It has been cold, cold, cold here. On Thursday, I had to miss going to school due to the weather even. Luckily my drive in to work and home weren’t too bad – just a bit icy. I had been looking forward to taking advantage of the below freezing temps to settle in with my stitching this weekend. Friday and Saturday I was stuck with a migraine though, and although I tried to push through it, I didn’t have much luck. I decided it would be best to stay away from ATS until I was pain-free though, just in case.
Thursday night, though, had gotten me thinking. I’d read Glenna’s post on her 2010 stitching. She talked about being completely unremorseful about her stitching habits and starting new projects willy-nilly when she feels like it. And it’s led me to think about a few things. First of all, last week at my guild meeting, we revealed our 2009 MAGIC (My Annual Good Intentions Contract) projects, which of course, were supposed to be finished. You may remember that in 2009 we each brought in two unfinished pieces that we’d like to get finished, and the guild members voted on the one that would be our MAGIC piece. Dorothy’s Garden was the one chosen for me to finish in 2009.

And while Dorothy did get some attention, she might not otherwise have seen, she is still in no way near finished. Maybe it’s the fact I’m stitching her over one that has me flummoxed, or maybe it was the feeling of having to stitch on her that put me off. But, whatever it was, she still isn’t done. This year our guild decided to give each member the option of setting their own goals for MAGIC. I’ve been mulling around what to put down on my little contract, but haven’t come up with anything. I think that setting a goal for myself, feeling like I have to, is the surest way of getting me to not work on something. I haven’t totally decided against it, but I’m leery of putting anything down.
And, the other thing I’ve been thinking about is my stitching habits tend to be all over the place. I love planning and making lists, don’t get me wrong. But, I tend to stitch on whatever the heck I feel like. I hate deadlines, it makes me not want to stitch at all rather than stitch on something I have to stitch on. I like starting new things whenever I feel like it. And although my current list of WIPs is way way way out of hand, for the most part I’m enjoying my stitching and the time I spend on it.
So, I went through some of my in progress pieces, and some I’ve been wanting to start and I realized that the things I love stitching on aren’t those that have a million color changes, or confetti stitching, or large areas of fill in. And while I enjoy over one, I only enjoy it for a short period of time. I narrowed down my list, based on this, of what I might possibly want to try to complete in 2010, or at least focus on. And although I have a secret stitcher gift that absolutely needs to get started on – I didn’t want to deal with it.
While digging through my stash, I came across a 2006 freebie that I fell in love with back then. It called for Vikki Clayton silks, which I ordered back then. I’d even picked out fabric for it, which when I looked at it the other night I decided I didn’t like so much. So, I dove back into my stash to see what other fabric I could come up with. I found the perfect thing, and I started Camille’s French Sampler by The Sampler Girl.

I’m stitching her on 32ct Golden Harvest by Silkweaver using one strand of VC silk over two. I’m not getting that “fat stitch” look that I usually go for. But, after trying it out with two strands, I decided it was too much. I think Jenny Bean finally broke me. And now, I’ve gone for the more lacy “French” look for Camille. Won’t she be pretty? I think Tanya ended up releasing this pattern again recently, but as a chart rather than a freebie. I am so glad I finally started this one. It’s been one of those pieces that has hung around waiting for her time in the spotlight. And she was the perfect thing for my migraine-fuddled mind on the recent icy January nights.
So, I’m glad that my 2010 goals for my stitching, etc. didn’t involve specific goals but rather, “I’d like to do more of” type things. And I did finally get a chance to work on ATS yesterday, but I’ll show you that another day.
I am grateful for willy-nilly stitching.
Creating a detailed, specific list of what to work on is a sure way for those projects not to see the light of day!
I can handle it on a monthly basis (as long as I don’t go crazy and try to plan every little stitching minute) but I know my limitations beyond that LOL
Creating a detailed, specific list of what to work on is a sure way for those projects not to see the light of day!
I can handle it on a monthly basis (as long as I don’t go crazy and try to plan every little stitching minute) but I know my limitations beyond that LOL
Beautiful start on Camille’s Sampler! I have had that same pattern put aside, with the silks, to start for awhile now. Definitely this year!
I finally realized just because I like a chart doesn’t mean I’m going to enjoy stitching it. So this year I think before I buy!
Beautiful start on Camille’s Sampler! I have had that same pattern put aside, with the silks, to start for awhile now. Definitely this year!
I finally realized just because I like a chart doesn’t mean I’m going to enjoy stitching it. So this year I think before I buy!
