From Prairie Schooler’s Rain, Rain, Go Away
DMC on 36ct Summer Khaki Edinburgh Linen
Finished 5/18/08
As you can see I worked all weekend on finishing my block for Carol’s Neighborhood RR. I just got so behind with starting school and everything. I hated to be late mailing this out, but I wanted it to be perfect and didn’t want to cut any corners. I filled in the door, rather than have the lady standing in it, because Carol didn’t want any people in her RR. Also, this is stitched with one thread over two, as it is 36ct.
I love the way Carol’s RR is coming along. I think my house is a good compliment to the other red house, and also is a good balance to the one in the right hand corner with the tree. Carol, I hope you like it!

It is on its way to Judith’s as soon as I get over to the post office. I have one other errand to run this morning, and then post office it is! And speaking of the mail, I had an unexpected surprise in mine last week.

Lauren sent back my RR. I can hardly believe it, but she finally sent it back. There was no note or anything in the package, but she did send back my RR, as well as the thread and charts I’d included. I am so glad to have it back, but now I don’t know what to do with it. Since I’ve already started another RR, and it is making its way around, after all of us having to do some shuffling, I have no idea what to do with this one. As you can see Toni did finish her block, which I’d never seen a photo of, and it appears Lauren stitched a block too. I’m not sure why she bothered, but maybe she stitched it back before she decided to hold on to it? Who knows. I am contemplating picking out the stitching and reusing the fabric for something else, but I’m not sure yet…so I’ll just leave it as is for now. I am so glad to have it back, regardless of what went on.
School/training is going well. I’ve taken two tests and did well (I missed 1/2 a question on my second test). I am spending the majority of my days there though, so it leaves little time for anything else. On the job front, things are looking really really good – but I’ll keep you posted!
No Just Nan again this weekend, which I am disappointed about, especially since I was making such good progress on it. I may try to pick it up during the week, if I have any stitching time. Hope you all have a fabulous week! Keep stitching!!
I am grateful for those little sideways birds – they make me smile!
WOW! You got your RR back! I can imagine you were quite surprised. Too bad she didn’t include a note indicating why she’s had it for however-many months. It would have been interesting to hear THAT excuse…
As for what to do with it…I would suggest to let it sit for a bit before you make your final decision on it. Fold it up and put it away, don’t look at it, don’t actively think about it. You may come up with a different idea for what you’d like to do with it.
Just an idea… 🙂
WOW! You got your RR back! I can imagine you were quite surprised. Too bad she didn’t include a note indicating why she’s had it for however-many months. It would have been interesting to hear THAT excuse…
As for what to do with it…I would suggest to let it sit for a bit before you make your final decision on it. Fold it up and put it away, don’t look at it, don’t actively think about it. You may come up with a different idea for what you’d like to do with it.
Just an idea… 🙂
Love your block on Carol’s RR 🙂
Gosh, I’m surprised (but pleased!) that you got your RR back. I agree with Kendra, put it away for a while and don’t think about it too much. Maybe when you pull it out again, you might have a better idea of what you want to do with it.
Love your block on Carol’s RR 🙂
Gosh, I’m surprised (but pleased!) that you got your RR back. I agree with Kendra, put it away for a while and don’t think about it too much. Maybe when you pull it out again, you might have a better idea of what you want to do with it.
Your RR block looks great! And how surprising that your original RR came home. Maybe you could save the finished squares and use the unused fabric for something else.
Your RR block looks great! And how surprising that your original RR came home. Maybe you could save the finished squares and use the unused fabric for something else.
That is surprising, and I do agree with everyone else about letting some time go by before making a decision.
Your square on Carol’s NRR is really great!! 😀
That is surprising, and I do agree with everyone else about letting some time go by before making a decision.
Your square on Carol’s NRR is really great!! 😀
jusat wanted to say i think your blog is very inspirational and you have done some amazing work 🙂
jusat wanted to say i think your blog is very inspirational and you have done some amazing work 🙂
I would happily stitch a square on your “old” neighborhood RR. Just for friendship’s sake if you decide not to pick it apart.
I would happily stitch a square on your “old” neighborhood RR. Just for friendship’s sake if you decide not to pick it apart.
Love your block on Carols RR.
Don’t rush the decision on the ‘old’ rr, you may come up with an idea at a later date.
Love your block on Carols RR.
Don’t rush the decision on the ‘old’ rr, you may come up with an idea at a later date.
Lovely house in Carol’s neighborhood. It sure does suit the style. I am very happy to hear that you got your RR back. Wonder if Katrina will see hers. Good luck on the job front – rooting for you!
Lovely house in Carol’s neighborhood. It sure does suit the style. I am very happy to hear that you got your RR back. Wonder if Katrina will see hers. Good luck on the job front – rooting for you!
You’ve done a great job on Carol’s RR…all the houses look great!
And what a surprise indeed! I agree that you shouldn’t make any decisions right away…let it simmer 😉
You’ve done a great job on Carol’s RR…all the houses look great!
And what a surprise indeed! I agree that you shouldn’t make any decisions right away…let it simmer 😉
I agree with Anna, I’d be happy and pleased as punch to stitch a square on your RR…and maybe devote it to being a friendship RR…I definitely wouldn’t pick it out. No way!
On the other hand, I’m sure that you are thrilled to have it back…I just wonder what happened. I know that her grandmother had fallen and broken her hip and had to be placed in a nursing care facility. I think she was the primary caretaker of her….but it doesn’t explain the no communication and holding of it. Did Katrina get hers?
