have to go up and down that small stretch of landscape that you’re working on five times, it doesn’t look so simple anymore. That is probably why I stalled out on it after completing several of the inner blocks rather quickly. The photo above shows what the whole thing looks like after I started working on that corner on Saturday. Each block has accents of gold metallic in it, which you really can’t see in the photo above, but can see a little bit of in this photo.

Tesori 041110

This is where I left it on Sunday afternoon. You can see I still have a way to go on the border, but it’s getting there. These corners just require a lot of stitching. Thank goodness there are only four! I’d really like to work this back into my regular stitching again, because it is such a stunning piece that deserves to be finished and hanging on the wall. I am stitching this with DMC on white linen.

I wasn’t in the mood for ATS this weekend, and WMHB wasn’t holding my attention either. So, Sunday night when I needed to find something I could stitch in front of you-know-who I decided to pull out another old WIP, the Mystery Sampler by Papillon Creations that was in the Gift of Stitching magazine…a long long time ago.

Mystery Sampler 041010

Excuse my blurry and rather dark photo. This is what the piece looked like when I picked it back up to start stitching. I’ve finished parts one and two and am now moving on to part three. I stitched about fifteen stitches on the M when I put it down. Again, my restlessness set in and I didn’t end up doing anymore stitching. I’m stitching this on Silkweaver Sandcastle with HDF silks. Really a lovely stitch, but I just couldn’t focus.

So, that’s it for me. Hope you’re all having a lovely week.

I am grateful for learning to “dial it down”. Thanks, my friend.

46 thoughts on “Tesoro”

  1. Wow–I love Tesoro, especially when you showed the gold. But I’d have trouble completing it also. The borders, the red, all trouble areas for me! Good for you for persevering

  2. Wow–I love Tesoro, especially when you showed the gold. But I’d have trouble completing it also. The borders, the red, all trouble areas for me! Good for you for persevering

  3. I’ve not seen Tesoro before. I didn’t think the borders were that bad until you pointed out the 5 times around! 🙂

    I hope your restlessness calms down. I’m always unsettled when I feel that way – like I want to do something but then I don’t want to do anything. Weird.

  4. I’ve not seen Tesoro before. I didn’t think the borders were that bad until you pointed out the 5 times around! 🙂

    I hope your restlessness calms down. I’m always unsettled when I feel that way – like I want to do something but then I don’t want to do anything. Weird.

  5. What a beautiful piece! I hope you are able to keep it in your rotation – you’ll finish it in no time.

    ATS is wonderful (of course) and you are making great progress.

    Have a wonderful week.

  6. What a beautiful piece! I hope you are able to keep it in your rotation – you’ll finish it in no time.

    ATS is wonderful (of course) and you are making great progress.

    Have a wonderful week.

  7. I remember Tesoro – it is such a beautiful piece. I think you are well on your way to finishing it now.
    The sampler from GOS is looking good too!

  8. I remember Tesoro – it is such a beautiful piece. I think you are well on your way to finishing it now.
    The sampler from GOS is looking good too!

  9. Wow, you have done so much work on your Tesori – it is a beauty. I can see how going around five times can be a bit daunting, but I know you will get it done someday since you have such wonderful memories tied up in this. I am so looking forward to our week in Italy.

    The mystery sampler is really beautiful. I cannot remember what the whole piece looks like though. I sure hope that this restlessness passes quickly, its not a fun place to be. Hang tough girlie.

  10. Wow, you have done so much work on your Tesori – it is a beauty. I can see how going around five times can be a bit daunting, but I know you will get it done someday since you have such wonderful memories tied up in this. I am so looking forward to our week in Italy.

    The mystery sampler is really beautiful. I cannot remember what the whole piece looks like though. I sure hope that this restlessness passes quickly, its not a fun place to be. Hang tough girlie.

  11. The Scarlett House

    Keep going, Michelle. We’re all cheering you on. Eric will love it! You have my sincerest “atta girl” for working with metallic.

  12. The Scarlett House

    Keep going, Michelle. We’re all cheering you on. Eric will love it! You have my sincerest “atta girl” for working with metallic.

  13. OH WOW – you are so close on Tesori – hang in there – maybe make this your stand a day project and then you’ll get thru the boring parts and soon be home free.
    The mystery sampler is very pretty too. Mel

  14. OH WOW – you are so close on Tesori – hang in there – maybe make this your stand a day project and then you’ll get thru the boring parts and soon be home free.
    The mystery sampler is very pretty too. Mel

  15. Both pieces are soooo pretty, Michelle! I love that Tesoro… I wish they had one for the counties of Ireland. 😉 Without the border, though. LOL The one on Tesoro is sooo pretty–but oy–I always stall out on borders, too.

  16. Both pieces are soooo pretty, Michelle! I love that Tesoro… I wish they had one for the counties of Ireland. 😉 Without the border, though. LOL The one on Tesoro is sooo pretty–but oy–I always stall out on borders, too.

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