There’s Nothing Like Procrastination

On Saturday, I had the afternoon to myself and I was trying to choose something to work on. For whatever reason, one piece in particular just jumped out at me…my Just Nan RR. This RR was the first RR I took part in and I ended up with a gorgeous piece. It’s just been hanging in my craft closet since it came home (in 2007). I bought a frame for it months and months ago, but there was one minor issue. The piece wouldn’t fit in the frame, it was super close though. What I needed to do was move the names and locations of everyone in a bit, so that it would fit in the frame. I have put off doing this for so long, but on Saturday I finally decided to get out my RR and just do it. I decided to center the names and locations under each block. When I had originally gridded out the piece, I’d given everyone a lot of room and asked them to sign at the bottom of their area…so on some of the smaller blocks it looked a little funny when the gridding came out. I spent the afternoon taking out and restitching all the names and locations, then I laced up my piece and got it framed. I am so happy to have it finally framed and hanging somewhere I can appreciate it. Doesn’t it look lovely? And all it took was an afternoon. Why did I put this off for so long?! Anyway, it’s done now. And here’s what it looked like before I moved the names.

Not too much else going on here…no stitching last night. I’ve made a tad more progress on my rocks since my last photo, but nothing exciting. I hope to get some stitching done tonight though when I get home. Oh, and I thought I’d share with you the darning sampler that my guild is going to be stitching. I’m interested to learn more about darning samplers as well as to have the opportunity to stitch one. The one that’s been chosen is in an old issue of SANQ. Here’s what it looks like…

I’ve ordered the fabric and silks for it, and I’m looking forward to stitching it along with some other guild members. I was hoping to have another finish to share at our next guild meeting (I was hoping for A&E), since I’ve had a finish to share every month this year so far. But, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. A&E is much slower going now than when I started. Maybe I can make some more progress on it this week too. And I did receive a question about the designer on that one – it’s Carriage House Samplings.

Thanks also to everyone for offering to take the magazines. I’ve contacted four people about them and just need a couple more addresses to send them out. Thanks!!! I’m sure as I do some more cleaning and organizing I will find more stuff! And just in case you’re interested, I’ve started another 101 Things in 1001 Days, having finished my previous 1001 Days. My first post regarding it can be found here.

I am grateful for rainy mornings.

58 thoughts on “There’s Nothing Like Procrastination”

  1. Well I’m the first to say…I think your Just Nan RR piece is stunning, the frame is perfection and it is gorgeous!
    Yay! YOU!

  2. Well I’m the first to say…I think your Just Nan RR piece is stunning, the frame is perfection and it is gorgeous!
    Yay! YOU!

  3. Well, for all your procrastination, your piece is absolutely stunning. The frame fits it so perfectly! Worth every bit of procrastination for such a wonderful result. I also like the next project that you have – never seen it before, but I like it a lot.

  4. Well, for all your procrastination, your piece is absolutely stunning. The frame fits it so perfectly! Worth every bit of procrastination for such a wonderful result. I also like the next project that you have – never seen it before, but I like it a lot.

  5. Anna van Schurman

    I remember when you all started this. We’ve been “together” for a long time! It looks great now that it’s framed.

  6. Anna van Schurman

    I remember when you all started this. We’ve been “together” for a long time! It looks great now that it’s framed.

  7. I love your Just Nan piece! The words look much better the way you restitched them and the frame is wonderful! And the guild piece you’re doing is great too! You’re so lucky to have a nice guild near you!

  8. I love your Just Nan piece! The words look much better the way you restitched them and the frame is wonderful! And the guild piece you’re doing is great too! You’re so lucky to have a nice guild near you!

  9. Oh hon – that is just so beautiful done and framed. What a lovely memory. You were right to move the names and the frame is perfect.

  10. Oh hon – that is just so beautiful done and framed. What a lovely memory. You were right to move the names and the frame is perfect.

  11. Your Just Nan RR looks gorgeous. I think you were doing great restitching the names, it looks harmonious now.

  12. Your Just Nan RR looks gorgeous. I think you were doing great restitching the names, it looks harmonious now.

  13. Well done, that’s amazing!

    I’ve had my eye on that darning sampler for some time, and it seems quite challenging – I’ll look forward to following your progress on it.