In the end you can be thankful that it’s returned, the other was started and alls well that ends well, right?!
I agree with Anna, I’d be happy and pleased as punch to stitch a square on your RR…and maybe devote it to being a friendship RR…I definitely wouldn’t pick it out. No way!
On the other hand, I’m sure that you are thrilled to have it back…I just wonder what happened. I know that her grandmother had fallen and broken her hip and had to be placed in a nursing care facility. I think she was the primary caretaker of her….but it doesn’t explain the no communication and holding of it. Did Katrina get hers?
In the end you can be thankful that it’s returned, the other was started and alls well that ends well, right?!
Beautful square for Carol’s RR! I am amazed to see your RR returned! I thought that was a lost cause. But I am happy that you got it back-you will figure out what to do with it-give it some time.
Beautful square for Carol’s RR! I am amazed to see your RR returned! I thought that was a lost cause. But I am happy that you got it back-you will figure out what to do with it-give it some time.
A lovely square for Carol’s RR. I was just looking at that chart the other day (contemplating another new start… naughty naughty!) The sideways birds are just lovely – no wonder they make you smile.
A lovely square for Carol’s RR. I was just looking at that chart the other day (contemplating another new start… naughty naughty!) The sideways birds are just lovely – no wonder they make you smile.
What a wonderful surprise to finally get your RR back. I agree with the other ladies; put it away and think about it before you do anything with it.
Love Carol’s RR. It’s coming along beautifully.
What a wonderful surprise to finally get your RR back. I agree with the other ladies; put it away and think about it before you do anything with it.
Love Carol’s RR. It’s coming along beautifully.
I love it Michelle – thank you!!! I am so glad Lauren finally did the right thing and sent yours home. Maybe you could enter it in another Neighborhood RR someday?
I love it Michelle – thank you!!! I am so glad Lauren finally did the right thing and sent yours home. Maybe you could enter it in another Neighborhood RR someday?
Wow, your RR came home! That’s pretty incredible. Do you get a good feeling or a bad feeling when you look at it? If it’s nothing but bad memories for you, then by all means pick it out and put that fabric to good use. Or maybe you could sell the whole piece as-is. If you decide to keep it, you can add me to the list of volunteers to stitch on it.
Wow, your RR came home! That’s pretty incredible. Do you get a good feeling or a bad feeling when you look at it? If it’s nothing but bad memories for you, then by all means pick it out and put that fabric to good use. Or maybe you could sell the whole piece as-is. If you decide to keep it, you can add me to the list of volunteers to stitch on it.
I’m so glad to hear that you got your RR back. I agree with Carol maybe you can send it out for another RR.
Your square for Carols RR is so pretty. It goes prfect on her RR.
I’m so glad to hear that you got your RR back. I agree with Carol maybe you can send it out for another RR.
Your square for Carols RR is so pretty. It goes prfect on her RR.
Yay! Glad you got your RR back. I think I’d be tempted to cut stitched parts out and use to make flatfolds or something. The again, I might be so disgusted with the whole incident I wouldn’t want to see any of it again… best to let it sit in a drawer somewhere for a while 🙂
Yay! Glad you got your RR back. I think I’d be tempted to cut stitched parts out and use to make flatfolds or something. The again, I might be so disgusted with the whole incident I wouldn’t want to see any of it again… best to let it sit in a drawer somewhere for a while 🙂
I am so glad that you were able to get your round robin back. You might consider swapping it with others who have an unfinished robins. Stitch a piece for them and they stitch on yours for you. I have done that a couple of times and it has worked out well.
I am so glad that you were able to get your round robin back. You might consider swapping it with others who have an unfinished robins. Stitch a piece for them and they stitch on yours for you. I have done that a couple of times and it has worked out well.
I agree with Anna, too. You know that I would be happy to stitch a square for you. I’m just glad that you got it back! That’s more than I’ve ever heard of from other RR’s that have met with misfortune. I love your square for Carol’s neighborhood and I’m sure that she’ll be pleased that you were able to stitch on it, even if it’s a little late. 🙂
I agree with Anna, too. You know that I would be happy to stitch a square for you. I’m just glad that you got it back! That’s more than I’ve ever heard of from other RR’s that have met with misfortune. I love your square for Carol’s neighborhood and I’m sure that she’ll be pleased that you were able to stitch on it, even if it’s a little late. 🙂
Oh Michelle – I am so glad your RR was returned. Such a dilemma thought now that you’ve started another one. I am working on yours now. I decided to stitch more than just the 70X70 block since you gave us permission to do that. I will be posting pictures soon.
By the way – Carol’s RR looks great!
Oh Michelle – I am so glad your RR was returned. Such a dilemma thought now that you’ve started another one. I am working on yours now. I decided to stitch more than just the 70X70 block since you gave us permission to do that. I will be posting pictures soon.
By the way – Carol’s RR looks great!
I can’t believe she returned the RR, I remember reading about the 2 missing ones. I am in group 1 and doing a Halloween Theme Neighborhood, I would love to stitch on yours for you, and I PROMISE not to keep it! 🙂
Love the Ps you stitchd for Carol’s RR.
I can’t believe she returned the RR, I remember reading about the 2 missing ones. I am in group 1 and doing a Halloween Theme Neighborhood, I would love to stitch on yours for you, and I PROMISE not to keep it! 🙂
Love the Ps you stitchd for Carol’s RR.