This Week’s Progress

I stitched a little bit more on Lemon Meringue Sampler last night. There will be yellow beads in the middle of the green row. I love stitching on this piece. It is just so relaxing and fun to stitch. Tonight I will be stitching some more on Bay Sampler. I just can’t seem to put that one down. I had to move it off of my q-snap onto a scroll frame because I have outgrown all of my q-snaps. I’ve only stitched in hand for small pieces, so I am leery of trying it on such a big piece. And after a while of stitching in hand, my hand starts to hurt…so I’ll try the scroll frame and see how I do. I just love how colorful it is! Speaking of colorful, I have some new stash. Months ago, I printed out the freebie from The Sampler Girl called Camille’s French Sampler. I just purchased the Vikki Clayton threads for it. I don’t the the freebie up on SG’s site anymore though, she may only keep them up for a short while. I keep thinking this would look pretty on a pink or lavender hand-dyed. Opinions?

Maybe a pale green even? Anyway, thank you all for your continued compliments on Bay Sampler and my new quilt start (that is gonna be fun!). I pick up my next quilt block this weekend. And speaking of the weekend, I have a full one planned with birthday get-togethers since my birthday is on a Tuesday. I am also taking the day off on Friday, so I will have a long weekend. And I plan to stitch all day on Friday…now, what to stitch?!

I am grateful for free evenings at home.

8 thoughts on “This Week’s Progress”

  1. I think I’m just going to refer to it as the “cheerful sampler” from now on. It’s so sunny and happy. 🙂 I love the VC colors that you ordered – yum! I think your thoughts on fabric color would be good. Either that or a neutral. Any will work, as long as they don’t clash directly with any of the thread colors. In cases where I’m worried about that, I usually lean towards paler colors.

  2. Your Lemon Meringue sampler is looking lovely Michelle! The colours are so fresh and bright 🙂

    Nice colours for the freebie – I think something like Waterlily Linen (a very pale green) would work nicely with those threads. Looking forward to seeing what you choose 🙂

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