Wow, that was quite a thought process you went thru and what a great outcome. Tanya’s pieces are just so lovely – I really love all of them.
Oh, I would not want to write a contract in regards to my stitching – that just doesn’t sound fun, which is what this is all about correct?
I look forward to seeing what you start next – your stitching is always lovely!
Wow, that was quite a thought process you went thru and what a great outcome. Tanya’s pieces are just so lovely – I really love all of them.
Oh, I would not want to write a contract in regards to my stitching – that just doesn’t sound fun, which is what this is all about correct?
I look forward to seeing what you start next – your stitching is always lovely!
I think that setting goals for oneself is almost always a road to nowhere. I’ve tried doing it, but never follow through. I’m taking the approach this year that I’ll stitch what I want when I want. And I’m having fun (although we’re not very far along in January). I like your new start and the agree that using two threads would give it too heavy of a look.
I think that setting goals for oneself is almost always a road to nowhere. I’ve tried doing it, but never follow through. I’m taking the approach this year that I’ll stitch what I want when I want. And I’m having fun (although we’re not very far along in January). I like your new start and the agree that using two threads would give it too heavy of a look.
What a lovely start on Camille’s sampler.
Any more when I look at my list of WIP’s and UFO’s I just get frustrated. So I’ve picked 4 and will stitch them as I can. The rest will remain invisible if they are smart lol.
What a lovely start on Camille’s sampler.
Any more when I look at my list of WIP’s and UFO’s I just get frustrated. So I’ve picked 4 and will stitch them as I can. The rest will remain invisible if they are smart lol.
Michelle, I like the way you’re thinking. Our stitching should be fun, not a burden, and that’s the way you’re thinking now. Yay! I love your Camille — very pretty! I like lacy too. 😀 And I love Dorothy’s Garden too — but you should work on her only when you feel like it, not because you have to.
Michelle, I like the way you’re thinking. Our stitching should be fun, not a burden, and that’s the way you’re thinking now. Yay! I love your Camille — very pretty! I like lacy too. 😀 And I love Dorothy’s Garden too — but you should work on her only when you feel like it, not because you have to.
I love that you’ve decided to stitch whatever you want. I think setting specific goals to have this big list finished by the end of the year is the kiss of death. Not fun at all and that’s why I do this and I know you must too! Too much guilt over unfinished projects!
I love that you’ve decided to stitch whatever you want. I think setting specific goals to have this big list finished by the end of the year is the kiss of death. Not fun at all and that’s why I do this and I know you must too! Too much guilt over unfinished projects!
Camille is going to be gorgeous! Wow… your Dorothy’s Garden looks fabulous too… but I hear you on that over one stitching… it’s ok in small amounts.
I’ve never signed on for You Have a Year to Finish…. for my guild either. It’s a way to doom the sampler to the depths of my WIP closet.
Camille is going to be gorgeous! Wow… your Dorothy’s Garden looks fabulous too… but I hear you on that over one stitching… it’s ok in small amounts.
I’ve never signed on for You Have a Year to Finish…. for my guild either. It’s a way to doom the sampler to the depths of my WIP closet.
Camille is so pretty already!
I plan nothing. That’s why I’m always stitching my fingers off at the last minute.
Camille is so pretty already!
I plan nothing. That’s why I’m always stitching my fingers off at the last minute.
I like your thinking! Stitching is supposed to be enjoyable, not pressure and guilt filled. I’m with you Michelle!
I like your thinking! Stitching is supposed to be enjoyable, not pressure and guilt filled. I’m with you Michelle!
I do lists just for the purpose of doing them since I am list maker but I seldom follow them (at least for my stitching). I do what I want as I want. I do have some WIPs that need to be finished up though.
Beautiful work, by the way!
I do lists just for the purpose of doing them since I am list maker but I seldom follow them (at least for my stitching). I do what I want as I want. I do have some WIPs that need to be finished up though.
Beautiful work, by the way!
Very wise thinking, I agree that commitments are a bad thing. Have fun!
Very wise thinking, I agree that commitments are a bad thing. Have fun!
Oh yes, Michelle! I’m a big fan of willy nilly stitching, too! I don’t like deadlines – then whatever I’m working on becomes a chore. I think that’s why I don’t do exchanges or those kind of swaps. Don’t enjoy the pressure. I have several wips but I don’t feel one shred of guilt about them either. No Way! If I let that sort of thing creep in, I’m doomed – none of this will ever be fun. I’ll get to those WIPs when I do or if not, maybe I’ll give them away. I like your plan and I love your new start! Anxious to see your progress on ATS!