  14. Well done, that’s amazing!

    I’ve had my eye on that darning sampler for some time, and it seems quite challenging – I’ll look forward to following your progress on it.

  15. Michelle, you Just Nan RR turned out beautiful! I love the frame you chose for it1

    That darning sampler is beautiful! I can’t wait to see your progress on it!

  16. Michelle, you Just Nan RR turned out beautiful! I love the frame you chose for it1

    That darning sampler is beautiful! I can’t wait to see your progress on it!

  17. Your Just Nan piece is beautiful Michelle! The frame is just the perfect touch.

    I love the Darning sampler you are going to stitch. Looking forward to your progress photos on that one.

  18. Your Just Nan piece is beautiful Michelle! The frame is just the perfect touch.

    I love the Darning sampler you are going to stitch. Looking forward to your progress photos on that one.

  19. The RR looks fantastic in that frame! You all done an amazing job on it and you done a great job moving the names and things to make it fit. It looks gorgeous! I love the one your guild will be stitching, that is really pretty!

  20. The RR looks fantastic in that frame! You all done an amazing job on it and you done a great job moving the names and things to make it fit. It looks gorgeous! I love the one your guild will be stitching, that is really pretty!

  21. that RR is just beautiful! I like the way you centered the names also and to have it framed and enjoyed is wonderful!

  22. that RR is just beautiful! I like the way you centered the names also and to have it framed and enjoyed is wonderful!

  23. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, your R&R is very nice. It’s very different and I like that. That darning sampler is also really great. Can’t wait to see you do that one.

  24. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, your R&R is very nice. It’s very different and I like that. That darning sampler is also really great. Can’t wait to see you do that one.

  25. Love that darning sampler. I’ve got that SANQ & I have another darning sampler in a JCS issue. The one in the JCS issue is on my someday list.

  26. Love that darning sampler. I’ve got that SANQ & I have another darning sampler in a JCS issue. The one in the JCS issue is on my someday list.

  27. Michelle, your Just Nan piece is fantastic. What a great design the Darning Sampler is. Can’t wait to see it in progress.

  28. Michelle, your Just Nan piece is fantastic. What a great design the Darning Sampler is. Can’t wait to see it in progress.

  29. Michelle your Just Nan RR is just gorgeous. I have left you another comment on your posting regarding Catherine Theron. Lots of Love Patti xxx

  30. Michelle your Just Nan RR is just gorgeous. I have left you another comment on your posting regarding Catherine Theron. Lots of Love Patti xxx

  31. Michelle, your Just Nan RR is really beautiful and well worth the extra time it took to center those names. And I really like that darning sampler; it’s one I hadn’t seen. Can’t wait to see it in progress!

  32. Michelle, your Just Nan RR is really beautiful and well worth the extra time it took to center those names. And I really like that darning sampler; it’s one I hadn’t seen. Can’t wait to see it in progress!

  33. I’m glad that you were able to resolve the issue with the names so that the Just Nan RR would fit in that beautiful frame. The names look much better the way that you redid them anyway. Congratulations on having another thing of beauty to hang on your wall!

  34. I’m glad that you were able to resolve the issue with the names so that the Just Nan RR would fit in that beautiful frame. The names look much better the way that you redid them anyway. Congratulations on having another thing of beauty to hang on your wall!

  35. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Perfect frame choice for your piece. Isn’t it amazing what images different people can choose and, yet, put them all together and they look fabulous!!?? I know you have a special place for this one. That darning sampler looks interesting. I’d love to see what you do with it!
    Hugs, Deb

  36. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Perfect frame choice for your piece. Isn’t it amazing what images different people can choose and, yet, put them all together and they look fabulous!!?? I know you have a special place for this one. That darning sampler looks interesting. I’d love to see what you do with it!
    Hugs, Deb

  37. Patti-Rocky Mtn Stitcher

    I am wanting to do a darning sampler and was wondering if you ever did this one? Any tips? I have never done any darning types.thx!

  38. Patti-Rocky Mtn Stitcher

    I am wanting to do a darning sampler and was wondering if you ever did this one? Any tips? I have never done any darning types.thx!

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