Thwarted by Ribbon

The week since I took the Jane Timmers workshop has been interesting, to say the least. I managed to get over to one of my local shops to pick up some more of the Gloriana ribbon I need to finish my Jane Timmers pieces. They are ordering it for me, and it should be in soon (they had calls from two other people needing ribbon as well while I was standing there). So, no ribbon for me. But, I didn’t want my vacation day on Friday to be a total bust, so I got to work on the finishing I could do.

First things first, I finished my needlecase. I just needed to assemble the fron the of the case, attach it to the hinge and then attach my cording to both the front and the back. Et viola, I was finished! Love how it turned out. I am very pleased with it. Next up would have been to finish my biscornu, but alas no ribbon. So, I moved on to making the little ditty bags. I decided to attempt both the triangular (3-sided) bag and the square (4-sided) bag. Thanks to the very generous Katrina, I was able to have my selection of fabrics to use! So, my little bags are finished, they just require ribbon drawstrings. From there I decided to go ahead and put the color copy of Jane’s sampler in the front window of my tin. I hadn’t really decided whether I would stitch the piece and add the actual stitched piece, or just do the color copy. I went ahead and used the copy in order to have this one step closer to finished, but after closer inspection notice it has “2007” on it as well as Jane’s initials. So, I think that I will (eventually) stitch up the sampler myself and then I can decide if I want to place it or a copy of it in the front.

The last thing I did as part of my finishing bonanza was to make the twisted ort jar. I was kind of dreading attempting this, but it wasn’t too bad. The hardest part I found was getting my pieces to fit together. But, despite my minor snafus, I did get the thing together and miracle of miracles – it actually works!! So impressed with myself. (And thanks to Katrina again, I had the fabric to make it!!) You can see it closed in the top pic, and then open in the pic below that one (along with the open needlecase). So, yay!! This is all done minus the ribbon and dealing with that sampler for the front of the tin! And it’s only been a week since the class. Somebody take note.

I mentioned I visited the LNS to hunt down ribbon. Well, you know I can’t leave there empty-handed. Now my parliament of owls has been joined by one more.

And, I’ve found that this little VB bag is the perfect size for holding flossaway bags full of thread for a project – perhaps a project like Angel of Tulips.

Angel of Tulips, which is also finished! (Please ignore cat hair in photo.) I finished stitching this on Saturday night. This is a Good Huswife design that was loaned to me, stitched with the recommended NPIs on 40ct Daily Grind by R&R (the recommended fabric).

And, as a reward for all my hard work I decided that I would start something new – something for Halloween. Can’t wait to show you!

I am grateful for a day at the fair taking (better late than never) anniversary photos.

33 thoughts on “Thwarted by Ribbon”

  1. WOW…. you did a fantastic job of finishing the JT pieces. Congrats on some wonderful stitching and finishing.

  2. I sure hope that ribbon comes soon so you can finish! I just love how everything came out! You do beautiful work. 😀 Love your new owl VB piece too — along with your owl scissors of course. Can’t wait to see your Halloween start!

  3. Beautiful Michelle!! You did an outstanding job on this collection! I remember seeing these a few months back. Amazing to think you have your own set now!! Cant wait till the ribbon comes in, so we can see the Final result. LOVE the owl scissors!!!

  4. Wow! Missing ribbon or not, that set of smalls is spectacular. I love that twisted ort bag. So cool

    And I totally approve of a new Halloween start. Not that you need more encouragement. lol

  5. Michelle, wow. AMAZING. Everything is just stunning. I love the JT needlework set–you must be so psyched with how that turned out! Your Angel of Tulips is gorgeous, too. Amazing work, both the stitching and finishing. YGG!

  6. Wow, what wonderful finishing. Everything looks amazing. I’m in awe. I always do things like that and never finish them. I think I need to just keep looking at these pictures for some inspiration.

  7. That is just stunning Michelle. The stitching is beautiful. But, the finishing – outstanding. It is all so lovely and your fabrics are perfect.

  8. Gorgeous finishing!! Is there a tutorial for the bags somewhere? They are so cute. Your finish is lovely as well. 🙂

  9. SimplyStitchingintheGarden

    Hi Michelle, Love your Jane Timmers workshop pieces. I was able to take that class last year, but I am nowhere as near to finished as you are. Good for you.

    Don’t you just love the ‘twistie’ I make them as gifts for my stitching friends –

    Happy stitching — Roberta

  10. Oh, your project looks so good! Kudos for being so diligent & finishing so much of it. Can’t wait to see it in person.

  11. Wow! You have really been busy! Love everything, but that Angel of Tulips is FANTASTIC! And that VB bag-my weakness! Don’t you just love the owl scissors??

  12. Love your new VB bag–I just got two bags in that colorway; one for my laptop and one for my cell. They make great craft bags 🙂

  13. Love, love, love your madiera tin and all the accessories. They are so pretty :-). Great job on the finishing.

    Cute owl scissors and you know Angel of Tulips is one of my favorite pieces!

  14. Terri(TerriBoog)

    Everything is so pretty! What a wonderful collection. Your work is really lovely and congrats for getting the little ort bag to work! The owl scissors are so cute.
    I can’t wait to see what you’re starting next.

  15. Michelle, you’ve been so busy and everything looks fantastic! I just love everything you’ve been stitching. The fabrics Katrina sent are perfect, too.

    Your owl scissors are very cute, too!

  16. Michelle, I am so impressed – your finishing is just amazing. I look forward to seeing your biscornu as well. What a talented gal you are!

    I love your little angel piece – Goode Huswife has great projects.

    I hope you are having a lovely week – any more big walks in the near future?

  17. Jeanne - WillowTreeStitcher

    Congratulations on your finishes! I loved taking that class with Jane Timmers last year – my set sits proudly on display in my sewing room (although I’ve never actually ‘used’ any of it LOL). The ort jar I thought was just amazing – who thinks of these things? I used the paper copy of Jane’s sampler in my tin window as well – didn’t know how I would attach a linen one anyway and it looks good in my opinion! Love your new stash too. 🙂

  18. Hi Michelle,
    I have seen this twisted ort bag around a lot & would love to do them.
    Is it from a class or can I get the pattern??
    Thanks a bunch,
    Karin 🙂
    in NY

  19. OMG, Michelle! I have been so late in getting over here to see your Jane Timmer’s pieces, and after seeing them I could kick myself for not dropping by sooner! Your work is simply gorgeous. And I covet that VB bag and owl scissors. All lovely, as always.

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