Texas Cow & Monthly Goals

I finished it! This is my Texas Cow for Gill‘s quilt she is making out of these freebies. I’ve renamed this one the Lonestar Longhorn though…it sounds a little better than Texas Cow. I am not much of a cow person myself, but I have to admit this one is pretty cute. I finished all the stitching on my Halloween piece too last night, except for one little part because I am missing the thread. Then it just needs beads/buttons and assembly into a treat bag. Maybe I can get that done Wednesday night. I am feeling really good about getting these two things off my plate. My Just Nan RR hasn’t arrived yet (the one coming to me), which is fine because I’d like to get started on Eric’s Christmas stocking. Last year I stitched Tina’s Stocking for me, and I plan to stitch Harry’s Stocking for Eric. These are by Shepherd’s Bush.

As you can see, mine hasn’t been finished into a stocking yet, because I wanted to finish them both together. Here’s what Harry’s Stocking looks like:

My goal list for September basically went out the window, and since it is the 10th of October, my goal list for October is probably out the window too. So, my goals for the rest of the year are as follows:

  • Keep up with monthly Woolly Tyme sheep blankets
  • Keep up with Block of the Month quilt blocks
  • Keep up with Just Nan RR
  • Stitch Eric’s Stocking
  • Finish both stockings into stockings
  • Stitch first ornament from Teresa Wentzler’s Twelve Days of Christmas ornaments for our first Christmas together (got this idea from KiwiJo)
  • Bonus points for starting on my Goddaughter’s birth sampler or working on my wedding sampler

Hopefully, I can accomplish all that. I think I did what most stitchers do, which is start more than I can finish. Right now I have the following started:

  • Mystery 9
  • Midi Mystery 2
  • Winter Snapperland
  • Lemon Meringue Sampler
  • Queen of the Needle
  • October Woolly Tyme
  • Wedding Sampler
  • Flower of Courage (just needs finishing)
  • Bay Sampler
  • Dorothy’s Garden (UFO)
  • Mermaid Treasure Box (UFO)

So, hopefully I can make some progress and get back into the swing of things. But, I think my goal list for the rest of the year is doable…nowhere near what I wanted to get accomplished, but still doable.

I am grateful for seeing results.

14 thoughts on “Texas Cow & Monthly Goals”

  1. That’s a cute finish! Glad you’re feeling less overwhelmed, Michelle – the exact same thing happened to me last week when I counted the number of bibs & onesies my sister asked me to embroider for her baby, who is due in a month. But now I’ve started stitching the bibs, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel 🙂

    I just love those SB stockings are you are totally right to wait till Eric’s stocking is done so you can finish them both at the same time. It really makes sense!

  2. The cow is so cute! I love the SB stockings. I have them all but I don’t know when I’ll find some time to stitch several of them…

  3. Singular Stitches

    The SB stocking is so pretty!! I can’t wait to see the pair finished…just in time for your first Married Christmas together! :o)

  4. Holy Cow, that’s one lovely longhorn! (I like your name better!)

    I want to confess to you that I started doing “thankful” things at the end of my Blog too…what a nice way of staying in touch with the things that you have to be thankful for….it is a sweet sentiment and I stole it…. :o)

  5. thats a very cute cow Michelle, all the best for staying on track for your goals for the next few weeks. Aren’t the SB stockings lovely, I stitched Tina for myself and Robert for my DH last year to celebrate our first Christmas as a married couple. I also stitched Elisabeth stocking for my niece earlier in the year which I hope to have made up in time for this Christmas 🙂

  6. I just loooove the Texas cow! Of course it helps to be a Texan! lol

    The stockings are looking great, I can not wait to see them finished side by side!!!

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