To Market, To Market

Not a whole lot to say tonight. I have to get a move on my Just Nan RR, so that I can send it on. Jenny has just finished stitching on mine, and she posted a pic of the whole thing on her blog. I so appreciate her doing that because I haven’t seen it nor heard any word of it in awhile. So, I am glad to see how pretty it looks.

I took a look at the Hoffman website to see what some of the new Market releases are. Here are a few of the ones that I immediately liked.

La-D-Da’s Mocking Bird.

Raise the Roof’s Off the Deep End.

And the new Mirabilia Fairy, Miss New Year’s Fairy.

My LNS is having a member’s only Market Night tomorrow evening. So, I might see if I can make it there after work and before class to see what they’ve got.

Well, that’s about all the conversation I have in me tonight. I’m feeling drained and maybe even a little depressed. Here’s hoping it passes. And blogger is doing some crazy stuff with my posts now…it is ticking me off!

Walk to Rivendell: Road rolls up and down (Total miles walked: 27.5)

I am grateful for a husband who cooks, and cooks really well!

18 thoughts on “To Market, To Market”

  1. I’ve managed 9.5 miles walking so far – I think I need to step it up a bit LOL 😉

    I love the La-D-Da piece too (and their Tie that Binds release) and I must admit, I’m quite taken with the Raise the Roof one, even though it’s totally different to my normal taste.

  2. I’ve managed 9.5 miles walking so far – I think I need to step it up a bit LOL 😉

    I love the La-D-Da piece too (and their Tie that Binds release) and I must admit, I’m quite taken with the Raise the Roof one, even though it’s totally different to my normal taste.

  3. Well I’m behind on looking at the new releases besides knowing that I got the 150th signed limited edition of the LHN release at the Nashville show…I had told my LNS to get it for me 🙂
    Now I’m going to Hoffman!

  4. Well I’m behind on looking at the new releases besides knowing that I got the 150th signed limited edition of the LHN release at the Nashville show…I had told my LNS to get it for me 🙂
    Now I’m going to Hoffman!

  5. The Silver Thistle

    The only time I see the new releases is when I see them on the blogs, so thanks for showing the Mocking Bird….I love it!

    I’d be grateful for a husband that cooks well too……..but mine can’t and doesn’t, lol.

  6. The Silver Thistle

    The only time I see the new releases is when I see them on the blogs, so thanks for showing the Mocking Bird….I love it!

    I’d be grateful for a husband that cooks well too……..but mine can’t and doesn’t, lol.

  7. Your Just Nan RR looks so pretty!! You made some great choices there with the new releases! I might join you in the walking thing once it gets warmer here (big snow coming in tonight) – in the meantime, I could/should start back on my treadmill 🙂

  8. Your Just Nan RR looks so pretty!! You made some great choices there with the new releases! I might join you in the walking thing once it gets warmer here (big snow coming in tonight) – in the meantime, I could/should start back on my treadmill 🙂

  9. Hear, hear! a man who cooks and cooks well is a godsend and a treasure. I love mine too.

    I love the mockingbird piece too. My Mum used to sing that song around the house when we were little so I felt a connection to it straight away. That mermaid piece is so whimsical and cute.

  10. Hear, hear! a man who cooks and cooks well is a godsend and a treasure. I love mine too.

    I love the mockingbird piece too. My Mum used to sing that song around the house when we were little so I felt a connection to it straight away. That mermaid piece is so whimsical and cute.

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