Three Years

On Sunday, Eric and I celebrated three years since our first date. Can you believe it?? He brought me roses and we had a glass of champagne to mark the occasion. It was a nice weekend, and I think we got a lot done.

For example, I was finally able to frame my finished Lemon Meringue Sampler. I had to special order the mat, in order to get the right color, but the frame was a ready-made frame off the shelf. This is now hanging in my kitchen, where I’ve been wanting to see it all along! Hurrah! The mat for my maps though is being reordered a third time, so I am still waiting on a correct mat to be cut. Oh well, that will be a quick and easy framing job once the mat is done.

I will be spending a few nights this week finishing up my Neighborhood RR so that I can mail it out soon. I am hoping to be able to mail it Friday, rather than Monday. I’ve been stitching like mad on it. I apologize that I am so far behind on blog reading, I have a huge amount of posts to read, and obviously, I am also not keeping up on regular postings to my blog either. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things with that. Here’s a photo of Romeo from Sunday, in a typical pose.

Hope you’re all having a fabulous week!

I am grateful for three years of wonderful.

21 thoughts on “Three Years”

  1. How sweet! I’m not even sure when Terry and I had our first date. LOL. Somewhere around 10 years ago. We didn’t actually “date” much; we just hung out a lot together. 🙂 Romeo is such a cutie!

  2. Awww…you guys are on the money with all your special “dates” I can’t get over it! How wonderful that you celebrate all your moments! Our first date was on July 18 (*I think*) in 1994….YIKES now that makes me feel old.
    I love your Lemon sampler…I keep fantasizing about buying the pattern and doing it up…you know I LOVE yellows and lemons…so …..
    Yours framed looks STUPENDOUS!

  3. Aussie Stitcher

    Happy Anniversary. {{{HUGS}}}

    Lemon Meringue Samper looks WONDERFUL!!! I friend of mine looked after our kids today as I worked. When I picked them up she had cooked us a minced beef pasta dish for dinner, and a lemon meringue pie. Her pies are to die for and at any get togethers they disappear really quickly, and we have one to ourselves. YUMMY!!!

    I may have to stitch this for her one day.


  4. The Silver Thistle

    Lemon meringue looks great framed and matted. Super job!

    The roses and champagne are such a sweet touch. Happy anniversary!

    Our first date was around May 24th and we went to St Andrews beach and Castle. That was almost 20 years ago. Yikes, I’m getting old!

    {{{hug}}} for Romeo too 😀

  5. How sweet! The roses are beautiful! Your lemon sampler looks great that mat is perfecto! Just love Casey Buonaugurio designs! I have to get “Time to Bake the Chocolate Cake” some day! Romeo sure is a cutie pie!

  6. I love the lemon Meringue sampler it looks stunning framed. I really need to get one of Casey’s charts.

    well done ( and congratulations on your anniversary)

  7. Happy Anniversary! You did a great job framing your piece! I just love the color of the mat.

    Romeo is such a cutie. I love it when they end up looking at you upside down. 🙂

  8. Your kitty is soooo cute! I also love your monthly sheep designs, I love sheep and bunnies and birds. I like the Blackbird Design too, Cherries for Their Songs (this is actually a historical quote by Joseph Addison: I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.
    Joseph Addison (1672 – 1719), ‘The Spectator’ ). I have so much stash I would love to get to eventually, a couple of Blackbird designs, prairie schooler, etc.

  9. Lemon Merangue Sampler looks wonderful Michelle.

    Happy first date Anniversary to you and Eric! I can’t remember exactly when DH and I had our first date but I do know it was June 1983!

  10. I love black and white cats – Romeo is darling – looks so relaxed. But then don’t cats have THE life? lol

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