Oh yes, Michelle! I’m a big fan of willy nilly stitching, too! I don’t like deadlines – then whatever I’m working on becomes a chore. I think that’s why I don’t do exchanges or those kind of swaps. Don’t enjoy the pressure. I have several wips but I don’t feel one shred of guilt about them either. No Way! If I let that sort of thing creep in, I’m doomed – none of this will ever be fun. I’ll get to those WIPs when I do or if not, maybe I’ll give them away. I like your plan and I love your new start! Anxious to see your progress on ATS!
Hey Michelle,
So, you are getting used to working with one strand!! Yeah! When you get used to it, its’ really hard to go back to two. I actually pick project and fabric count knowing I will only use one strand. 🙂
See you Thursday night!
Hey Michelle,
So, you are getting used to working with one strand!! Yeah! When you get used to it, its’ really hard to go back to two. I actually pick project and fabric count knowing I will only use one strand. 🙂
See you Thursday night!
Good for you and willy nilly stitching i’m with you on that all the way! Stitching is supposed to be a relaxing hobby, right?
Good for you and willy nilly stitching i’m with you on that all the way! Stitching is supposed to be a relaxing hobby, right?
Ahhhh, so refreshing, Michelle. I’m a willy, nilly stitcher, as well. I don’t like to make a precious creative outlet into a horrible task master. My ATS has been calling to me to be worked on this year…but I’ve decided I’ll just put a few stitches in as I want to and see how it progresses. Here’s to a happy new stitching year for you. Hugs, Deb
Ahhhh, so refreshing, Michelle. I’m a willy, nilly stitcher, as well. I don’t like to make a precious creative outlet into a horrible task master. My ATS has been calling to me to be worked on this year…but I’ve decided I’ll just put a few stitches in as I want to and see how it progresses. Here’s to a happy new stitching year for you. Hugs, Deb
Michelle, I like your way of thinking! I am the same… whenever I feel as if I have to do a project, it is the kiss of death for me and it’s put away. It’s why I don’t do exchanges, etc. Well, one of the reasons. 😉 I am trying not to be spastic about what I have started and what I’d like to work on and just enjoy the process. That, in itself, is something I need to work on.
Beautiful progress on your MAGIC 2009 project, and you’re off to a great start on Camille’s Sampler!
Michelle, I like your way of thinking! I am the same… whenever I feel as if I have to do a project, it is the kiss of death for me and it’s put away. It’s why I don’t do exchanges, etc. Well, one of the reasons. 😉 I am trying not to be spastic about what I have started and what I’d like to work on and just enjoy the process. That, in itself, is something I need to work on.
Beautiful progress on your MAGIC 2009 project, and you’re off to a great start on Camille’s Sampler!
I’m a list-keeper, too..can’t help myself, but I usually manage to accomplish what is on it. Hint..I don’t put stitching on it. LOL! I can’t even begin to imagine a contract, though I’m sure that works for some. Your “Camille” is beautiful.
I’m a list-keeper, too..can’t help myself, but I usually manage to accomplish what is on it. Hint..I don’t put stitching on it. LOL! I can’t even begin to imagine a contract, though I’m sure that works for some. Your “Camille” is beautiful.
Love your goals!
I am the same kind of stitcher as you, a deadline is sure to derail me. It’s one of the big reasons I gave up round robins and exchanges. I think my other big issue is always comparing myself to others and how much they are getting done. I think I just need to enjoy the process!
Here’s to a happy new year and lots of stitching time for you :-).
Love your goals!
I am the same kind of stitcher as you, a deadline is sure to derail me. It’s one of the big reasons I gave up round robins and exchanges. I think my other big issue is always comparing myself to others and how much they are getting done. I think I just need to enjoy the process!
Here’s to a happy new year and lots of stitching time for you :-).
I love Glenna’s attitude. I’m setting a rough goal of trying to work on (maybe even finish one?) some of my WIPs. Other than that, I’m going to stitch whatever I feel like, because that’s what it’s all about, right? I mean, goals are nice and all, but we don’t necessarily stitch because we want to get a specific piece done. It’s the journey, not necessarily the destination; though the destination can be awfully fulfilling as well…
I love Glenna’s attitude. I’m setting a rough goal of trying to work on (maybe even finish one?) some of my WIPs. Other than that, I’m going to stitch whatever I feel like, because that’s what it’s all about, right? I mean, goals are nice and all, but we don’t necessarily stitch because we want to get a specific piece done. It’s the journey, not necessarily the destination; though the destination can be awfully fulfilling as well…